

  • My favorite is: 1 1/2 cup Non-sweetened Vanilla Almond Milk 1 cup Kale 1 cup spinach 1 half of a pear 1 banana frozen It's super good! I found the recipe online & it mentioned adding honey. I tried that first and it was of course delicious, but I'm trying to stay away from adding sugars myself, so went without it...and…
  • There are other factors that people might be taking into account for that you are not when they say "healthier". Chobani has 18gms or protein (which helps keep you feeling full). Danon has 5gms. Danon has more sugar...and more carbs which some people pay very close attention to. In the end, neither one is a bad choice.…
  • I'm not sure if you have Netflix or not, but there are quite a few workout videos that you can stream instantly. I've been trying out different pilates videos. If you try one you don't like, no big aren't out anything. Just move on the the next. This has saved me from spending money on videos. You can get a…
  • Zigzagging can help break a plateau (according to some). An example would be if I got 1400 a day, I could zig zag them by consuming 1600 one day and having 1200 the next. By the end of the week, it all equals out the same.
  • Yogurt cups aren't too bad in sodium either. It's frustrating that so many of the low fat & fat free products come packed with so much sodium. I guess that anytime they take away fat or sugar, they need to add salt so that people won't think it tastes blah.
  • Fruit. Veggie sticks. Natural almonds (the unsalted kind...duh) Ummm...I'm going to have to think on it some more.
  • THANK YOU! I am definitely going to give it a try. There are no side effects with it, so what could it hurt...?
  • Also, I recently found this post on MFP about frozen peanut butter cups and tried making them over the weekend. They were so good! This genius of a lady made frozen peanut butter cups out of: 1 tub (8oz) Fat Free Cool Whip (yes, it needs to be fat free. The low fat kind gives off a weird texture) 3 Tbsp creamy peanut…
  • It's a mix of strength, cardio and then some ab work. The first few days, I just stuck to the shred video (because I was too sore to do anything else)...but now I am half way through it & I have been doing my regular bouts of cardio (about 5 days a week) along with the 30 Day Shred.
  • I recently found Genisoy Sweet Crisps. They are like a light crisp, drizzled in chocolate. You get to eat ten of them for 90 calories. I also turn to sugar free jell-o cups..or the sugar free pudding. I've made cupcakes where you mix a box of cake mix with a can of pumpkin (instead of egg, oil, etc) and they are delicious!…
  • I would prep & bake the casserole. Then portion it out & freeze. I like this beef ziti that I got off of the weight watchers site last year: It doesn't taste like a compromise at all! * I should note that I use wheat pasta or the Smart Taste kind that is…
  • Thank you everyone! That had actually occurred to me, but I suppose I needed someone else to convince me that the 1401 calorie number was my "coma" number. This has been my first plateau and I guess I just needed some guidance to ensure I am on the right track. I was hoping to get a few more pounds off before a big…
  • Function wise, they should be the same. When you are going through the set up process, it should ask you if you are a male or female. I bought the Polar FT7 and mine was black & gold and wasn't gender specific. I thought that the watch part might be really large or that they chest strap might be huge, but I haven't had any…
  • Definitely going to give this a go. Thanks for passing it along!
  • I am about halfway through it. It was the thing that I needed to break up my cardio. I can tell that my body is already is starting to feel firmer in some places. I have heard quite a few people say that they didn't drop much weight, but that they lost inches. So, if you don't normally take your measurements,…
  • It's so awesome. I love Netflix so much that I eventually canceled my cable. No complaints here.
    in Net flix Comment by AngiMoss April 2011
  • Maybe something like a cup of warm, calming tea would help? Sometimes I get up from my desk & take a quick walk around the block (though not all jobs would allow this kind of thing). Or maybe some kind of aromatherapy would help. I have never tried it, but a friend of mine keeps a couple vials of smelly oils in her desk…
    in Stress??? Comment by AngiMoss April 2011
  • I love those things! Some flavors are better than others. They are an awesome treat. I love to put a blob of fat free Cool Whip on top. Or a little smear of peanut butter. They are delicious on their own though too.
  • I believe vodka has the lowest amount of calories for hard liquor. At home, I mix it with Diet 7up or Crystal Light. Those mixers aren't always available at a club/bar/boat though. Like the person above, vodka with soda water & lime is really low in stats.
  • Interesting! I could definitely use some invention with my 2pm sugar cravings. Thanks for the tip. Where do you find your supplements? GNC? Drugstore?
  • They use 2 small hand weights. I tried it the first night using 2 cans of refried beans, but ultimately went out and bought a couple 3lb dumbells the next day. I decided that if I was going to go through all that work, I wanted the best results I could get. If you are going to be doing it on a hard surface, you may want a…
  • If I really must have chips, peanuts, crackers, etc...I go ahead & buy them but then as soon as I get home, I portion them out & put them into zip lock bags. Then when I really need a bit, I grab a bag & go. Sure, sometimes it's hard to stop at just one. But I do much better that the big bag isn't within my reach. Also, if…
  • Thank you so much Robin! I'll continue to play around with it...and good idea about heading over to the Polar site. I appreciate your reply. Cheers!
  • The only thing I can see to adjust is my "upper heart rate limit" in which case my watch will beep at me if I reach it (unless I turn off the sound)...and "maximum heart rate". The maximum heart rate is 220 minus age, so for me it's 188. These don't seem like the things I need to change, but if I need to alter them to get…
  • I'm not sure I've even tried one. I feel like I've been stuck eating a lot of the same foods over & over, so I'm going to try this tomorrow to shake things up. I'll check out that website to see if any others jump out at me...thanks!
  • I just went through this process & opted for the Polar far, I LOVE IT! I was apprehensive about the chest strap as well, but it's not at all annoying. I just keep it right around my bra line & I hardly notice it. I looked at some cheaper brands but the chest strap looked hard & plastic like. If you go without the…
  • Right there with you ladies. I've been hovering at 146lbs for the last 5 weeks. I've been somewhat inconsistent though (some days eating all my exercise calories, some days not, some days going over, some days under), so I'm not exactly sure if it's that I've been eating too much, not enough...or what?! I was doing a…
  • I log it under circuit training.
  • Oh! Sounds good....thanks!
  • Also, when I was reading up on them, the Polar FT4 was a common favorite. If you decide to go with the Polar brand, the user manuals were tiresome and I found that these set-up videos on their website to make it super simple to get to know my new little machine and make sure I was utilizing it to my advantage.…