

  • not gonna lie.. you look like john mayer now.
  • Congrats :D! you look awesome!
  • When I was running three miles every night was the only time my thighs didn't rub together. From what I've read, running plus squats and lunges will help a ton!
  • I started yesterday! I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding and only 29 days til the big day! I figured what a great time to start the 30 day shred. Wish me luck:) Add me as a friend if you want to help each other stay on track :)
  • I was a strict vegetarian for two years, and I've added a few meat things back in, but I'm leaning towards doing it again. Almost everything has protein in it, you probably don't even realize how much you get daily! Americans get way more than they need, because we use meat in practically every meal. Try MorningStar brand…
  • I have days like this too!! But hey, you recognized that it was bad. Write down how bad you feel, and next time you'll see how eating things you crave negatively affects your mood. Next time you have an amazing day or an awesome workout, write THAT down, and see the huge difference. Tomorrow is a new day, start fresh and…
  • Congrats, and the blonde hair looks great too!!
  • Congrats!!! Clothing victories feel better than scale victories sometimes!
  • Non-Scale Victories! Like slipping into that pair of jeans without having love handles :)
  • I am SO in!! I screwed up SO bad last weekend and even though it's Wednesday, I'm not back to my peppy-strict-healthy self yet!
  • Jullian MIchaels DVD that is about $7 at Walmart. 20 minute workouts, 3 levels. They HURT! haha so yes, they're good for toning. They work on 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute abs, and this cycle repeats 3 times.
  • Lipton has a diet green tea that is mixed berry flavor, and I love it. Ive tried all types of green tea, and this is the only kinda I like so far!
  • I had a soft drink the other day, a Dr. Pepper, my one true love, and guess what? I could have died!! I felt so bloated and disgusting, which is how I used to feel all the time. I realize while the scale isn't moving like I want it to, I feel way better than I used too!! Our weaknesses give us new strength :)
  • Being under some days and over others keeps you from a plateau! Its called zig-zagging, and theres a ton about it online. I've been doing it, and I felt guilty at first, but on Monday's when I weigh, I've never gained anything back! I splurge on Saturdays if going out with friends, but I definitely try not to go more than…
  • CardioX, Kenpo X and AbRipper are my favs! I like fast paced, sweaty workouts, they make me feel like im actually accomplishing something!
  • Zone perfect protein bars are AMAZING!
  • Try doing measurements instead of the scale. While my thigh weight hasn't dropped as drastically as I'd like, I CAN see it moving. and My waist has shrunk almost 2 inches! I've lost about 10 inches so far, and only 9lbs. The measurements help!!
  • I have days like this and I load up on veggies! I'm madly in love with the kind that steam right in the package. I had a FULL bag of veggies and a MorningStar veggie chicken patty, and a GIANT diet green tea for lunch today and it's less than 230 calories. I'm wonderfully stuffed :)
  • I found the page, so I'll type out this passage in the Skinny B*tch book: " Caffeine can cause headaches, digestive problems, irritation of the stomach and bladder, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. It affects every organ system, from the nervous system to the skin. Caffeine raises…
  • congrats congrats congrats!! such an inspiration, you both look so great!! It's shaved off a few years too! Keep up the good work, you look stunning girl!
  • I recently purchased the book "Skinny B*tch" and I highly recommend it as long as you aren't easily offended. It has great facts in it, but has quite a bit of foul language. I purchased it off alibris.com cheap. Anyways, in this book it says caffeine stores fat, and that you should wean yourself off of it. BUT then I read…
  • I used to eat out on a daily basis. It was ridiculous. It was like I couldn't pass a drive through. I'm a full time college student, and I work 30+ hours a week, so there isn't much time for me to do preparations! I really really really love the vegetables you can steam in the bag. Green Valley has broccoli florets (which…
  • Also, I eat Zone Perfect protein bars when I want something sweet, they taste a lot like candy bars! But then I'm over on the protein portion of my daily goal. Is this important?