PETA suing Sea World



  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member
    I'm a Member of PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals ;)

    Not a PETA Fan, or an HSUS Fan. Both organizations do more harm than good. Leave our Agricultural & Animal Industries alone.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    but I also feel like animals shouldn't be kept in captivity for their whole lives.

    Thoughts anyone?

    I know off topic, but you are against people having pets?
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    but I also feel like animals shouldn't be kept in captivity for their whole lives.

    Thoughts anyone?

    I know off topic, but you are against people having pets?
    lol Good point. I don't keep a whale or tiger, (although my cat thinks he is a lion.), as a pet though. Pehaps I should have said animals pulled from the wild?
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    All that PETA is about is making it so nobody can have animals, this is their long term plan. Everything should be let loose and live happily ever after according to them. They are the devil and hurt more animals than they help.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    Just saw this on Yahoo news and I am amazed that they are going to attempt this. Not a big fan of PETA and their methods, but I also feel like pulling animals from the wild and keeping them in captivity all their lives is wrong.

    Thoughts anyone?

    Animals that live in captivity for extended periods of time, and especially animals that were born in zoos, aquariums, etc, wouldn't survive if they were reintroduced into the wild.
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a Member of PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals ;)

    Not a PETA Fan, or an HSUS Fan. Both organizations do more harm than good. Leave our Agricultural & Animal Industries alone.

    ^^^^^^^^^:drinker: :laugh:
    I am a member of the same PETA People Eating Tasty Animals!!! Thats what My husband says. PETA people are stupid and need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    I'm a Member of PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals ;)

    Not a PETA Fan, or an HSUS Fan. Both organizations do more harm than good. Leave our Agricultural & Animal Industries alone.

    ^^^^^^^^^:drinker: :laugh:
    I am a member of the same PETA People Eating Tasty Animals!!! Thats what My husband says. PETA people are stupid and need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    The whales could be out in the ocean getting killed by whalers but they are safe in captivity.... just my 2 cents :flowerforyou:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    im not really a PETA fan but ive always felt so bad for killer whales, dolphins etc... they are these giant majestic animals that are confined to a small tank to perform for our amusement. doesnt seem right.

    They are -not-. that's just the performance tank. They rotate the animals out daily from their actual enclosure.

    im sure whatever their actual enclosure is its way smaller than the ocean right? you really think a killer whale or an animal as intelligent as a dolphin is happy in any enclosure? or what about gorillas you see at the zoo? its sad to look into their eyes.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    PETA probably started off with very noble intentions.

    However, that ethos has got lost...
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    The sad thing is PETA *could* be a great organization, doing great things for animals. But, instead they always take things to the extreme, thus losing ALL their credibility. PETA is its own worst enemy. They actually hurt the very cause they're trying to promote.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    im not really a PETA fan but ive always felt so bad for killer whales, dolphins etc... they are these giant majestic animals that are confined to a small tank to perform for our amusement. doesnt seem right.

    They are -not-. that's just the performance tank. They rotate the animals out daily from their actual enclosure.

    im sure whatever their actual enclosure is its way smaller than the ocean right? you really think a killer whale or an animal as intelligent as a dolphin is happy in any enclosure? or what about gorillas you see at the zoo? its sad to look into their eyes.

    You're anthropomorphizing. Do you have any kind of animal behavior background?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Seems to me it's become a business rather than some org that protects animals.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Might go out for sushi at lunch. Save the Egg Flower Soup for tomorrow.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    im not really a PETA fan but ive always felt so bad for killer whales, dolphins etc... they are these giant majestic animals that are confined to a small tank to perform for our amusement. doesnt seem right.

    They are -not-. that's just the performance tank. They rotate the animals out daily from their actual enclosure.

    im sure whatever their actual enclosure is its way smaller than the ocean right? you really think a killer whale or an animal as intelligent as a dolphin is happy in any enclosure? or what about gorillas you see at the zoo? its sad to look into their eyes.

    You're anthropomorphizing. Do you have any kind of animal behavior background?

    lets take an extreme example. do you think the elephants that are chained up at Barnum and Bailey and forced to perform enjoy their life as much as elephants in the wild?
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    im not really a PETA fan but ive always felt so bad for killer whales, dolphins etc... they are these giant majestic animals that are confined to a small tank to perform for our amusement. doesnt seem right.

    They are -not-. that's just the performance tank. They rotate the animals out daily from their actual enclosure.
    The tanks still arent big enough! I think Sea world does help sick & injuried animals, but i think the animals that are rehabed should be let go & not made to entertain people.
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm a Member of PETA ... People Eating Tasty Animals ;)

    Not a PETA Fan, or an HSUS Fan. Both organizations do more harm than good. Leave our Agricultural & Animal Industries alone.

    ^^^^^^^^^:drinker: :laugh:
    I am a member of the same PETA People Eating Tasty Animals!!! Thats what My husband says. PETA people are stupid and need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AGREED!! Just had some yummy deer last night!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    PETA aside, this is something that will never happen. Granting constitutional rights to animals would be a very slippery slope that would create a lot of other long-term issues. What about farmers raising cattle, either for milk or meat? Chickens? The argument could then be made that ANY animal in a captive setting should be granted constitutional rights.

    That said, I wanted to work at Sea World when I was younger as one of the orca trainers. I ADORE orcas, dolphins, whales, etc. Personally I'm a bit torn on the whales being confined in such a small space (and yes, compared to them otherwise swimming in the OCEAN, the tank is small). But then again, they do so much for conservation and informing the public about the environment, it gives the public a chance to get up close and personal with animals and brings awareness to environmental issues, etc.

    The other problem is that the whales currently in captivity have little chance of survival in the wild. They attempted that with Keiko, and he continuously returned to have interactions with humans, and never integrated with a wild pod. Eventually he died from pneumonia, which is a concern due to captive animals being reintroduced to the ocean which is full of foreign bacteria etc that their bodies have not been in contact with for a number of years. That and to fully REHAB an animal for return to the wild, reteach it how to swim, catch its own food, etc is a HUGE (read EXPENSIVE) undertaking that can take years, with unknown end results.
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    If you agree animals should be let out of the small confined areas then you need to let your dog out of the house- its confined for an animal that could have the land to run free on.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    im not really a PETA fan but ive always felt so bad for killer whales, dolphins etc... they are these giant majestic animals that are confined to a small tank to perform for our amusement. doesnt seem right.

    They are -not-. that's just the performance tank. They rotate the animals out daily from their actual enclosure.
    The tanks still arent big enough! I think Sea world does help sick & injuried animals, but i think the animals that are rehabed should be let go & not made to entertain people.

    Problem is most animals will not survive once released into the wild.

    I'm not saying Sea World and places like it are perfect but for the most part they're doing the best they can for the animals.
    People need to be more worried about the joe schmo idiot who has a tiger in a dog kennel in his back yard or the people who buy wild animals off the black market to raise or breed for money, those are the kinds of things that worry me, not animals that are being cared for by professionals.