How to exercise at home and gaining weight...

So I been doing aerobics at school 2 times a day for 180 minutes. But I'm looking myself recently at the mirror and I don't see any difference of weight!( I swear I weight myself and I gained 3 pounds. ) So I want to do more exercise more, but there's isn't anything at home to use. My older brother popped the exercise ball we had years ago because my nieces were jumping on it and there's nothing to do except walk,but I feel just walking doesn't work since I can't go alone and my mom gets easily tired because of her heart problems and I want to do more than 12 minutes of walking around. What should I do?

(I have thyroid disease too and I haven't taken any meds since my doctor has taken them hostage until I go see him. Could that also be the culprit?


  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    That could be the culprit. I would go in and be seen. I would also consider buying a workout dvd, or even rent one from the library. Try the couch to 5k. There are so many options.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? I would say if you're exercising that much, you might need to make sure you're eating more. I know it sounds strange, but that's the way it's worked for me. If I eat too little or too under calories, I plateau or gain.

    I love exercise videos. There are many at Walmart or Target that are $10...from Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels, Leslie Sansone. If you want to spend more, Beach Body always has great videos. My faves are anything by Chalene Johnson (Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and ChaLean Extreme).
  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    I have Hypothyroidism, and I find that as long as I'm exercising it DOES come off, just slowly.

    Also I have P90x to use at home.. I know it will take several rounds of me doing it to look like the before and afters, but I have seen plenty of overweight people who used it and saw amazing results :)
  • snc1019
    snc1019 Posts: 17 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is a great workout. It's leas than $20 at Target. Soooo many DVD options out there!
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    Well I'm suppose to eat 1750 each day (See my diary if you can.) And I eat normal all the time, I don't go too much over my calories, sometimes I leave at least 800 each day or some less.

    I have Hypothyroidism, btw.

    They sound like good ideas! :3 Thanks people.
  • kreid001
    kreid001 Posts: 2
    go to youtube and follow some of those aerobics classes at home, or i do 10 min drills like (jumping jacks, squats, jog in one spot, high kneels, butt kick and etc) do it for 10 min don't stop until the 10 min is up, do one drill for a min and you can repeat a drill.
    You should burn 100 calories in that 10 mins, i do it 3 times a day, even when i'm at work.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    I use fitness evolved for the xbox. I decided to invest in something I can do at home instead of an expensive gym membership that I will never use because I have 2 kids and no babysitter. Anyhow, the personal trainer program is great and the gymmgames make you break a sweat. You can also download new programs and routines.
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? I would say if you're exercising that much, you might need to make sure you're eating more. I know it sounds strange, but that's the way it's worked for me. If I eat too little or too under calories, I plateau or gain.

    I love exercise videos. There are many at Walmart or Target that are $10...from Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels, Leslie Sansone. If you want to spend more, Beach Body always has great videos. My faves are anything by Chalene Johnson (Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and ChaLean Extreme).

    I think I am... On my days I execerise I always eat normal, I leave at least 800 or below after my day.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look here:

    These two pictures are the before and after of doing the above 3 days a week for about 30 days, along with eating clean (1g protien/lb of lean mass, not worrying about fats, and keeping carbs under about 125g):


    It works.
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    I use fitness evolved for the xbox. I decided to invest in something I can do at home instead of an expensive gym membership that I will never use because I have 2 kids and no babysitter. Anyhow, the personal trainer program is great and the gymmgames make you break a sweat. You can also download new programs and routines.

    I doubt there's that for the PS3 huh? lol
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    Look here:

    These two pictures are the before and after of doing the above 3 days a week for about 30 days, along with eating clean (1g protien/lb of lean mass, not worrying about fats, and keeping carbs under about 125g):


    It works.

    But won't strength training make you only gain weight?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Look here:

    These two pictures are the before and after of doing the above 3 days a week for about 30 days, along with eating clean (1g protien/lb of lean mass, not worrying about fats, and keeping carbs under about 125g):


    It works.

    But won't strength training make you only gain weight?

    Oh lord no...I lost 20lbs over that time frame. Also, as a woman...your genetic programming is NOT to bulk'll trim and tone...but unless you're literally doing 5x5 with crazy heavy weight, and using steroids on top of will never bulk. In order to gain weight while strength training (as a male), you have to eat a slight caloric surplus. If you're eating a deficit, you'll always lose weight with strength training.

    The pictures should illustrate the visible difference.

  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks chris... I'll see if I can do that.

    I'm thinking of going to see my doctor first though to see if it's just my lack of medication.

    So I just went to check my weight and I lost one pound from a few days ago. But why is it that I gain then lose? How does that work?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Thanks chris... I'll see if I can do that.

    I'm thinking of going to see my doctor first though to see if it's just my lack of medication.

    So I just went to check my weight and I lost one pound from a few days ago. But why is it that I gain then lose? How does that work?

    Everyone's weight fluctuates from hour to to day. Water retention, undigested food, digested food (waste) all impacts our weight. Usually I'm heaviest thursday and friday...and lightest monday. I also try to ONLY weight myself first thing in the morning, naked...after using the restroom. This gives me my most consistent I haven't eaten any food for at least eight or ten hours, and waste shouldn't have much of an impact either (thus after the restroom lol). This helps me keep track of how my body reacts to exercise (invariably I retain water to repair the worked muscles...and so the scale lies to me and says I gained weight). I don't exercise on the I have two days of rest to evacuate that water by Monday morning.

    Hope that helps.
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    thanks! :3
  • Black_rose1809
    Black_rose1809 Posts: 40 Member
    I know I keep asking, but for any gamers is there any games of exercising for the PS3 move?