Women only please! (Unless you're a doctor)

Alright Ladies, here's my situation.

I am 24 and have always had erratic unpredictable periods.The past year however, they have been pretty spot on usually only varying by two to three days. I am not on any form of birth control and my husband and I engage in unprotected sex, although he pulls out. (I know this isnt effective and believe me after this scare we will not be doing this.

I didn't get a period this month and now according to my calander it's 19 days late! I've carefully taken five urine pregnancy tests over the course of the last ten days and all of them say negative. I don't have any early signs of pregnancy like sore breasts or nausea. Around the time I was supposed to get my period I had my normal pre-period cramps but of course, the period never came. I also have ovulated on the correct days too. Just no period. Also I've noticed in the past five days I've been getting what seems like hot flashes at random, usually in the evening. Getting blood work done right now isn't an option as I don't have health insurance.

So am I pregnant? I'm very stressed over this.

Here are some more facts. This past month has been incredibly stressful for me. I'm working full time and taking night classes. I am in a new marriage and although it's happy, it can be trying at times because we are both young. I've been incredibly depressed to the point that my family doctor suggested I seek therapy. I'm still in the process of unpacking my home. Of course like any newly married couple, we have many financial problems. I am obsessed with losing weight and have been furiously tracking everything and beating myself up if I slip or don't work out that day. On average I consume 1,000 calories a day and burn about 300 daily. Over the past three months I've lost 10lbs. Another root of my depression is that my husband lost 50lbs last year and looks amazing and he didn't have to do anything. It makes me feel disgusting even though he is very supportive and reassuring. And now of course I am stressing about possibly being pregnant because I drink a glass of wine every night before bed.

Does this sound like an extremly likely case of a stress induced missed period? Is it possible that I'm pregnant? Please ladies give me some advice. I'm at the end of my rope here.


  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    19 days late as in you should have started 19 days ago? I am betting you are not pregnant but i cant guarantee you that you are not. Stress is one cause. if you are netting 700 calories a day and dont weigh much and dropped 10lbs then those things all could cause you to miss your period. if you get to the next period that is due and it's still a no show and you still show negative on a test then you should head to a doctor. missing a period once in a while isn't a huge deal but it can indicate problems. the only way to know right now, for sure would be a blood test but you said you don't have funds for that so you will just have to wait. sorry I cant help anymore than that.
  • irishkiss
    irishkiss Posts: 115 Member
    Urine tests are not all that accurate. Blood test is the best possible way to tell if you are pregnant this early in the game. I think you can go to a planned parenthood place and they maybe will test you? not sure. or health department? for cheaper than a doctors office.
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    19 days late as in you should have started 19 days ago? I am betting you are not pregnant but i cant guarantee you that you are not. Stress is one cause. if you are netting 700 calories a day and dont weigh much and dropped 10lbs then those things all could cause you to miss your period. if you get to the next period that is due and it's still a no show and you still show negative on a test then you should head to a doctor. missing a period once in a while isn't a huge deal but it can indicate problems. the only way to know right now, for sure would be a blood test but you said you don't have funds for that so you will just have to wait. sorry I cant help anymore than that.
    yes i should have started 19 days ago.

    i didnt consider waiting for the next period, thats good advice thank you.
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    If your period is 19 days late, and the at home pregnancy test was negative then no you are not pregnant. You said that the last month was extremely stressful for you so that's probably why you haven't gotten your period. Stress can cause women to skip their periods for a month or so. I don't know when it will come back or anything, but I wouldn't worry to much about it b/c that will only make it worse.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    urine tests might not be accurate for a while...

    and eating too little/changing up exercise habits and eating habits CAN affect your regularity..

    as can stress.

