sarcastje Member


  • that is amazing. Did you have any issues getting your skin to keep its elasticity?
  • I am a Bulemic so i know about eating when my emotions are messd up, when im anxious, when i am stressed, when i feel lonely, when i feel ugly, whenever really. What helps me through it most is my friends, and this website. I am trying to fix myself day by day. I am taking Anti Depressants, but need to get my dose changed…
  • well,are you eating enough calories so your body does not starve itself? Did you hit a plateau? are you working out?
  • how do you do it? i looked into my food diary and almost EVERYTHING has sugar in it. Except one item in my list which was light mozarella cheese
  • thanks lindainak. now to find where there is such a thing here
  • naw, the gym at my university does not have one
  • eggplant parmesan, eggplant pizza (the eggplant is your "bread"), soups with meatballs, ...
  • I agree with what is said before, your body is in starvation mode, so you are not losing anything. I am amazed you can actually get by with only 1000 calories a day. Good luck
  • michelina's lean gourmet : creamy rigatoni with broccoli and chicken. (270 calories)
  • yes, enjoy. I have been to Ireland 2 times and loved it. Just make sure you keep your valuable things close by, because my purse got stolen in a bar in Belfast once.
  • yes, i usually restrict the unhealthy treats but I do miss it if i do not eat it. Peanut butter cups are defo delish :)
  • oh thank you guys. I checked on the link you have added btw hifinm, and it really helps. It is from a professor at my uni too so that is sorta cool :) It definitely helped x
  • Thing is, you are looking at yourself every single day so any difference will not be seen until you really look at a before and after pic or if you measure yourself. with me, I am tall so everyone tells me i am skinny, but i am skinny fat, anyways, the way I can tell I am losing weight is because my pants fit me a little…
  • complete nutrition has this whey protein powder called mochacinno latte. its the best protein powder i have ever had. I think all the other ones taste like dried up barf, but this one actually is like a tasty treat after a work out :) It is pricey though (40 dollars for a container)
  • how much are you trying to lose? if you set it to over 1lbs a week i would say that is why.
  • people that treat you negatively now are jealous and may not be good friends to be around right now. You are doing this for you. Granted, people are shallow pieces of crap at times, but its not about them, it is about you. You have gotten so far already. Congratulations :) It will be so worth it. It will be easier to shop…
  • i read in a fitness mag that some pple may not lose fat because instead of eating really tiney portions several times a day, they still eat their 3 average portions with more snacks meaning more calories than they normally would. So then you might just aswell stick with 3 main meals a day
  • Well, too many sugars do make it a lovely area for the little bacteria in the body that are not that good so first off, cut that down rapidly. Secondly, buy some greek yoghurt, it is higher in protein and it is also loaded with active cultures that are good for you (probiotics) If you want to even up it on that, you can go…
  • It is like learning how to walk, sometimes you fall, but then you get the hang of it and it becomes a way of life, easy peasy. Personally, when I am trying to eat healthy, i stay clear from all you can eat places or fast food. I know myself and would easily chow down on some bread pudding or what not and they are loaded…
  • thank you. I definitely will
  • Thank you guys. I will definitely try the shea butter and also drink more water.
  • What I usually do is get the old fashioned plain dry oatmeal and put half a cup in a bowl, add some blue berries ( or strawberries, grapes etc) then half a cup of a different kind of cereal and then add plain nonfat yoghurt. It is pretty good in my opinion. If you want it sweeter, then yes, my friend adds pure cinnamon and…
  • me too. It seems so much harder to get rid of extra padding after having a child. Good luck.