healthy meals my bf would like

I've got my calorie goal down to 1200 a day inorder to lose baby weight. But the problem is my boyfriend will only let me buy him garlic fingers and pizzas & bread from walmart for him, he refuses to eat anything "weird" so he says. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas of meals i can make that he will actually eat because it doesn't look too "weird" and tastes really good, but at the same time wont kick my own *kitten*! lol


  • Visser1971
    Visser1971 Posts: 131
    Oh, let me just address the elephant in the room: Let him cook for himself? :-) Then you can worry about yourself and your baby. Just an idea.

    If that is totally not workable, then maybe you can ask him to come up with some ideas of what he would eat for 400 calories per meal - then he is making the choice and it will fit into your goal.

    I am also working on baby weight and have a husband who does not cook at all, but asking him to come up with recipes has been working so far. But I am lucky he likes steamed veggies and simple foods that I am eating now too.

    Oh and here is a months worth of ideas with pictures!

    Good luck!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Have him make his own meals. He's a grown boy.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I make my fiance regular food like tacos, and fix his with tortillas, beans, rice, meat, cheese sour cream, guacamole, lettuce and tomatoes and salsa, and then I just eat lettuce and tomatoes with the beans, and maybe a little rice and cheese. I make him what he wants and then just take out the fatty parts for myself.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Grilled bbq chicken breast with grilled asparegus (*sp). Ground Turkey Breast with whole grain pasta ( my wife can't tell the difference) with home made garlic wheat toast. 6oz top round pan cooked (in PAM) with Steamed Veggies (or mashed potatos for him)
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    good question...

    I have gotten my bf to like salmon (grilled or baked). There are tons of healthy chicken recipes on the forums. When we are together I usually fix a Salmon or Chicken and he may eat a baked potato and I may have a side salad. If he thinks anything is too "weird" make him try at least one bite we may like it. For example my bf said he hated asparagus but I grilled some with olive oil, salt & pepper, garlic powder and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and he loves it now.

    I am interested to see if anyone has any better ideas..
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Have him make his own meals. He's a grown boy.


    Give Him Options:
    1. He can eat what you make
    2. He can make his own food
    3. He can not eat
  • Eleisabelle
    Yes. If he doesn't want to eat what you're cooking, he can get his own food.

    Of course, that can be volatile. Part of a relationship is compromise. Make sure he knows that you're meeting him halfway, and you expect him to do so also. So, if you're trying to compromise, here are two things to keep in mind:

    1. Healthy doesn't mean cardboard; it means fewer calories and balanced meals. Lean meats with whole grains make healthy meals--what guy would turn down a steak and a good wild rice blend with a Caesar salad (croutons, parmesan, you know...)? I make a killer homemade pepperoni pizza with less cheese, lower fat and calories, and twice the flavor of commercial pizza. Hubby eats it up great, and he's losing weight, too.

    2. 400 calorie meals are generally not enough for men. Aim for 400 for you, but 500 for him. Any less and he will feel unsatisfied.

    If he's unwilling to compromise about food, don't cave. You need to do what's best for you and your baby, first and foremost. I have some serious questions if he refuses to support that.

  • enigma2546
    He does cook for himself, he's just spent the past 23 years of his life eating crap. Trying to not waste the little money i get , on his crappy foods, lol
  • enigma2546
    He's all for me eating well, and cutting back to healthy food, he just handed me 100 bucks because i refuse to eat kraft dinner or soups till grocery day aha, it's just his family has a bad history from eating the foods he eats. I can't manage to find anything to cook because all i seem to do is peice together meals to make a meal ! I think with him is that these garlic fingers & such are time convienient for him, because we are rarely home!
  • enigma2546
    That's a good idea, i've never thought about that!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    My recent kick is tinfoil veggies on the grill: potatoes, onions, carrots ... The possibilities are endless. Spray the foil with Pam, load with veggies and spices (salt, garlic, parsley) and grill 15 to 20 each side. I measure all my ingredients and put into a separate foil pack, then add just a teaspoon of melted butter after its all cooked. While the grill is going, do lean burgers, steak, fish in foil .... There are almost no pots / pans for clean up, and only takes a few minutes to slice the veggies. (Veggies can be sliced and soaked in water overnight for quicker prep)
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Surely he likes more than just "garlic fingers and pizzas & bread"? What other things does he like? What does he really not like?
  • enigma2546
    hes big on pastas & anything to do with meat
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    I do the cooking in my house, and yes , my other half doesn't want to eat the same stuff as me. but thats fine , because if he did the cooking i wouldn't want to eat the same stuff as him either !

