Any advice?

I am around the 200 pound mark right now, which is the maximum weight for a flying program I got accepted to, which starts at the end of June. I would really like to get as far away from 200 pounds as I can, so I won't be worrying about my weight while I am on the flying program. I would like to get down to at least 180 by then...Any advice? I am currently running three times a week and trying to eat healthier, and have less calories/sugar.


  • NAMsMommy
    NAMsMommy Posts: 132 Member
    I think if you begin eating right and trying to add in some exercise you should lose pretty easily. I am JUST under 200 and am gradually losing. Even if you do the recommend 1lb per week you would be down more then 8 by then. One piece of advice I do have is maybe to try the couch2-5k program. When I was doing that I was having the most success with my weight loss. Not true for everyone, but I know it worked for me.