NAMsMommy Member


  • What about a massage?
  • You guys are saying what I was kind of thinking. My husband is really wanting to follow what the trainer is saying so we are going to end up buying it anyway. I think what I am going to do is eat it for my breakfasts. Breakfast isn't really a meal I am used to eating so it's been tough for me. Maybe this way I can get the…
  • Good question. I took a before pic at the first of the year, I am thinking every six months is what I'm going to do. I took em first of Jan, will take updated ones end of this month. =)
  • I think that is an awesome time! Not plodding in my opinion. :P Great job.
  • I have a hard time with that too! I have been able to before just eat a very light dinner (fish and green beans or something) and then walk or jog or do a good workout so I have the extra calories.
  • You know what, you aren't alone! I had just started the couch2-5k again, was heading down the stairs for a run and fell down. Ended up with a wedge-compression fracture of the T8 vertabrae. I am now off the pain pills, but started physical therapy last week. So frustrating when all you want to do is get healthy but it…
  • Maybe start with some intervals (the couch2-5k is great with those). That is what seriously helped me. Takes time but it's worth it.
  • One thing that worked for me (and I know everyone is different so it might not for everyone) but doing the couch25k program really got the pounds going off. Good luck and stick with it. This really isn't a quick fix. But remember the quicker it comes off the more likely it is to come back on. In this case slow and steady…
  • I think if you begin eating right and trying to add in some exercise you should lose pretty easily. I am JUST under 200 and am gradually losing. Even if you do the recommend 1lb per week you would be down more then 8 by then. One piece of advice I do have is maybe to try the couch2-5k program. When I was doing that I was…
  • I think I agree most with this statement. I was starting with the couch2-5k and considered myself a runner from the get go and even though I haven't ever run faster then a 13 minute mile, I consider myself a runner. =)
  • I have never had that happen... I might post this question on the main fitness board and see if anyone there has any suggestions?
  • I might just have to look into the skirts. I am hesitant with my size, don't feel all that confident. Wonder if there is a place you could try em on?
  • If you search the groups (there is a link to groups above) there is a fitbit user group, I bet someone on there might know what is going on...
  • I have tried with a regular stroller and it just didn't work. I kept hitting the bar in the back (on the bottom) With a jogger, the wheels are bigger, more sturdy.
  • Are you running every day? What surface are you running on?
  • I got mine at big 5, but you can find them at Target or even a local fitness supply store. =)
  • I was totally going to say what previous post said. Add some almonds or avocado or even peanut butter on your crackers. I know it might be hard at first, but keeping under the 1200 calories a day really isn't great for you.... what about even a smoothie?
  • You could always ask about the recipe... act like you are wanting to try it out home? lol.
  • That could be the culprit. I would go in and be seen. I would also consider buying a workout dvd, or even rent one from the library. Try the couch to 5k. There are so many options.
  • I totally agree with some of the previous posts about maybe moving from the weight goals to the toning goals. Honestly, I think you look amazing! I can already see a huge change in your stomach! =) You also need to make sure you have realistic goals of what you want to look like. I like doing strength training in target…
  • I like the stepping game on the wii fit. You can put the balance board on a higher step and burn more, but I love that you can "free-style" step and do it while watching TV or something.
    in Wii games Comment by NAMsMommy June 2011
  • Your bank of knowledge here is wonderful but your physician knows your medical history and what meds you are on now. These diet pills are nothing to take lightly.
  • I am going to be blunt here, you aren't eating enough! I know it goes against everything you want to do to EAT MORE to lose, but you are starving your body right now. You are gaining because your body is taking all the food you are consuming and hoarding it so that it can survive. Generally they say you need at least 1200…
    in HELP !!! Comment by NAMsMommy June 2011
  • I think you need to eat more actually. You need to NET at least 1350 - That means if you are burning 600 a workout then you need to actually consume 1950 calories. Your body needs that fuel to keep going. You might lose at first, but it won't maintain loss. You might actually go to the P90X website and see what their…
  • I would suggest talking to your doctor and seeing what they say about it.
  • I always try and measure at the "biggest" part of the body. Here is what I do: *arms at the bicep at the biggest part *the bust is right across the nipple line and straight around *waist is the only part I don't, it is the narrowest part of my torso *hips I do at the widest part of my butt area *thighs, again, at the…
  • I also find that water helps me when I am just a "little hungry" I had a horrible time telling the difference between being hungry and being thirsty. So I drink water first, then if I still feel that way 20ish minutes later, I eat a snack. Or if its close to meal time, I just bump up the meal time and add a later snack (I…
  • You say you aren't losing 2lb a week, but are you losing at all? What is your calorie goal? Do you eat back any of your exercise calories? What I would suggest (not seeing your food journal) is to maybe add 100 calories for a week and see if you see any change. I know that when I am eating 1200 alone, I don't lose as much…
  • It really is worth it. If I could go back and start over I would have not tried any of the other CRAP ones I ended up buying. My polar is my best friend! If you look online you can find them on sale and stuff. I promise you won't regret buying one =)
    in HRM Comment by NAMsMommy June 2011
  • I have the FT4 and LOVE it, but the think with these monitors are that they aren't made to be worn all day long. If you are looking for something like that, it will cost you more $ (something like the bodybugg). Polars are made to be worn during exercise.