
I went to the store today and was checking out the different oatmeal plain type. I was thinking of trying to eat more oatmeal for breakfast since it is good for you. Anyone know the answer to these:

What is the difference between steel cut, old fashioned and quick oats? They all had the same nutritional info, just different cooking times. Why pick one over the other?

Can oatmeal be precooked for the week? Or does it get too nasty and gummy?

Anyone ever try it with apple sauce for flavor?



  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    i love oatmeal, have it every day for breakfast. the pouches weren't filling me up, so i tried the hungry girl version: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/1519
    i use old fashioned, but i understand that steel cut are the best for you. i have not put applesauce in my oatmeal, but i have added dried apple slices, and it's very tasty.
  • pinksocks73
    I went to the store today and was checking out the different oatmeal plain type. I was thinking of trying to eat more oatmeal for breakfast since it is good for you. Anyone know the answer to these:

    What is the difference between steel cut, old fashioned and quick oats? They all had the same nutritional info, just different cooking times. Why pick one over the other?

    Can oatmeal be precooked for the week? Or does it get too nasty and gummy?

    Anyone ever try it with apple sauce for flavor?


    I just got off my oatmeal kick. I was eating a bowl a morning. 1 cup uncooked quick cook oats. I have gained 3 pounds in the last month. NOT the direction I want to go it. So now, I'm doing the oatmeal only once or twice a week.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    All oatmeal is good for you except the instant kind. The only difference between steel cut, old fashioned, and quick oats is how they're cut. So steel cut are just cut... Old fashioned are cut and pressed flat, and then quick oats are cut up into tiny pieces so it cooks faster. :)
  • orangegalt
    i get mccann's instant regular oatmeal--2 min in the microwave every morning, so fast there's no need to cook for the week. i add splenda, 1/8 cup of pumpkin (10 cal), pumpkin pie spice, and splenda. yum :)
  • hclayton46
    hclayton46 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm interesting in knowing as well.I've always seen the different kinds, but know nothing about them or how to cook them. I usually pick the Quaker Weight Control Instand Oatmeal to make at work.
  • ready_for_a_change
    Thank you so much!
  • sarcastje
    sarcastje Posts: 34 Member
    What I usually do is get the old fashioned plain dry oatmeal and put half a cup in a bowl, add some blue berries ( or strawberries, grapes etc) then half a cup of a different kind of cereal and then add plain nonfat yoghurt. It is pretty good in my opinion. If you want it sweeter, then yes, my friend adds pure cinnamon and applesauce with a little milk instead of using yoghurt.
  • taras2tots
    taras2tots Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah, I definitely wouldn't cook it ahead.

    Try putting Splenda and cinnamin in it. Pretty dang yummy.

    I've also put just a few cranraisins to boost the flavor. I only use about 7-10 pieces because they are high in calorie, but you'd be surprised what a big different such a small amount makes.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I eat oatmeal at least once a week. I usually get the Quaker Maple and Brown Sugar low sugar kind and make them at work. I would like to know about the applesauce thing because that sounds good to me.
  • ready_for_a_change
    i get mccann's instant regular oatmeal--2 min in the microwave every morning, so fast there's no need to cook for the week. i add splenda, 1/8 cup of pumpkin (10 cal), pumpkin pie spice, and splenda. yum :)

    This sounds fantastic I am gonna make it this weekend!
  • valbar61
    valbar61 Posts: 183 Member
    I have been eating it almost every monrning.

    I used the quick cook and I cook it in the microwave, Only takes 1 min. I add diced apples, raisins, spray butter, splenda and cinnamon. Yummy!

    You need to make it fresh everytime because it gets thick & lumpy if not. The microwave cooking is the easiest.
  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    steel cut is less process, and better quality. I make my food in advance, including oatmeal, so I have no excuse to eat right. I store half of my batch in the freezer, and portion three days worth in the fridge. I have no issues with the taste or texture.
    I usually add whey protein, coconut oil or milk, flax seed, and cinnamon. The healthy fats and protein are great before an intense workout.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I usually use the Old Fashion oatmeal. I make it in the microwave in the evening and then reheat it at work the next morning. I have also kept it in the fridge for 2 days and then taken it to work. It is fine. I don't know about keeping it for the whole week though.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i love oatmeal, have it every day for breakfast. the pouches weren't filling me up, so i tried the hungry girl version: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/1519
    i use old fashioned, but i understand that steel cut are the best for you. i have not put applesauce in my oatmeal, but i have added dried apple slices, and it's very tasty.

    I LOVE the growing oatmeal! i use it all the time!!!! (normal serving dry oatmeal, twice as much water as reccomended,cooked for twice as long and let stand to thicken)
    oh and steel cut and rolled are the same "good" for you nutritionally,steel are just heartier and keep you fuller longer. steel cute oats have been cut with steel blades, they havent been rolled out flat like normal oatmeal..they take ALOT long to cook and have a very different texture and a nuttier stronger flavour, I really like them but my hates it and my dad doesnt like it enough to buy it, (it's quite a bit more expensive than normal oatmeal) as for instant-i dont like it, it's too processed and doest keep me full.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I love oatmeal with applesauce in it. Applesauce, cinamon, and walnuts.
  • promiseskept
    I am an oatmeal lover as well and also add the toppings mentioned.
    I also get canned peaches, no sugar and I use Stevia (a natural sweetener) instead of the artificial chemical sweeteners.
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    I think steel cut are a bit higher in fibre, being slightly less processed, and they make a different consistency of oatmeal - a bit chewier or something?? And because you have to chew more sometimes it seems like a heartier meal. They take longer to cook though. But they are all still just oats, so go for the one you prefer and what you have time to cook.

    Quick oats are fine (although I find the finer texture makes the end result a bit too mushy for my liking) - just avoid the flavoured variety and opt for the 100% oats - add your own flavourings (like applesauce, as you suggested. That sounds good!!) and then you know exactly what you're eating.

    You can also stir in an egg white and/or some protein powder for a protein boost. I thought the egg white option sounded strange, but I tried it and it's great! Makes the finished product fluffier, and it cooks with the heat of the oatmeal (but stir it well as you're adding it so you don't eng up with eggy lumps!!
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    I love oatmeal with applesauce in it. Applesauce, cinamon, and walnuts.

    That sound ssoooooo delicious!!
  • sacfrazier
    I eat the Quick 1-minute oats and put banana and blueberries in it. It is a very filling breakfast. If I know I'm going to have extra calories for the day, I grab a glass of skim milk to go with it.
  • Pange33
    I LIVE off of oatmeal...it's not an exaggeration that I have it almost everyday, either for breakfast or dinner, or a small portion for quick energy before a workout. I use old fashioned, and I don't think I prepare it the way your supposed to. I have a "hot shot" hot water electric appliance, usually used to heat up water for tea. I pour it over my dry oatmeal, just enough to cover oatmeal, then cover my bowl with a plate or something for about 2 minutes (if it's breakfast, I usually find somethignelse to do while it's "steeping"), until most of the water is absorbed. Then I add real Grade B maple syrup, a little vanilla extract, and soymilk. YUM! :)