infosynth Member


  • Be especially careful if your hair is color-treated. The Ultra-Swim products may not help that. I am a brunette and when I swam competitively, the combination of the chlorine and sunshine turned my hair orange (OK, more of an auburn, but still...) when I was in 7th grade... YMMV, though. (We swam outside in a bromine pool…
  • I'm not a fan of fat-free food but I will say that, after side-by-side comparisons, I settled on fat-free Fage greek yoghurt. It's delicious by itself (no sugar or fruit-on-the-bottom=empty calories) and I only need 1/2 cup to feel full. It tastes fresh and creamy, not sour like some others, including Chobani.
  • IT consultant, primarily enterprise CRM systems
  • Am I the only one who thinks getting hit on for one's looks is awfully shallow? Aren't you the least offended that the only reason the person--who doesn't even know you--comes over is to check you out? Please. I don't find it flattering at all. A friendly, on-topic conversation to break the ice? Sure. Some intellectually…
  • Most folks don't realize there are different measures for "cup" depending on where you are. Here are a few: 1 US Cup is about 236.5 ml 1 metric cup is 250 ml 1 UK cup is 284 ml Confused now? Most of the reference to "cup" in recipes are probably US. Also, there are differences between liquid volume and dry volume. One cup…
  • Old-fashioned oatmeal with 2T ground flax and 1/4 c 2% milk, plus coffee with 2T half & half (my one luxury). Usually about 325 cals using sweetener (Spenda or Truvia) in the oatmeal; more if use sugar. Lunch is usually my largest meal of the day because I often do not get to eat much again until later in the evening (8 or…
  • You might consider talking with her physical therapist about what kinds of exercises would be most helpful to her in her weight loss journey, given her current physical condition.
  • I've compromised. I love dark chocolate, but I'm using cocoa as a staple. Cocoa has very few calories (10 per tablespoon). It's very tasty when made hot with water instead of milk. Use your favorite sweetener or sugar, and add "milk" (soymilk, creamer, cream, milk--whatever you prefer) as you would to coffee. Or just leave…
  • As you attain better cardiovascular fitness, your heart rate will return to "normal" more quickly. There is less to the "after burn" theory than people realize.
  • Google is your friend. Just search "recipes" and you'll get tons of recipe sites.
  • Rice is high-carbohydrate. Are you balancing it with fat and protein? (Your diary is private, so we can't see what your intake looks like.)
  • It would be helpful if you made your diary public so folks can take a look to see what you're eating, what kind of and how much exercise you're getting, and how much water you're drinking.
  • You've already found the source of the problem with these events---staying at the table for too long and "nibbling." How often do these "family dinners" happen? Weekly? If so, you might consider clearing your place setting when you have finished eating all you "should" eat, and then just sit there and talk/laugh with the…
  • Some hormone changes still happen with the pill, so it might just be water retention. I gain 5 (and sometimes more) lbs. the week before my TOM (and I'm on the pill too). Remember, you're on the inactive pills at that time (or should be), so you're not getting any hormones from the pill for that week. It's frustrating for…
  • It's probably anecdotal based on the dubious notion that we crave what our bodies need. If that were true, we'd all be "normal" weight individuals, right? I've had experiences where I've made myself a meal or snack and eaten it, only not to enjoy it much because it wasn't what I "wanted." Just a thought.
  • I find that many exercises tax my knees too much. I don't have tendinitis, but I have incurred several "impact" injuries over the years (since I was pre-teen, actually) and my knees are definitely worse for the wear. I just accept this and do only those exercises that my knees can tolerate. For example, squats and lunges…
  • Bump = you agree with the previous post.
  • Looked at your diary for the past week or so. Here's what I see: 1. Too much alcohol. These are like empty calories from regular soda. On 5/28, alcohol was 1/3 of your total calories for the day! Try stopping entirely for a few weeks and see what happens. 2. Too many carbs and not enough protein. The alcohol is…
  • If you weighed it after cooking it, you've added the weight of the water as though it were pasta. Water has no calories, so you've probably OVERestimated. You're probably not as far off as you think after all. As someone mentioned, it's best to measure pasta and rice dry because the volume after cooking will vary according…
  • Note that for those of us who use lbs instead of kg for weight, this means you should eat approximately 1/2 (one-half) your body weight in lbs. in grams of protein. If you weigh 220 lbs (about 100kg), try for 100g protein per day. 1 kg = ~2.2 lbs
    in protein!!! Comment by infosynth May 2011
  • I assume you're looking at the MFP database entries. Some are recorded as dry/uncooked and others are cooked. Many of the entries specify cooked vs. dry. In any event, it is more accurate to use the dry weight (or volume), assuming you know it, because when rice is cooked, it expands significantly because of the water or…
  • It could be the additional chromium or selenium in those vitamins. Those supplements make me feel sick, too.
  • There are some differences in formulation. One thing to be aware of is that each vitamin in the "metabolism" or "energy" category has 100+ mg of caffeine, approximately the same as 1 cup of coffee or 2-3 cups of black tea (1 "bag" or tsp each). In general, though, if a multivitamin gives you 100% of…
  • You will not bulk up like a man. Period. It's a myth. Do all the lifting you want.
  • Sleep hygiene is critical to good health. Deprivation can actually derail your weight loss efforts and it causes all kinds of other health problems. The problem isn't with your energy level, it's with your sleeping arrangement. Take care of yourself and sleep separately if he's keeping you up on a regular basis. And please…
  • The people who see you every day are less likely to notice the change because to them it's gradual. Someone who has not seen you in a while (since before a major weight loss, for example) will notice right away. The question is whether you *want* someone to make a comment about your weight..
  • You're probably losing muscle now. Why did you stop going to the gym?
  • @kathykibby Don't mess around with your back. Get yourself a trainer who can adapt exercises accordingly.
  • Agree with huffdogg. But: You're in your 20s and it's likely that you will have better results in that area than someone (like me) in her 40s. Skin loses elasticity over time, but you've got much more time than some of us! :bigsmile:
  • Uh...yes...Yes...YESSSSS!