I just want to run! Why is that so difficult for people to understand!???? I am constantly hurting myself and I'm overweight and miserable. My knees feel like someone hit them with bats and my ankle feels like it has a fracture! I'm not that old! help.....I want to be a runner!!!! Anyone out there who can help.....please. It's all I really want to do for cardio. It's the only thing that makes me feel free.


  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    Can completely relate - I am on the injury list from having surgery that hasnt healed and cause me to fracture my foot. So I am trying to come up with options to use my boot and stay active. Just miss running :( It's heartbreaking.
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    Are you running every day? What surface are you running on?
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Are you trying to do too much too soon? Or have you been running for a while now? If you're just starting, try a program like Couch 25k that eases you into it slowly to help avoid injuries. Also, look up some stretches to do before and after your run. I'd also suggest doing a warmup first.
  • Shoes, arch support and running surface all make a difference. Try running at your local high school track. It is made for running. Also invest in a good pair of running shoes. Lastly working with weights strengthening you leg muscles will support your joints better and in time you will have less or no pain.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    In addition to the above, you could try something like glucosamine for joint support. There are other products out there as well, but my husband, a runner, says his ankle issues disappeared once he started taking glucosamine.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Start with a GOOD pair of running shoes, go get fitted properly...

    Start running, slow and short...go by time not distance...say try running for 5 mins, than walk for 10, than run for 5 more...do that for about a week and than increase to running 6 mins, walk for 10min, run for 6 more...start building a base, slowly...

    add in some strenght training...squats, lunges, calf raises, hamstring curls...

    Take it slow and steady, you will get stronger...go for endurance first, than mileage and speed...

    Best of luck...running takes time...
  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    Love the Couch to 5k plan, it is perfect for non-athletes (like myself). I'm into week 2 and so far so good. I will say I find it helpful to have a workout buddy, it makes it a lot more tolerable than just going by yourself.

  • lc52820
    lc52820 Posts: 76 Member
    In addition to the above, you could try something like glucosamine for joint support. There are other products out there as well, but my husband, a runner, says his ankle issues disappeared once he started taking glucosamine.

    Glucosamine is awesome, my mom has been taking it for years & it's really helped with her arthritis. Her knees hardly ever bother her anymore.
  • To reply to all of the above,
    I have amazing running shoes....always buy brooks or asics ($100-$160) they are fitted properly and I have been working out intensly since December. I used to run 3 miles every day with no weights or strength training whatsoever. I've decided recently to do P90X, but I just want to run and lift weights.
    As for run 5, walk, run walk, I have done that. I am weak from being a couch sitter for 5 years after a knee injury I got from trying Nike Pegasus for running. Idk how or why, but it was bad.
    Anyway, wanting to get back into it, but feel like I'll be wasting my time if I don't stick with the programs. I don't like constantly doing the intense workouts because they are soooo rough on my joints, but i want the body that comes with it. wtd....still am unsure.
    I need to make a decision soon though. Before I get burnt out and just quit. I can't run until my ankle is better and in the mean time, I feel like I'm just getting fat and feeling defeated. ugh
  • auntv77
    auntv77 Posts: 24 Member
    By fitted do you mean they fit right or did you actually go to a running shoe store and have a professional analyze how you move? That literally look me from crying during runs to NO pain.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    You were me last year! Heck even this year.

    This is what helped me...

    1. Good running shoes that I was fitted for
    2. Not running every day. Only every other.
    3. Upping my calories so I could give my all when I did run

    Good luck. I am training for a half marathon this fall :)
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Have you ever tried skeletoes? I wasn't able run at *all* without my knees really giving me problems until I started wearing toe tennis shoes. Opened up a whole new world for me. It's amazing really. I'm up to running almost two miles non stop and walking another 1 or 2. My knees don't hurt at all. I also agree with not running every day, particularly when you're starting out. Three days a week is plenty.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    To reply to all of the above,
    I have amazing running shoes....always buy brooks or asics ($100-$160) they are fitted properly and I have been working out intensly since December. I used to run 3 miles every day with no weights or strength training whatsoever. I've decided recently to do P90X, but I just want to run and lift weights.
    As for run 5, walk, run walk, I have done that. I am weak from being a couch sitter for 5 years after a knee injury I got from trying Nike Pegasus for running. Idk how or why, but it was bad.
    Anyway, wanting to get back into it, but feel like I'll be wasting my time if I don't stick with the programs. I don't like constantly doing the intense workouts because they are soooo rough on my joints, but i want the body that comes with it. wtd....still am unsure.
    I need to make a decision soon though. Before I get burnt out and just quit. I can't run until my ankle is better and in the mean time, I feel like I'm just getting fat and feeling defeated. ugh
    Wait, so you can't run because it hurts your joints, or you can't run because you're out of shape from an injury? Big difference, did your doctor give you the ok to start running again?
    I also think your injury may not have been from the shoes, but from your stride or the fact that you were running 3 miles every day.
    Maybe try running on softer surfaces like treadmills, trails, or tracks. Try some barefoot or minimalist shoes and practice being more of a midfoot striker if you're not already.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi i was exactly the same when i started running just as i felt i was getting somewhere i would be in so much pain I couldnt do it anymore. I started back again just over a year ago and took it very slowly followed a beginners running programme and stuck to it even if i felt i could do more. If i was just a little achy i would run through that but if in pain rest (this is not always easy to decide). I also saw a sports physio and he taught me how to stretch properly and sold me some zorbothane insoles i think these help. I had already been fitted for running shoes. I always make sure i warm up and stretch properly afterward and really focused on leg strengthening exercises such as squats, lunges i also do lots of core exercises. I also use weights to increase my overall strength. I always eat back my exercise calories, good nutrition is very important. Also running on grass and track is easier on the joints than roads and pavement I run off road at least once a week this is much more pleasant than roads as well.
    I have just completed a half marathon and am currently training for a marathon. the kids are off school this week so I havn,t been able to run and it has driven me mad. I have enjoyed spending time with them but need to hit the road again.
    Hope this helps if you want to add me as a friend feel free.
  • My problem right now is my ankle. I was doing mummy kicks during an insanity workout and was so exhausted that I compromised form and ended up hurting my ankle. I can walk on it and jog a bit, but running is a no. For now. I just want to get back to it. Sooner than later. I like the idea of being strong and fit, but I just want to run. It's really that simple, but so many people say no to running. Do the workouts and programs. Running is bad for your joints. I know running can hurt but the pros are outweighing largly to the cons in my eyes!
    No serious joint issues from running normally and my shoes are perfectly fitted by a man that does it for a living in the area.