LauraSchaller Member


  • I take AdvoCare Supplements & Meal Replacement Shakes... Personally.. I only drink the Meal Replacement Shakes 1-3 times per week because I want to teach myself & my body that it's okay to have food for breakfast! Normal, Real food. I usually save them for mornings after I work-out before work... From them, I also take O2…
  • I use a meal replacement shake for breakfast - 230 cals, 22g protein and packed with vitamins & minerals and absolutely LOVE it! It just depends on what works for you.. I only do one a day (I fail miserably if I try 2 shakes a day.. I get super hungry.. I think my body/mind needs that actual "eating" feeling to feel full)…
  • There's a Marathon Runner named Dane ... Rouchenberg (? spelling ?) and he used Beef Jerky as a protein after his races! Couple years ago he ran a marathon a week and now does a lot of Lean Beef promotions because of his love for beef jerky! It's a GREAT protein!
  • Drink half your weight in ounces! Flush your system.. I try to do a gallon of water a day. It is NOT hard to do AT ALL!
  • Day 10 on the 24-Day Challenge and I feel the best I have felt in a LONG, LONG time. Say what you want... I kept putting it off for a long time and finally decided one day to just do it. I'm so glad I did. Different things work for different people - looking forward to seeing how this works out long term.
  • Dark Chocolate Almonds - Yum! :)
  • Put some chrystal light to-go packets in your purse or clutch.. order a vodka & water, mix in half a packet .. stir .. drink .. be merry :)
  • Happy Hump Day, Friends! Make it a FABULOUS Day!
  • I really want to run today too ;) Since I'm on Week 2 of C25K, I thought about doing the Week 1 program on my Off Days of Week 2 (confused yet?!) but I don't want to overdue it. I'm going to hit the gym after I leave my office this afternoon and do some strength training.. you can't be a great runner without a fabulous…
  • Hi Girls! Sorry I haven't posted much lately - things have been crazy with the Easter Holiday and a HUGE meeting at work today! BUT! I got out there and did Week 2, Day 1 today on the treadmill at the gym and it felt AMAZING!! I still feel great - though definitely READY FOR BED - but I'm super excited. It feels like it's…
  • Not married.. but my boyfriend is a Lt Firefighter for his volunteer department, and a full-time EMT. The last year has been crazy, busy as he went through Medic School and it's such a relief now that it's OVER! National Registry coming up on April 18, then the tests begin for a full-time firefighter / paramedic position.…
  • I finished Week 1 of C25K last week and Day 3 was the GREATEST by far! New running shoes made a huge difference in my work-out and the weather was absolutely perfect. Looking forward (I think!) to starting Week 2 today!!
  • I agree! Different threads for different topics - then if someone has a question they can ask it via thread too!
  • I think we may need to move this into a "Group" type thing .. It can be challenging to continue going back through to find the posts and I don't want anyone to be discouraged because it's not easy enough for them to find. Just a thought!
  • I'm still sore today from my First Day of C25K & Zumba Class on Monday .. but this is my indication that it's WORKING! For many of us, today is W1D2 of C25K - Don't let the weather get in your way, don't let your agenda get in your way.. get out there and do it today. Make yourself proud & make all of us proud - Can't wait…
  • Thompson Square, Darius Rucker, & Lady A in Cleveland in June ... Chris Young, Jared Neimann, Miranda Lambert in Columbus in June ... Luke Bryan & Jason Aldean in Columbus in August ... and Lord knows where else. Love our summer concerts here in Ohio!
  • I've never done C25K before, this is my first go 'round. I've always wanted to get into running because of the long term effects it has on good health.. however, I was a basketball player for 6 years and in my mind - distance running = punishment for a bad game or practice. So I'm trying to work past that, even if I…
  • I'm Laura & I'm claiming Wednesday! I'm SO SO happy that I found this - JUST completed Week 1 Day 1 this afternoon and got on the msg boards to see if anyone else was doing. Glad I found this :) Add me if you wish! Good luck!
  • I'm IN! Starting Weight - 243 (Sunday 1st April) Goal Weight Loss - 9.72 lbs Week 1 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 9th April) Week 2 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 16th April) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 23rd April) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 30th April) Total Lost - xxx lbs. (Monday 30th…
  • The show itself was probably one of the best produced Awards Shows that I've seen in awhile. Just another reason why I love the Country Music Industry - real people, real songs, humble, down to earth, and a solid foundation with unbreakable traditions. It was fun to watch some of our friends on the GAC Red Carpet Special -…
  • 1. In 2001, I was the National 3-Baton & Hoop Baton twirling Champion! 2. I grew up in Truck & Tractor Pulling.. I still love the smell of diesel fuel, the sound of a performance engine, and dirt :) 3. Vegetarians & Vegans frustrate the crap out of me. Especially when they are doing it to "save the animals". Same goes for…
  • She's JUST like the majority of US. She ate unhealthy.. she didn't incorporate exercise into her daily plan.. and now something has FINALLY happened to set the light bulb off. We're all on this website for our health goals - right? We've all been down the road of unhealthy eating and damaged our bodies too. Now she's going…
  • OHIO!!!!!!!! If there are any single Ohio guys out there, just feel free to friend me ;)
  • Originally from NW Ohio ... I now live in Central Ohio!
  • I'm a Member of PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals ;) Not a PETA Fan, or an HSUS Fan. Both organizations do more harm than good. Leave our Agricultural & Animal Industries alone.
  • So after worrying about this.... and praying about it too..... my hours at work changed yesterday! They have me coming in a 1/2 Hour earlier in the mornings now, and in turn, will leave a 1/2 hour earlier in the afternoon. This gives me ample time to get in a great work-out between jobs and still have that extra 30 minutes…
  • Printing this off to keep with me! Thank you for that reminder!
  • You guys are amazing :) Thanks for the tips & suggestions! Readjusting to a new work schedule is tough, let alone with 2 jobs :)
  • check out: She has lost 135 lbs, writes her own blog, and still makes DELICIOUS food!!!! Great ideas there :)