

  • No. You still have not debunked this theory; you stated your opinion, which is not fact. You simply called it nonsense, a typical sophomoric response, and provided no facts. I actually did not state a theory, at all. So you have made an assumption about what I may or may not know. I simply stated in my original post what…
  • I never stated it was a keto diet and I never mentioned going into ketosis. I did however respond to the OP because she mentioned specifically Chris Powell's method. You mentioned you can't find any reason to mess with carb intake if not going into a Ketosis state. You could simply browse the book yourself to answer your…
  • I was carb cycling before I read the book or realized that it was even a technique. Using the information in Chris's book I've not had a 5 pound + or - fluxuation in weight on high and low carb days, except after free/reward days and that would be about a pound.I've noticed I lost less on a high carb day but never gained…
  • I like the sprouted grain with sliced banana on it.
  • Try to find a good allergy/asthma specialist in your area. I have asthma, however not exercised induced, but from allergies. I cycle, practice martial arts and do cardio but I don't run. I do have friends that are avid runners who suffer from asthma. They have it under control so they can run etc. Definitely get checked…
  • I'm glad your having great results with Chris's carb cycling! Although doing Turbo Fire is pretty cool too! I just invested in his books too. I've been kind of carb cycling myself without a set plan but I was hoping the book might clarify a few things for me. Chris comes across a sincere on his show and the results I see…
  • Thanks for the breakdown on this. Great info. I figured lifting heavy was a relative term but you clarified what reps for strength and endurance too, which is helpful knowledge. I primarily do martial arts(Kung Fu, TKD and Tai Chi) and cycle. I'm doing a hybrid of P90x and insanity too. Any weight training I've done has…
  • Sorry but I don't agree that cheating means your on a diet and you should by default just fit it in as you want it and if it fits your goals. If that is what works for you go for it, but I dont eat deprived, ever. By this I don't just mean adding a square of chocolate oif you want it but a high value meal that wouldn't…
  • Personally, I limit it to a cheat meal, maybe once a week but I've been stretching it to every few weeks. I don't think I would go wild for a whole day though. I usually try to have something that is not the hardest thing to bounce back from too, but that is what works for me. Also maybe a small desert type treat if i…
  • Even though lettuce isn't caloric dense, I try to log it as close as I can anyway. I wasn't logging things like black coffee which is technically zero calories but I have found when tracking sodium that everything seems to include it. Overall probably not a big deal but by keeping as close as possible with low caloric…
  • I don't know about this one guys. Sounds kind of unhealthy. Moving could be dangerous too. Personally I'd look to a differant program, one that isn't a fad like this one. And if you do insist on trying it anyway, I'd start slow! Lol
  • I haven't been logging in as I've been dealing with a shoulder injury. Actually what was thought to have been an impingement turned out to be a torn rotator cuff. After 8 weeks of a green light I and hitting a plateau, I was sent for an MRI which revealed a slight tear and mega inflammation. Saw the specialist today and…
  • I don't think I could ever do without my Vitamix. I make green smoothies twice a day with it. It does carrots so that they are not grainy and although it wasn't my plan it does so many things like making frozen yogurt, incredible smooth homemade peanut butter and the best textured hummus I have ever had. Homemade…
  • I was feeling sluggish all day. Allergies maybe. I hope I'm not coming down with anything as half the people I've been around lately have some sort of cold. Loading up on 5000mg of Vita C a day! Anyway I got home this afternoon and decided I'd put Power Kata 45 in and try to push through it. At first I felt fatigued but…
  • Hit Power and Inner Warrior. 580 calories burned before inner warrior about 1/2 hour.
  • I've really been limiting grains. I'll use either cous cous or wild rice rice but limit it to no more than 1/2 cup serving (about 85 calories and 18 carb grams) once per day. It still pushes my carbs pretty high so I'm holding back on it until I'm at a maintenance stage. I'm getting a lot of carbs from in season fresh…
  • Finished week 1 yesterday! Today is my rest day, then back to start week 2 tommorow night. I'll look at the schedule and try to preview the workout so I don't have to rewind, so to speak.
  • Just finished my Day 5, Power Kata45. Got a burn of 666 calories! I forgot how much I missed Martial Arts. :( I have a heavy bag sitting there and feeling inspired to put it up. I think tomorrow is Warrior 2, so I'll see what that's about. Good stuff. Off to make a recovery drink.
  • I usually have 1/2 cup of egg-whites, 2 strips turkey bacon, 1/2 to 1 cup of strawberries or raspberries, one small glass of a green smoothie and a cup of green tea or coffee. I'll have the remainder of the green smoothie for a mid morning snack.
  • Day one completed!
  • Today was my official Day 1. I did run through a few of the workouts last week so I could get a good feel for the program, but today I revved the intensity it up! Tomorrow night will be the true test as I will be doing Body Combat in the evenings after a full day of teaching, but it will be worth. I'll be doing the whole…
  • I love craft beers too, so I feel your pain. I've cut out all beer until I hit my weight loss goal, at which point I'll be able to add some calories back in for maintenance weight. It's been April since I had a good beer and it will probably be by the end of July before I have another one, as I'm trying not to cheat on…
  • Although I am planning to stick to the 6 day schedule, my week going from Tuesday to Sunday, with Monday being my rest day, I decided to run though Combat30 this evening. With my TKD and Kung Fu background I was able to keep up. I don't have a TV in my basement so I'm using a portable player to play the videos, and the…
  • @RoseTears143, I joined the Body Combat accountability group. I looked at 2 workouts, should be fun.
  • I'm considering this. I've been doing Power90 and adding a few HIIT and extra cardio on the strength days. I used to be pretty active in martial arts and I miss it. This looks fun. I have the program, I don't think it was ever taken out of the box by the person who gave it to me. How long are the workouts? Close to 45…
  • You look fabulous! What a great job!
  • I would never drink a Miller lite... Or any lite beer for that matter. If I want a Guniness, good craft or Belgium beer, and I do, I will wait for the appropriate time. I guess I haven't had a beer in about 2 months now and it's bothering my craft beer snobs more than me. I have several cases of good stock in my basement…
  • Thanks Pinky! Everyday is a new day! Lol But I'm having fun with working out right now!
  • Hi! I added you too. I have only recently joined the community here and don't really know anyone! I'm about halfway through my weight loss and also really into the longterm fitness overall health side of things!
  • We do a white bean quinoa and kale soup. In small stockpot, Sauté in olive oil, an onion, some green and red bell pepper, all chopped, and equal amounts. Add oregano and cumin and then about 1/2 of a fresh tomato to add some acid to it. Lightly finish sautéing it. Drain a can of white beans and stir them in for a few…
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