    sounds like you have a lot going on, and it wouldn't be surprising for your period to be late. If you can afford it though, get a blood test!!!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I would maybe go to a free clinic or a "red door" type clinic. They charge like 20$ or something of that nature if you dont have insurance.. I dont know that anyone except a MD would be able to tell you for sure whats going on unless they saw you.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Mine have been wacky as well. Was three weeks late and freeaaakkkkeeed out!
    Same as you, took tests in the am... followed directions.
    And it was weird because I felt like I was going to get it, cramps, breaking out, hungry etc, just never came :(
    Maybe go to a women's clinic in your town. My friend was pregnant twice and both times tests said negative, so had to get blood work done to find out.
    Stress and change in activity level and weight can mess your period up. It doesnt seem like you are pregnant, but that's just my opinion...
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    OK, I am not a doctor. But I am an older woman. 1) You can still have periods and be pregnant, especially sporadic ones.
    2) Stress indeed will do this to periods. 3) Yes, see your MD. She/He may put you on PCP to stabilize your periods. No insurance, than go to the free clinic. Most cities have them. If you are pregnant, drinking one glass of wine wont hurt. But, I would stop now just in case.******I am NOT a doctor****, just a woman who has been there sweetie. Find ways to eleviate the stress, that is very important to getting back your health.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    You could be pregnant, your body could be changing due to the exercise and weight loss and that can effect it too, or it could be stress. I vote dr for a blood test, good luck
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    where do you live??? If you can find a planned parenthood near you and they will do the blood test for free!!!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    well if the only reason your stressing is because you like one glass of wine before bed at night i wouldn't worry. fetal alcohol syndrome is from severe alcoholics... think a 24 pack everynight. there were actually studies reported in what to expect when expecting that say a glass of red wine everynight isn't going to hurt the baby at all and can actually help in some ways, i can't remember what they were off the top of my head tho. if the book wasn't packed in a box i'd get it and re read it to know for sure. don't sweat it... and if trying to lose weight is stressing you out... try eating a NET of 1200 calories, your body needs fuel to burn fat.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I would suggest laying off of the wine for a few weeks just to be sure. Is there a free clinic where you live? Most the time your local health department will do a pregnancy test for free. Stress is a possibility though, I am on birth control but when I stress I can be a few days late.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I agree that stress can play a big role on your late period. From reading your post, I feel stressed out. If you are only netting 700 calories- that doesn't sound healthy. I would also agree to wait til your next period. If it doesn't come, take a test and probably go to the doctors to get a blood test done to be sure. There might be more to it...
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Most likely if the tests are negative, you are not pregnant, but my only suggestion was going to be going into a doctor and having them check. If health insurance is an issue, you could always go to a family planning center and they will only make you pay based on your income. Many places also offer the first preg test free. If you think you have enough stress in your life that it could be the cause, you probably have too much stress! And also keep in mind that you when you are cutting you're calories so far back and are doing that for an extended period of time it can have an impact on your menstrual cycle. Any quick/extreme weight losses or gains can change things up. good luck!
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    Maybe go to a women's clinic in your town. My friend was pregnant twice and both times tests said negative, so had to get blood work done to find out.

    its stories like this that scare me the most
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    sudden weight loss can stop menstruation......we see it at work in clients who have a history of drug use (which causes them not to eat and have poor nutrition) which leads to sudden weight loss and loss of menstruation. When they get more healthy and start eating better and eating more, this natural cycle returns.

    I don't see how so many preg. tests could be wrong - its based on science!

    I would say its because of your low calorie intake, drop in body weight and stress levels.
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    Go to your local Planned Parenthood. Have them do an exam/pregnancy test. There is no way for anyone on this site can tell if you are pregnant, or if you are having any other health trouble. It could be stress. It could be from the weight loss. It could be something else. But since you mentioned not having insurance, Planned Parenthood is a great resource. They typically charge for women's wellness exams on a sliding income scale.

    It will put your mind at ease and take *some* stress off, since it sounds like you have enough already.

    That is my advice -- take it or leave it.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    A pregnancy counseling center often offers free pregnancy tests. Stress can and WILL affect your cycle, as will sudden changes in eating habits. Good luck.
  • rn_jacki
    rn_jacki Posts: 21 Member
    woman and woman's health nurse here. If you have ovulated (I'm assuming you did an ovulation test of some sort) you are not pregnant. Based on the information you shared I think you're malnourished. Your body cannot function properly with a net of 700 calories a day. I don't care what your weight currently is; that is not even close to enough. Increase your diet to a minimum of a net of 1200 calories and I would bet you would see rapid improvement. If you do not I would seek care from a physician.
  • rjanson
    rjanson Posts: 6 Member
    All I can say is, I had one period in six months after being regular for several years.

    I had bloodwork and ultrasounds done and everything was fine.

    So, for me, I had to just put it down to stress! I changed jobs and all of a sudden I was back to normal. :)

    So yes, stress is a VERY likely factor!

    But - I also agree with the person above. You should really be consuming 1200 calories net. :)