Toning help me please



  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    Building up your chest muscles does perk breasts up a bit but as for the skin there is not a lot that can be done short of surgery. Try push-ups.. from your knees or off the wall until you advance.. to strengthen your chest. :flowerforyou:
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    loose skin will gradually tighten back up to a large extent but it is definitely something that takes time and depending on how heavy you were at your heaviest and how small you get, there may not be enough elasticity for it to tighten all the way back up.
  • infosynth
    infosynth Posts: 81 Member
    Agree with huffdogg.

    But: You're in your 20s and it's likely that you will have better results in that area than someone (like me) in her 40s. Skin loses elasticity over time, but you've got much more time than some of us! :bigsmile:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    :embarassed: Ok went to the store the other day because I know I went down in bra size so this is embarassing so please people be nice to me I am really upset I almost cried. I have gone from a 48DD to a 44D which is fine but now I have skin EWWWW :mad: WTF are my breasts gonna be pancakes with skin?? PLEASE HELP me I love my big breasts! I need exercises to do to tone up the skin or build muscle in that area something!! I am really really upset about this and really sensative. I know I will not get immediate results but I can work hard at it with what I saw yesterday I probably should be in an even smaller size then the size I did pick Its bad enough I am fat and now I am losing my favorite thing on my body or it is not looking good please someone help me!:sad:

    It's very hard to say whether there will still be some loose skin or not. Many factors go into whether the skin will bounce back: your age, how long you carried the extra weight, your hydration level, whether you're a smoker, how quickly you lost the weight, your exercise, etc. So don't give up!

    You can work the muscles in the chest and back to take up some of the room that was formerly housing fat though, and this can help. Don't worry about using heavy weights--it is literally impossible for you to bulk up like a man would. Lift as heavy as you can and still maintain proper form.
  • BroncosHokies
    I use free weights to help tone that area. I take a bench and use about 10 lb weights in each hand (use what weight is adequate for you though!) and lay flat on your back. Put your arms straight up in the air and just bring them down like a bench press. I'm not an expert but i've noticed if i do a lighter weight but more reps I get a more lean look rather than muscle build up. So if you want lean, less weight more reps, want muscle, do more weight less reps (work muscles to failure point). But really girls cant bulk up like guys. Just more of a lean thing. Not sure how to explain that. Also, I use about a 5lb weight in each hand standing up and make "punching" motions straight out. This works more of your shoulders but gets that spot around the arm pit as well and this might help! Only do weight exercises every other day though! I hope this helps. I am by no means an expert but these have worked for me in the past when toning this area! Good luck and stay positive!
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    :flowerforyou: Thanks everyone! I am not a smoker, I stay hydrated! I gained weight at 17-18ish was alittle chubby but not obese like this! my kids did me in lol Ok so I googled it and I think your right with the weights! its called something fly. so maybe I should do pushups and flies with weights? so is this every other day! sounds great! thank you all so much for the help. So if I just stick with it and do some of these exercises you suggested and let time catch up with me I should be good! its tough tho! Its like the first place I lost weight! so its just upsetting to have extra skin:cry:
  • BroncosHokies
    Yes you should only do weight exercises every other day! Back in high school I did weights a lot for sport conditioning and that was what our trainers at school always told us to do! Even when it comes to extreme ab workouts! But the best thing you can do is stay positive! I know its really hard. I've just started and my goal is 32 lbs and I just keep seeing my tickers saying 0 lbs lost but I know the more I work at my goal and stay positive the easier it will all be. You can do it! Plus keep in mind with rapid weight loss there will be loose skin that will take some time to shrink up like everyone else has mentioned that might not go away with weights. But toning will help! I sometimes go to to find arm exercises when I don't know what exercises to do as well.