I would like to get a HRM, but don't know what to get. I know this gets asked a lot and I have searched on the topic, but everyone suggests ones that are in the $60+ range. My budget right now is $35. I just started working out, and am doing C25K on a treadmill. I mostly want it to know how many calories I am burning because there are enormous discrepancies between the machine, MFP, other website estimates, etc., so I would like something that gives me a better picture.



  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I would suggest saving up a bit more. I think you get what you pay for in most cases & you'll want one w/ a chest strap (they're more accurate). They are well worth the money if you're serious about working out.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    All right, I'll suck it up and get the Polar FT4.
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    All right, I'll suck it up and get the Polar FT4.

    It really is worth it. If I could go back and start over I would have not tried any of the other CRAP ones I ended up buying. My polar is my best friend! If you look online you can find them on sale and stuff. I promise you won't regret buying one =)
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    All right, I'll suck it up and get the Polar FT4.

    You will love it, and see your workouts differently - some good, some bad, I promise!! :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Now you have the right attitude!

    Honestly, you could buy in the 35 dollar range..heck i could even suggest one.. but it's an absolute crap shoot and no better then your treadmill or this website.

    I have a Polar FT7 and it really was the best investment ever.. and the FT4 is on sale at Amazon right now for 63 dollars plus free shipping.. can't beat that deal!
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    Yup, I bought at Amazon. I had a $35 credit there, and was hoping to not be out any money. :) So I only spent $31 out of pocket (but it's my fun money for the month, then again, not stopping for coffee or eating out means I won't be using it as quickly).

    BTW, today's workout just convinced me even more how much I need a HRM. The elliptical said 143 calories burned after doing 33 minutes (2.2 miles) alternating between a fast pace at level 7 and a slow pace at level 4, whereas MFP said almost 450 burned! Talk about a differential, wowza!