rn_jacki Member


  • check out this site. You can put in the info you're looking for and see tons of pictures of people matching that description. http://www.mybodygallery.com
  • protein and fiber are the nutrients that you want to really look at for something that's going to help you to stay full for a decent amount of time. While this drink has 5 g of protein, which is pretty good, it has no fiber at all. If you don't ever eat breakfast and are looking for something quick and easy to give you a…
  • Honestly, what you are describing sounds like it has aboslutely nothing to do with your actual weight or your actual outward appearance at all. I do not think you will make any kind of mental change simply by altering your eating habits and exercise patterns. I strongly encourage some kind of counseling to figure out where…
  • I "googled" this just two weeks ago. Found an awesome article by a guy that decided it would be his main form of exercise...what a shock :-) His research showed intercourse burned 250 calories an hour (I think) and foreplay burned 350 calories an hour. However, according to this article, the average person participates in…
  • huh? This workout didn't have an effect on my feet, but I've had that problem before. My favorite fix was to freeze a bottle of water and roll it under my foot. feels awesome!
  • you add breastfeeding to your food diary and it gives you back the extra calories. I believe it's 500 calories if breastfeeding exclusively (typically under six months) and 300 calories breastfeeding beyond. Good luck on your journey!
  • Have you seen the "skinny girl" mixes? Most of our establishments here (Wisconsin) carry these now too. They can skinny a margarita or even cosmopolitan. I think they definitely taste "diety" , but a decent alternative.
  • I agree. I typically plan our family dinners consistently and am pretty boring in my breakfast selections, so I usually add both breakfast and dinner to my diary in the morning so I can plan the perfect lunch and snacks as a balance. It also helps me formulate how much of a workout I need (for the extra calories).
  • I like Turbo Jam and P90X too, but anything through Beach Body is pretty expensive. My new favorite is Jillian Michels 30 Day Shred. It is quite intense, cheap (less than $15), and all you need are handweights at home. My favorite part, it's only a total of 30 minutes for working out :-) Good luck!
  • Whoops, sorry for the delay. I get my 100 cal snack guacamole at Super Walmart. They have a Marketside brand. Otherwise the name brand that you could probably find at most grocery stores is Wholly Guacamole. At Wal-Mart it's right in the produce section by the deli prepared salsas and pre-chopped veggies.
  • I'm pretty fit. I've run on my elliptical and bike with my son and things. I was able to do the P90X and did enjoy the actual workout, but the routine is six days a week and each session is close to if not over an hour. I just simply do not have that much time every day. I have switched to the 30 Day Shred. I found…
  • I was recently told at Lands End that the "W" was more 'petite' meaning shorter than the others. So a 16W would be the same as a 16, just shorter. Not sure if this is true or not, but thought I'd pass it along.
  • Thanks all. I got in a great workout, which I needed psychologically. I think I just won't eat back ALL of the calories I burned. I think cheat days are necessary too, just getting into the whole calorie counting thing though. I appreciate the feedback!
  • I would bet your wife is just uninformed about healthy eating. We think because we are active in our health seeking that others have the same knowledge we do, which just isn't true. Because we are on these message boards and actively working with the website we have learned how carbs and sugars function in our body and how…
  • I worked 12 hour night shifts as a nurse for years. I think having a meal is your best bet. If you can't 'stomach' something heavy then go a little lighter, but when you're sleeping all day you still have to fuel your body to keep you awake at night. I know night shift is historically a snacky shift because people are…
  • FYI: this is so wrong in so many ways. I certainly hope noone actually listens to this. Sure a glass of wine here or there MIGHT not harm your baby. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is NOT just for severe alcoholics. There are NO research studies that accurately indicate how much alcohol is a safe amount of alcohol to consume while…
  • woman and woman's health nurse here. If you have ovulated (I'm assuming you did an ovulation test of some sort) you are not pregnant. Based on the information you shared I think you're malnourished. Your body cannot function properly with a net of 700 calories a day. I don't care what your weight currently is; that is not…
  • Great Info at : http://www.livestrong.com/article/296641-how-many-extra-calories-are-needed-for-breastfeeding/ Here are some highlights 1. The daily calorie intake of a breastfeeding mother should be at least 1,800 calories in total, according to the USDA MyPyramid website 2. For a lactating mother the extra 500 calories…
  • I've been doing it for about a week now. It is essentially circuit training. 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs, repeat. You are going to lose weight quicker by engaging your muscles. It will definitely not 'bulk' you up at all, but muscle burns more fat when you're not working out. Hope this helps.