losing hope?

I've made many attempts in losing weight. I would start working out and eating healthy but after two weeks I would usually quit
but this time is different!
This time I'm going to stick to my workout schedule and eating healthy
I'm on my THIRD week now! i cant believe i hung in there
I feel really motivated to keep going but my scale is kinda bringing me down
I have only lost 3 pounds in this time
I made my setting so that id lose 2 pounds per week but that isn't happening right now
I'm not gonna lie,I sort of thought about quitting, because I"m not even losing that much weight
And yes I know that losing 2 pounds is still pretty good but i just want to be skinny already! :(
I hate how this is gong to be a "long" journey ughhh
that cake is looking very appealing right about now...



  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    I'm the same way, 2 weeks in then I'm out... But I have been on this journey since Jan 1, 2013 and with the help of MFP I'm losing weight and exercing. I'm 94 days in so far and past my 1/2 way mark on weight lose. My goal is by August I will be at my goal weight of 137, I started at 202 now I'm 167. Friend me if you want.
  • endee333
    endee333 Posts: 4
    wow thats awesome
    any advice/tips for someone like me whose in week 3 of working out and health eating, not loosing weight as quickly as i thought i would...
  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    One thing that worked for me (and I know everyone is different so it might not for everyone) but doing the couch25k program really got the pounds going off. Good luck and stick with it. This really isn't a quick fix. But remember the quicker it comes off the more likely it is to come back on. In this case slow and steady really does "win" the race.

    Another thing I STRONGLY suggest is to measure. Sometimes when your number stalls, you can take out the tape measure and see progress that way. Or take progression pictures that you can look back on and compare with where you are now. But again, this is a progression. You won't see the differences in the mirror because you see yourself every day, but seeing pictures side by side can be really eye opening!