Bacon & Chocolate??



  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    I prefer peanut butter and cream cheese, but same idea
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    I love peanut butter, banana and cheese sandwiches! My daughter will only eat scrambled eggs
    with light ranch on them!
  • Sweetcheeks278
    Ice cream mixed with popcorn! and cream cheese rolled into salami!

    I love ice cream mixed with popcorn too! :) and chocolate ice cream with plain chips and of course chocolate milkshake and french fries but it has to be from McDonalds. Yummy!
    My hubby thinks I'm crazy when I put salt on my watermelon - only way I will eat it
    My mom got my brother and I eating hamburger gravy with sugar on top when we were kids and still today its the only way I will eat it :love:
  • StaceKaiman
    I don't think this is weird but my UK relatives though it was totally odd so it must be a canadian thing. Bacon with maple syrup.

    Of and pizza dipped in a sauce made from ranch and hot sauce mixed together. Yummm

    Oh it must be a canadian thing because those are two of my favorites!
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member

    My friend likes sugar on buttered toast for a hangover:sick: and salty crisps with a snickers bar

    I love sugar on buttered toast! I never even realized it was weird. lol
    I know , right?! I eat my toast with butter spray and sugar and cinnamon! Yum! or with peanut butter and sugar and cinnamon.
  • SadieSue76
    My sister used to eat mayonnaise and sugar sandwiches, Also a big fan of the salty/ sweet combo (fries and frosty, bacon or sausage and maple syrup, etc.). We also used to eat lettuce sandwiches, white bread with mayo and iceberg lettuce.
    We also eat our watermelon (or any melon for that matter) salted and our bacon has maple syrup on it every time!
    To StaceKaiman: I LOVE the banner for your tracker! We went to Maui for Christmas and now we want to move there!
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    I don't think this is weird but my UK relatives though it was totally odd so it must be a canadian thing. Bacon with maple syrup.

    Of and pizza dipped in a sauce made from ranch and hot sauce mixed together. Yummm

    Oh it must be a canadian thing because those are two of my favorites!
    love the maple syrup on bacon too. it is so good!!
  • millionsofpeaches
    bananas cut up on peanut butter toast... :)
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    Wendy's french fries dipped in a chocolate wendys frosty!

    me too!!!! its delicious!
  • horsemom53
    horsemom53 Posts: 16 Member
    My weirdest one...sliced banana and mayo sandwich. Yum!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Peanut butter, mayo, and lettuce sandwiches
    American cheese and mayo sandwich
    Have to salt my watermelon
    Love syrup on cornbread
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Someone mentioned jam and cheese of my favourite fillings!!

    Also, an ox tongue and digestive biscuit sarnie...I tried it with a viscount biscuit (chocolate with mint fondant) and that didn't work out too well :-/

    My Dad and I used to eat banana and cheese toasties with black pepper too.

    Hmmm...I think I have a sandwich thing going on lol!!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sauerkraut on a mixed green salad. Oh yeah.
  • wijac10
    wijac10 Posts: 47
    eggs with sugar and mayonaise:)
    oh and deep fried pickles...even though they aren't that weird.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    OMG! I'm not weird! :P Here are a few things I used to eat that haven't been mentioned yet. Don't do much of these anymore, but they still sound yummy!

    Potato chips with Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies/ or any cookie with chocolate in it
    Toast with butter and peanut butter
    Kosher pickle with a chocolate milkshake (everyone asks if I'm pregnant when they hear this)
    Popcorn and peanut M&M's
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I have enjoyed the following which have not been mentioned:

    * Oreos dipped in frosting (the kind in the can from the baking aisle).
    * Peanut Butter and frosting on saltine crackers (my mom used to make us these).
    * Buttered toast dipped in hot cocoa (so good, haven't had this one in a really long time, another one my mom made for me).
    * Breakfast sausage with maple syrup (still do this one sometimes, but with veggie sausage now since I am currently a vegetarian).
    * Nutella or peanut butter and cream cheese sandwich. I also add a packet of splenda or truvia to this. So good!
    * Popcorn with chocolate chips mixed in.

    I agree about french fries and frosty's, yum. This explains some of why I am here now! I also like buffalo sauce and ranch together, so good!
  • cloudj9
    cloudj9 Posts: 66 Member
    all this sounds like the perfect recipe for the runs. just sayin..
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    all this sounds like the perfect recipe for the runs. just sayin..

    Ha! Nice.
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    I no longer eat any of these but they are from my past...

    Subway turkey sandwich with McDonald's French Fries.

    Toast with strawberry jam and cool-whip

    Nacho Cheese Doritos dipped in cottage cheese
  • clareruth218
    clareruth218 Posts: 7 Member
    I went vegetarian (and am now pescetarian) 8 years ago, but before that I LOVED bacon dipped in maple syrup. And now its potato chips and ketchup.

    Chocolate and bacon isn't weird... a friend of mine made cupcakes topped with chocolate covered bacon for another friend's birthday a few months ago!