Tighten & Tone Group

Hey everyone! How's everyone doing this week? I'm about ready to start Phase3 of P90X. I can't wait to say I'm a grad! I'm so much stronger & can tell a big difference. I'm hoping to lose more inches by the time I finish. My restriction on myself was to not buy ANY clothes until I'm done w/the program. That's getting harder as the weather is getting warmer & none of my shorts or capris fit me! Which I'm very happy about :happy:

I'm debating what to do after I'm finished. I really want to focus on "target zones" (mainly abs & butt/hips). Anyone try Jillian Michaels - 6wk 6pack? or Brazilian Butt Lift (beachbody.com)? Those workouts are only 30-40 minutes long & seem more do-able. P90X is 60+ min each time, which can be hard to fit in a busy schedule. It's taken me more than 90 days to finish. Please post if you're on a "plan" & how you like the results (thus far). I'm anxious to find out how well they work.

Cardio wise - I'm seriously annoyed that I can't seem to progress. I'm exhausted & just can't push myself anymore. I've realized it's because of my smoking. My quit date is this next Monday! I've already cut back to a few a day, with the help of an e-cigarette. I really want to make the most of my workouts. Wish me luck! Can't wait to hear from everyone (if anyone responds, lol).


  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    My primary focus is to tone up. I love all of JM workout dvds and would recommend any of them to get great results. I completed Ripped in 30, and I incorporate most of her others into my workout routine....6wk 6pk, BFBM, NMTZ, Yoga Meltdown, and Ripped. I also have Brazil Butt Lift and occasionally incorporate that as well. I am not a big fan of the cardio axe, but love the sculpt workout and high and tight. I am testing out Bob Harper's workouts now, which im back and forth on, b/c I like JM style so much, and it is alot different in my opinion, but still a great workout. Hope that helps!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I'm continuning to do the "kiss body building goodbye" routine. This month I have 3x a week on that, 2x on HIIT, and hopefully another one on yoga with some more running thrown in to get ready for a race in June.

    I am thinking of trying one of the workout DVDs...what do you all like best/doesn't take a ton of eqipment? Ideally, I want my abs to look better!
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    I've missed these threads the past couple of weeks somehow but I'm still here! Finishing up my recovery week and getting ready to move onto phase two of p90x. I moved onto phase two of the nutrition plan guidelines- 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat (phase one was 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat) last week. I started getting really tired and weak, which is what they say happens when you're ready to move on to the next phase. I kept reading that when you're ready to up your carbs you'll know, and I kept wondering if I was there yet but OMG when you're there you'll know. There won't be any guesswork involved. The only other time I remember feeling like that was when I was pregnant! I haven't seen the scale move much but I'm tightening up all over. My abs are getting hard!! :D

    NBFIT, I'm looking forward to your reviews of whichever JM program you choose. I'm probably going to do a round of something like that when I finish p90x. Good luck quitting smoking! It's so hard but you will feel so much better when you do!
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    So glad to see everybody back!

    NBFIT - Awesome decision about quitting smoking! You've already taken an important step by cutting back and using the E-cigs, good for you! Good luck!

    chuisle - What kind of race are you doing in June? 5k?

    As far as videos go, I have a lot of yoga/pilates videos and, when I use them, I see IMMEDIATE results when it comes to the look of my abs. As soon as the workout is over, I can tell...sounds ridiculous, I know, but that's my experience. Of course it fades in intensity throughout the day but it's right back the next time I do any ab work. I have only done a few of JM's 30DS when my friend wants to workout and haven't really been motivated to do more...maybe it's just not my style.

    I've really stepped it up this week with working out and so far am very happy with the results. I'm noticing I'm not nearly as sore the next day and I want more of that feeling. I am biking 4 miles to and from work a couple times a week, I started doing interval track workouts on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays have been a bike/run combo for the last two weeks which is going to help with the triathlon. I'm going to lay off the cardio today and do a little yoga (yay for Groupon deals!) to stretch out and relax a bit. Also, the company I work for just worked out a deal with a local gym for discounted fees so I'm thinking about doing that. Most of my workouts are outside at this point but I could use a pool to swim and the resistance equipment if I get sick of what I have at home. Great week so far!
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    Thanks you guys for the encouragement on the smoking! I hope I can stop. After this much time, I should be jogging & running by now (that's how I was before cigs). I know that is what's holding me back.

    plc765 - thanks for the info on the DVDs. I'm really thinking about getting both the JM 6pk in 6 & the Brazilian butt lift & alternating them. I want smaller/toned hips & thighs AND a 6pk! lol

    jipper44 - Do you like your track/running group? Do you have a triathlon date already set? or just working toward one?

    heatherlh83 - I'm not following the P90X diet plan, but I have noticed my "need" for carbs lately. Not sure if that's the body getting weak or I've just been deprived, lol. Scale hasn't moved much for me either, but inches lost & major (for me anyways) muscle strength/difference. I'll you know what I decide to go w/after P90.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jipper44 - I am just doing a 2 miler. Sort of a weird distance but I want to run it sub 16. Not a big deal, but it's a goal. Since I have already been posting this article ALL over MFP today I'll post it here too...


    So while I am going to sort of train for this race and the Warrior Dash I am going to do in July (crazy! if you haven't seen on you should look it up) I am really focusing in on strength and HIIT. It's been an interesting adjustment. This is my first week with 3x weights, 2x HIIT and maybe one yoga and its a little weird putting in so few minutes in my workouts.

    I am on my third round of the Kiss Body Bulding Goodbye Routine and still liking it. I am already feeling progress and have started using 25 lbs weights for many of the free weight exercises (watch out boys!)
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    chuisle - I just looked up that Warrior Dash. Holy cow, that's like a military style obstacle course! What an accomplishment it would be to finish. And 25lbs weights? That's awesome! I only have the different weighted bands & 8lb hand weights. Been scoping out yard sales & craigslist for more weights & a punching bag.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    NBFIT - I went to the running club practice on Tuesday and could only do about half the workout. This group definitely has more miles under their legs than I do. While I'm okay with where I am and know I have some catching up to do, it still felt like quitting by only doing half. Unfortunately, the softball team I'm on will be having games on Tuesdays so I'll have to figure out some other way to get in some interval workouts. I didn't think I knew enough to create my own workouts but I'm doing some research and I think I can figure something out. I've signed up for the SheRox Women's Sprint Triathlon on June 12 with a coworker...only 5 weeks away!!!

    chuisle - Nice goal on the 2 mile race! There's a Warrior Dash here and I have really wanted to do that one since I discovered it a year ago. Your workout plan looks awesome and I'm jealous of your 25 lb handweights...that's an inspiration for me. I'm sure you will do great in both races!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jipper - Good for you! I think it takes a lot of courage to join a club like that and I bet you'll tons of improvements with them to push you. As for my 2 mile, we'll see if I pull it off. Since its not the main focus of my training I am going to try not to sweat it.

    NBFit - Thanks for the support! The warrior dash should be experience...I'll deserve the beer at the end :) And I use the gym for weights, it's hard to have all the right equipment at home, though body weight exercises are probably better than weights that are too light...just my intuition!