W0zzie Member


  • Left the Air Force & went into IT. Got lazy & thought I was too tired & not enough time for exercise. WRONG! Making time for exercise meant I feel more energised & make better use of the time I have. Win/win - more exercise = more time & more energy :D
  • Awesome - way to go! Now go for gold with maintenance :)
  • It was 2 fold for me. Used the calcs & BMI type thing as a guide but moreso I know what weight I was out of Rookies when I joined the Air Force 20yrs ago. I am that weight now & yeh I am by no means the same shape LOL So I really know it's not weight it's body comp that's my challenge now if I really want the "look".
  • Ditto LOL Seriously I'm either ignorant or ... no really I notice it at times but think the community seems to do a bit of ebb & flow. I do "think" it's more positive than negative but as always the negative stands out a whole lot more :(
  • For anyone still having issues with a FT4/FT7 or any Polar with wearlink strap - I posted this awhile back on when I came almost to the point of throwing it out / throwing a fit / buying a new strap. I have not had an issue with mine since and it's now nearing 1 yr old of 5 day a week use.…
  • Wow from the first 1/2 doz posts or so I thought it was a Perth convention LOL By the way - Howdy from Perth :P Welcome fellow Aussie - there's all the right stuff here for success ... Cheers
  • Welcome - you are on a winner here
    in Noob Comment by W0zzie November 2011
  • Mostly the confidence gained far outweighs any doubts. Having said that it's sort of weird - I look down at the bod and thing heh Nothing much has change :( but look in the mirror and/or the belt around my middle and think - ahh yes it has mate!
  • I've been in maintenance ? about 2 months. My plan was to just change intake but exercise "about" the same but maybe change focus to more strength in the mix than primarily cardio. I even gained 1.5kg on a holiday but lost it again in around 3 weeks. I've also had an incredibly busy last month and hardly done any activity…
  • I have BLUW, Sports, Adventures, Fighters Uncaged. My favorite is probably Sports but I use Sports & BLUW the most. I like table tennis, soccer, volleyball & boxing in Sports plus the Target Practice. For intensity out of this lot I reckon it'd go something like Fighters, Adventures/Reflex Ridge, Sports/Target Practice -…
  • 2nd kmbrooks15 - I average night-time meal around 9.30/10pm. I allow somewhere between 500-800 of an evening. Mostly the food itself is a balanced dinner & quite often even a hot choc & luxury snack of around 150cal late. It hasn't done my progress any harm at all.
  • I was/am not as well behaved on weekends but it hasn't seemed to completely wreck things. I compensate a bit by ensuring I workout on Friday & Monday and going under a bit. Otherwise it's a case of trying to find a balance and not feeling guilty about saying no or making different choices to your partner or family. My…
  • Wow some of the places :) Born & bred in Ippy. My wife is from Moore - more what - just Moore :O - near Toogoolawah. Love Toowoomba. Find the Gold Coast a scary place now-a-days... We've defected to Perth WA but still have heaps of family your way and a place in Yeppoon :D
  • Yup - heresay but I also have read over and over they are grossly inaccurate used in that way. You really need something like a "body bug" i think it is for getting burn or heart rate over an extended period.
  • @bmccrory2 - ditto Speechless - you are inspirational!
  • Everywhere - can't escape us :) Perth/ite here - QLD traitor :O
  • Not odd really - that's the great thing about MFP. Though it could do with one or two improvements that would help gainers even more. Good luck with your goals - your on a winner here. PS - you are far from alone - there are more than a few gainers dingling about :)
  • No - I do the hot machine wash or now more preferably the scalding hot water bottle shake once a week to 2 weeks. After each use I just use hot water ie. you can handle it on your hands but it is hot - and a drop of liquid handwash soap on the mesh material pickups - make sure you rinse it thoroughly and then squeeze out…
  • edit => LOL - that should have read "non"-strap ones are known for .... Yes absolutely - strap ones are known for being much less accurate. There is even quite some variability between the strap ones. I originally looked at a Timex that "seemed" to get good reviews - but as I dug a little deeper I note a lot of complaints…
  • What do you mean by blinks out? I think you'll find FT4 & FT7 have about the biggest fan base around including on MFP by those after mid range value for money HRM. I was having hassles with my FT7 but it turns out quite easy to keep it all ship shape. The key is look after the strap properly and keep it clean - when the…
  • Try popping "the strap" in a wide mouth cool drink bottle with scalding hot water & a little liquid soap/laundry soap - & give it the severe shake of it's life. Rinse thoroughly & dry. Here is all the ins & outs of what I learned as I was also at the throw it out the window stage - but after learning a few tips I haven't…
  • You will find a lot of support from MFPers for Polar FT4 or FT7. I have a FT7 and love it. The only difference I'm aware of between the 2 is the memory capacity - 4 is I think 10? sessions - 7 is 20 - but you might want to do a direct comparison of features if you do go for one.
  • The FT4 is the soft wearlink strap - so this might help you - I posted this up a little while ago with all the ins & outs of taking care of the strap that I've learned. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/322302-is-your-polar-wearlink-strap-giving-you-grief?hl=wearlink#posts-4297229 Cheers Woz
  • @Jesse13 "My polar says "transmitter error at times" and the heart rate is all over the place.." If you interested I posted this up a few days back on what I found with mine - if the F40 is the wearlink strap, it might help you.…
  • I have had both & am sold with Kinect. It has been virtually my sole source of getting off my butt. Costs more but is worth it. Obviously the better AV you have too the better the experience. Check a recent blog post by me if you like that gives all my thoughts on the topic inc games and what not:…
  • I know this is truly cruel but I wonder if this happened to my son it might cure his obsession with it for awhile. It is his biggest downfall against eating within a calorie budget - drinks away way too many calories %-/
  • @Avril58 - yep always do. @PenTool - great adds & agree with all. @MoonShadow - Yeh I didn't have any trouble either til about 4 month old - "maybe" I just tried to take care of it too well - a case of killing it with love LOL
  • "Science hasn't proven it, but I promise you it's the truth," just doesn't really make for a convincing argument. <= ROFL - there is that :wink:
    in Sugar Comment by W0zzie August 2011
  • I mostly agree with Tiger - though my understanding is although the all sugar is pretty much equal - the sugar in fruit is not processed by us in the same way to added sugar due to fiber. But I "think" you can't just completely ignore sugar from fruit, veg etc. And honey being any better is a misnomer. Anyway for a good…
    in Sugar Comment by W0zzie August 2011
  • Funny enough it sounds like I'm in a very similar situation to you. Holidays SEPT - I'm almost at maintain now and questioning the tracking. So far I think I will just continue - but have decided that "if" I don't then I will still weigh-in weekly and if things creep up by say 2lb plus then I'll start 100% tracking again.…