plc765 Member


  • Second this: Or if you don't want to do BB on demand, you can try Supreme 90, which you can get on Amazon, or sometimes I see it in Dicks Sporting Goods or Target, for $19.99. It is the same concept as P90X, which I did before switching over to BB. I really liked it and had good results.
  • Same here! I can't stand Mayo! Never have, never will! Makes me wanna gag just thinking about it! :sick:
  • I have a cheapo HRM, so I normally don't use it all the time. I am logging this as 40 min of circuit training, and for me it gives me 315 burned. Not sure how accurate this is, but I normally go by what MFP gives me and it seems to be working out so far. Good luck to everyone, and oh yes, that chair pose on one leg is…
  • Count me in too! I didn't realize there was a group starting up until Golden told me! I actually did level one last night when I received the dvd in the mail, but I am ready to go for Monday! Good luck everyone!
  • I received killer buns and thighs last night in the mail and had to try it out. I agree on level one. I def felt the burn, but I'm thinking of seeing what level two is all about. Having completed Ripped in 30 a few months back, and just now finishing up with Supreme 90, I feel as though I MIGHT be able to tackle level two.…
  • Any JM dvds are great, Ripped in 30 being my favorite. Also Jackie Warner and The Supreme 90 dvds are great as well. JM and JW are usually around $10 and Supreme 90 is $19.99. Also, look into the Butt Bible. Comcast on Demand has it for free, or you can buy the dvd for $25. I just did it for the first time yesterday and…
  • Hi there! Welcome! Feel free to friend me as well. I am 31 and have lost my 15lbs, and in maint. mode now. Good luck in your journey!
  • i am drooling while reading this!! :bigsmile: Def making these asap!! Thank you!
  • I love Under Armor shoes. They are super light and very comfortable. I got mine at one of the Under Armor outlets for $45. I used to be a NB and Nike girl, but these blow them out of the water!
  • Edithrenee-I recently discovered Cathe, but couldn't decide which one to start with? I don't want to fork out a ton of money right off the bat, so I was going to try one or two of them first and see how I like them. I love JM and I am currently finishing up with Supreme 90. What would you suggest I start with? Thanks!
  • Welcome! I also am a chocoholic! Have you ever tried Vita Brownies? So yummy and kill the choc craving! Feel free to friend me! Good luck in your journey!
  • I love peanut butter, banana and cheese sandwiches! My daughter will only eat scrambled eggs with light ranch on them!
  • Im addicted to kashi autumn wheat cereal right now and it seems to do the trick after my workouts. Sometimes I throw in a banana too if I feel I need it. Super good and filling. The cinnamon wheat is also good too.
  • All these sound great, esp. the protein shake! I will def be trying these out soon! Thanks ladies!
  • I started Supreme 90 last Saturday. Today was day 7 for me-Legs. I really like it so far and feel its a great workout. Tabata Inferno is def challenging, and I was extremely sore for a few days afterwards, but I pushed though the other workouts. This week I have actually lost 3 lbs, which I've never had that much weight…
  • Skinny Cow ice cream...the chocolate truffle bars are the best! Also, fresh fruit and low fat cottage cheese, or if you craving chocolate, Vitatop brownies are the best!! PB on Ezekiel bread also does it for me sometimes when I have a sweet tooth.
    in Sweet Tooth Comment by plc765 May 2011
  • My primary focus is to tone up. I love all of JM workout dvds and would recommend any of them to get great results. I completed Ripped in 30, and I incorporate most of her others into my workout routine....6wk 6pk, BFBM, NMTZ, Yoga Meltdown, and Ripped. I also have Brazil Butt Lift and occasionally incorporate that as…
  • Yum! Thanks for the recipe!
  • Hey all! GoldenGirl told me about this group too, as I did my second day yesterday! I know we are behind you guys, but it's great to have a group to go to! I am also on column two, and did 10 regular push ups at my initial test. Looks like you guys are doing great!
  • Jackie Warner is awesome! I have her Power Circuit Training and love it! I am a Jillian Michaels junkie, and I don't think you could go wrong with any of them. If I had to pick just one, I would go with her newest one, Ripped in 30. It is by far my favorite! I also love 6wk 6pk and NMTZ. Banish Fat Boost Metabolism is also…
  • I recently bought Cardio Conditioning at Target and have done it once. It is very challenging, but the moves are very repetitve also, and it got old. Bob Harper's back up people are annoying to say the least, IMO. The small petite girl is the only one who seems to not be crying or about to vomit, while the blonde haired…
  • I LOVE Ezekiel Bread!!! I buy the bread and english muffins, and both are delicious!! I buy mine at Martin's or Kroger in the Organic section of the store.
  • I am the same way! I exercise at 5am, so I can spend more time with my family after work. I used to do evenings, but it just wasn't cutting it! So now I have an hr to myself in the am to exercise and get it out of the way, and I feel more energized throughout the day as well. I also make a protein shake at night, and drink…
  • Welcome all! You will def get your support here! I am finished with this dvd and have seen great results, IMO. I lost 7lbs, and have toned up a ton! I feel like everything went in and up! I think I have said this before, but I feel "light and tight" now! :bigsmile: I plan on still incorporating this dvd into my routine…
  • Jillian Jillian Jillian! I LOVE her and think her dvds are very effective. Try her new one, Ripped in 30. It is about 25-30 min and it's 3 min strength, 2 min cardio, 1min abs circuit training. I love all hers, but this one is my fav.
  • I am will all you Moms! I have been at this a few months now, and I now have my motivation andI am on the right track, but it was a slow start. I used to work out in the evenings, and found myself going crazy with my husband and child needing my attention, so I switched it up to the AM workouts. Even though it was not fun…
  • I am up by 4:55 am also, exercising a few min after 5 for an hr, then shower at 6ish. I go to bed between 9:00-10 every night b/c I need my sleep! If I went to bed any later, chances are I wouldn't be getting out of bed at 4:55 am!
  • I would recommend Ripped in 30. It is the 3-2-1 system, and my favorite one of hers by far.
  • Yes, I would recommend Banish Fat for weightloss. It is a great workout, and I am litterally dripping sweat when I am finished! I also agree with Kailey, any JM video should help you in your journey, and Ripped is my favorite out of all her workouts also. I would incorporate Banish Fat with one of her other ones to get…
  • Welcome Kailey and Crashta! I haven't done 30DS, but it seems the general opinion is Ripped is more challenging than 30 DS. I also have 6wk 6pk, which I think is great too. JM Banish Fat is also a great cardio workout too. I have seen great results with Ripped, lots of toning, inches lost, and a bit of weight loss too. I…