Any Cathe Friedrich Fans Out There???



  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Me me me I love her i was wondering shy i havnt seen any one on here who has tried her. I hear about 30 day shred iv tried and turbo jam ive tried and turbo fire I saw one video of it and i liked but none is as exciting as cathe videos to me!! the first one i tried i did low max andi was mad because i thought now that is rediculous all these turns so fast buti did it again and agian and i am so hooked on her. I have about 6 dvds of hers now. I love hers. My whole head is sweating after I do the worlouts and i love the premixes on my days i work i do the 45 mintues timesavers monday tuesday and wed the tues thurs, fri sat and sun i do the entire dvd I am loving her way much.

    Edithrenee-I recently discovered Cathe, but couldn't decide which one to start with? I don't want to fork out a ton of money right off the bat, so I was going to try one or two of them first and see how I like them. I love JM and I am currently finishing up with Supreme 90. What would you suggest I start with? Thanks!
  • Roxie65
    Roxie65 Posts: 155 Member
    I haven't seen where anyone posted this but Cathe is coming out with a new Low Impact series that is more joint friendly but just as tough as her other workouts.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Me me me I love her i was wondering shy i havnt seen any one on here who has tried her. I hear about 30 day shred iv tried and turbo jam ive tried and turbo fire I saw one video of it and i liked but none is as exciting as cathe videos to me!! the first one i tried i did low max andi was mad because i thought now that is rediculous all these turns so fast buti did it again and agian and i am so hooked on her. I have about 6 dvds of hers now. I love hers. My whole head is sweating after I do the worlouts and i love the premixes on my days i work i do the 45 mintues timesavers monday tuesday and wed the tues thurs, fri sat and sun i do the entire dvd I am loving her way much.

    Edithrenee-I recently discovered Cathe, but couldn't decide which one to start with? I don't want to fork out a ton of money right off the bat, so I was going to try one or two of them first and see how I like them. I love JM and I am currently finishing up with Supreme 90. What would you suggest I start with? Thanks!
    I love the low max to start with it is intense yet it is something to start with it is 63 minutes long but there is a premix on it you can do for 45 minutes.
    Also the low impact circuit it great to it is step aerobics with intrevals of weights. It also has a premix of just cardio. If you are really new to any step then you should start with basic step/body fusion, it is more slower paced and gets you to understand how she calls out the moves.
    If you want one with no step cardio core circut is good but i cannot do it very well because of so many plyos, hopefully wheni lose more weight i will be able to do it without hurting my knees.
    You can go to cathe and look up the ones i just mentioned and it will give you a clip of what it is like or youtube. then go to amazon.con they are a little cheaper if you get them used. Good luck i cant wait to hear how you like it. You will sweat guarenteed!!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I haven't seen where anyone posted this but Cathe is coming out with a new Low Impact series that is more joint friendly but just as tough as her other workouts.
    oh yes im getting this series because i am getting older and i need something low impact at least til i lose more weight. I cant wait for it to arrive.
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