    I try to adapt "normal" meals to healthier / lower calorie ones .
    For example , i'll cook chicken breast and do chips for him , salad or veg for me - the same with fishcakes , fish fillets etc. or i'll cook chilli and rice and just make sure i pack it with beans, use brown rice, and have small portions.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    My fiance and I spent some time drawing up a list of menus - we starting aiming for 10 meals, but it's currently 20 and rising!

    Now, he's pretty good about me experimenting a bit in the kitchen, but I dont take it to heart if he's honest and says "I really don't like that"

    And we now have some brilliant meals that he truly looks forward to! I always give him larger portions, and he's allowed bread and dessert that I can easily skip.

    In the butchers, they now know me when I joke about "his and hers steaks" - I'll get a small fillet for me, and a large rib-eye for him. Thye get cooked the same way, and served with the same sides (usually sweet potato mash and leeks in a cheesy sauce. Easy sauce is just to stir some laughing cow light through the cooked leeks)

    He really loves quinoa pilaff.

    Sometimes I'll get a cookbook out (like Cook Yourself Thin) and we'll have a look at some recipes together and see if anything grabs his fancy - the latest find was maple syrup glazed pork with roast garlic mashed potato. Mmmmm!

    If he's willing to try new things, that's half the battle. Portion control is the next 25%.

    Take it a step at a time - find one thing to switch, then look for another. Doing it all in one go is too daunting.

    And good luck!
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Great websites for recipes~


    Last night, I made crockpot shredded chicken for tacos or quesadillas
    *chicken breasts
    *taco seasoning
    *jar of salsa

    1) Lay chicken in the crockpot
    2) Season w/taco seasoning
    3)Pour salsa over
    4) I cooked it on high for 3-4 hours
    5) When done...shred and enjoy!!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Yes. If he doesn't want to eat what you're cooking, he can get his own food.

    Of course, that can be volatile. Part of a relationship is compromise. Make sure he knows that you're meeting him halfway, and you expect him to do so also. So, if you're trying to compromise, here are two things to keep in mind:

    1. Healthy doesn't mean cardboard; it means fewer calories and balanced meals. Lean meats with whole grains make healthy meals--what guy would turn down a steak and a good wild rice blend with a Caesar salad (croutons, parmesan, you know...)? I make a killer homemade pepperoni pizza with less cheese, lower fat and calories, and twice the flavor of commercial pizza. Hubby eats it up great, and he's losing weight, too.

    2. 400 calorie meals are generally not enough for men. Aim for 400 for you, but 500 for him. Any less and he will feel unsatisfied.

    If he's unwilling to compromise about food, don't cave. You need to do what's best for you and your baby, first and foremost. I have some serious questions if he refuses to support that.


    Then he should compromise and realize she's trying to eat healthier - and he might need to take matters into his own hands, sounds like, for once.
  • enigma2546
    He feeds himself, but i want to cook for him because he dishes out like 1000 bucks to me a month &i have a small income, not counting what he does for the baby, but thats a given . but i like to pay him back for cleaning, and dishing out money when he doesnt have to by cookin him supper at night
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    If it's hard to come up with meals on the spot, then plan for one afternoon to cook a bunch of meals to keep in the freezer that are fitting into your healthy lifestyle but simple enough for him to enjoy.

    Lasagna with lots of veggies
    Pasta and meat sauce with lots of veggies in it
    Make a bunch of grilled/baked chicken and then throw together with vegetables and a grain for a quick meal
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member
    check out:

    She has lost 135 lbs, writes her own blog, and still makes DELICIOUS food!!!! Great ideas there :)