Setback :(

So I joined MFP last month and was going full speed ahead and doing awesome.....then on 4/11 I got in a car accident. Not a really bad accident, but enough to hurt my neck and back pretty bad. I am on muscle relaxers, pain pills and going to the chiropractor daily. I am just so upset, i know healing is the most important thing right now but it's hard to accept. I have the best MFP friends and they keep me motivated but I just feel sad about it all. I would love to hear from anyone who has had a setback and how they dealt with it....any and all advice will be greatly appreciated :smile: :sad:


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry about your accident!

    I'm in the same boat, though. I do 3 fitness/taekwondo classes a week (75 minutes per class) and last Tuesday, I broke my toe :( It's badly broken, and if I push it too hard, the bone will move out of place and I'm looking at pins.

    Right now, I'm doing what I can. I can't walk properly yet, so that's out. I've been squatting (I can do them without relying on my big toe for balance), sit ups, double leg lifts, weights..

    Just make sure you give yourself time to heal or you'll be dealing with an injury that requires more time off (trying to work on that one myself)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have stopped and started several times due to just being busy, but in fall of 2011 I had been back on track and doing very well for about 6 weeks. Then I found out I was pregnant (yay!), but sadly had some complications & miscarried a couple of weeks later (boo). Because of the problems I was put on bed rest, which was really hard after being active and all gung ho with fitness again, and hoping to stay fit through the pregnancy.

    But the whole situation kept me down for a good three months. During that time, I didn't gain any weight - I still tracked my food, and made sure I was eating well - the body heals better with good nutrition, so make sure you still eat well while you're healing up! :smile: Rest up too, don't try to do more than you should, or get back to doing things if the doctor still has you on rest - rest is when the body heals itself.

    Keeping my food logged through it all helped keep me focused for when I was able to start back with exercise (just slow walks at first), so the habit was already there, it wasn't so much like "starting again", you know?

    Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon!
  • Sorry about your accident!

    I'm in the same boat, though. I do 3 fitness/taekwondo classes a week (75 minutes per class) and last Tuesday, I broke my toe :( It's badly broken, and if I push it too hard, the bone will move out of place and I'm looking at pins.

    Right now, I'm doing what I can. I can't walk properly yet, so that's out. I've been squatting (I can do them without relying on my big toe for balance), sit ups, double leg lifts, weights..

    Just make sure you give yourself time to heal or you'll be dealing with an injury that requires more time off (trying to work on that one myself)

    I am so sorry about your broken toe......ouch :(
    It sounds like you are working it out and doing the best you can do. I started walking again over the weekend and I think for now that's what I'll stick to. It is just so frustrating!!
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. I've had two different setbacks. One pre MFP and one after. The first one I was goining it alone with my normal exercise routine and manual logging of diet. Had a hip replacement that pretty much stopped activity for a couple of weeks. Hard to exercise while riding a However, once released it was full speed ahead....

    I really never made a lot of progress on my own and was satisified with how I looked etc. Last fall I began to hear comments about 'my belly' and of course immediately began to regimin. I heard about MFP, joined up and have met some really nice folks as well as gained a wealth of knowledge.

    It took me a full month and a half before I started seeing any results at all. Then it just strated melting away. 7-8 pounds away from my original goal I tore my right bicep loading weight into the back of my pickup. Immediate loss of weight training and am still restricted to nothing more than a half gallon of milk.

    I was still able to do my cardio and body weight leg exercises along with some ab work and managed to get to my second goal. Looking forward to being able to get back after it full speedin another month & a half.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Last August I had just finished a round of Insanity and lost 20lbs! I started my second round and injured my big toe, "turf toe" is what they call it. I was out for a month! I gained ALL of my weight back and then some...not the best story I guess. BUT it was a learning experience, so its not SO bad!

    I learned at that time that I was all or nothing. If I was doing it, I was ON IT and anal as all get out because that's the only way to lose weight and succeed right? I thought that if I wasn't TRYING every minute of every day I wasn't working on it. I learned that if I couldn't do some it was ok, as long as I was doing SOMETHING.

    The reality is, weightloss is a journey and its a long one. Its a journey where you learn about yourself. You learn your weaknesses, your strengths, and your mental, physical and emotional habits. You will have more set backs. Hopefully most of them won't be physical, but mental and emotional are just as hard. Bottom line, KEEP AT IT! Do what you can! If you can go for walks, then go for as long a walk as you can handle. At least you are moving. Pay more attention to your food intake. You might not lose a lot right now, but if you are at a deficit, you WILL lose. GOOD LUCK!
  • I have stopped and started several times due to just being busy, but in fall of 2011 I had been back on track and doing very well for about 6 weeks. Then I found out I was pregnant (yay!), but sadly had some complications & miscarried a couple of weeks later (boo). Because of the problems I was put on bed rest, which was really hard after being active and all gung ho with fitness again, and hoping to stay fit through the pregnancy.

    But the whole situation kept me down for a good three months. During that time, I didn't gain any weight - I still tracked my food, and made sure I was eating well - the body heals better with good nutrition, so make sure you still eat well while you're healing up! :smile: Rest up too, don't try to do more than you should, or get back to doing things if the doctor still has you on rest - rest is when the body heals itself.

    Keeping my food logged through it all helped keep me focused for when I was able to start back with exercise (just slow walks at first), so the habit was already there, it wasn't so much like "starting again", you know?

    Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon!

    I am so sorry about all that you have been through. Thank you so much for all your advice. I have been tracking and even though some days I am embarrassed, I still track! I will work hard on the healthy eating part since I can control that, thank you again!!
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    You know what, you aren't alone! I had just started the couch2-5k again, was heading down the stairs for a run and fell down. Ended up with a wedge-compression fracture of the T8 vertabrae. I am now off the pain pills, but started physical therapy last week. So frustrating when all you want to do is get healthy but it takes so much time!
  • lovintate
    lovintate Posts: 4 Member
    Agree with everything everybody has said on here. DONT GIVE UP, WE ALL HAVE SET BACKS/BAD DAYS, LIFE HAPPENS. The important thing is that you get back up, start again and push forward.. Everyday is a new day :) Good luck
  • uhohkerri
    uhohkerri Posts: 43
    I am sorry to hear about your accident we all have set backs, i have been busy myself. and i know how aweful car wrecks can be i was in one in 09 broke every bone in my right arm, shattered my elbow, but i took the time i needed to heal and got back to work back then i was a single mom of 3 with a fast food job and a car that din't start every other day. but you will get back up dust yourself off and carry on you are strong and you can do it.