am i doing enough or is it still not enough

ok i have another question as far as doing p90x someone said it burns around 600 calories on each workout, i can see that as much as you sweat and as wore out as you are, now i am eating maybe 1350 calories a day or a little bit more, thats my limit a day, if i continue to eat that amt and do p90x everyday burning all those calories a day will i lose weight or will i stay about the same , i have a beer gut i am trying to get rid of, and how do you say man boobs, or at least thats the way i feel what they are ? anyones help would be greatly appreaciated


  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I think you need to eat more actually.

    You need to NET at least 1350 - That means if you are burning 600 a workout then you need to actually consume 1950 calories. Your body needs that fuel to keep going. You might lose at first, but it won't maintain loss. You might actually go to the P90X website and see what their eating plan is. I know when my hubby did it he ate almonds and chocolate milk to get that protein back in. Post workout snack would help up your calories without eating all the junk.

    You will be surprised to see the weight come off when you are eating that amount. I know it seems counter-productive, but it will work. Maybe even try to just add 100 each week until you get to the 1900 mark and see how that works.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That won't be nearly enough. If you're a guy, I don't even think 1350 will be nearly enough, but if you're doing P90X on top of that you'll need to eat back those calories. MFP already has a 500 calorie deficit built in.
  • tg025880
    tg025880 Posts: 42
    well i redid my profile and it says because i am doing p90x, i am allowed 1780 calories a day, so i think that should be better then thanks everyone for the advice