Problems with Polar FT4!!!

I'm so sick of my Polar FT$ HRM that I want to just throw it out of a moving car. After about 4-6 weeks of having it, it started displaying my resting heart rate as either "00" or something over 215! I kept playing with it, changing positions, etc., and would eventually get it working, but most of the time it would go back to "00" in the middle of my workout.

I wash it as recommended in the washing machine every 5 uses, and keep it clean after it use. I double-check that I'm wearing it correctly, that the sensors are wet enough, etc. I emailed customer support a week ago and have yet to get a response. (I emailed in order to have a written record of my contact with them.)

It's too late to return the HRM to Amazon, and I'm super irritated that I paid a lot of money for something that no longer works. And I have no idea how many calories I'm burning anymore!

My brother bought one after I recommended it and now his is no longer working either.

Anyone have similar problems or has been able to fix it/get a response from the company?

I guess the better question is what OTHER brand of HRM do people recommend?


  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    i don't know, but I've had that problem at times with my Polar FT7. Curious, very curious...
  • JRena225
    JRena225 Posts: 373
    Polar is pretty much the best IMO....

    i've had mine for a few months and yes sometimes the numbers go to zero but usually if i rearrange the position or re start the watch it works....I got mine from a sports store, not sure if that matters though..

    good luck
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Yeah, at first when I noticed the problems I could get it working again by loosening the strap on the watch or re-positioning the strap. But none of that works anymore :(
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Bump, I was thinking of getting one of these....I will keep my eye on this one.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    I read that new balance had good hrm. I'm going to google it and if I get one I'll let you know how it works.
  • KAT1892
    KAT1892 Posts: 54 Member
    This 00 problem happened to me too yesterday with the Polar FT4. Wasn't sure what caused it either. It was just in the middle of my workout and then all of a sudden it wasn't registering my heart rate. I'm hoping it doesn't keep it worked fine though.
  • NearlyThere2011
    NearlyThere2011 Posts: 29 Member
    I've had my Polar FT4 for just over a year now, and I started getting the same issues as you. I logged onto the Polar website online, and arranged a repair direct.

    They fixed my Polar within 1 week (sending me all the envelopes and stuff to post it back to them), and repaired it free of charge.

    The battery in the chest strap transmitter was dead, and the chest strap had a broken track in the wiring. My FT4 and brand new chest strap sent to me with no problems and charges at all.

    Best customer service I've had in a long time, especially when I told them I thought it was out of warranty so was quite prepared to pay for the repair in the first place.

    Give them a go - good luck (felt as though my right arm had been cut off when I didn't have it!! :laugh: )

  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    KAT, that's exactly how it started with mine. At first it was only occasionally where that would happen, and then it quickly became a daily problem. This is very discouraging!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I've had my Polar FT4 for just over a year now, and I started getting the same issues as you. I logged onto the Polar website online, and arranged a repair direct.

    They fixed my Polar within 1 week (sending me all the envelopes and stuff to post it back to them), and repaired it free of charge.

    The battery in the chest strap transmitter was dead, and the chest strap had a broken track in the wiring. My FT4 and brand new chest strap sent to me with no problems and charges at all.

    Best customer service I've had in a long time, especially when I told them I thought it was out of warranty so was quite prepared to pay for the repair in the first place.

    Give them a go - good luck (felt as though my right arm had been cut off when I didn't have it!! :laugh: )


    I feel the same way!!! :) I'll look for that info on their website--it sounds concerning though that so many people seem to have similar problems with it. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Try popping "the strap" in a wide mouth cool drink bottle with scalding hot water & a little liquid soap/laundry soap - & give it the severe shake of it's life. Rinse thoroughly & dry.

    Here is all the ins & outs of what I learned as I was also at the throw it out the window stage - but after learning a few tips I haven't had a problem since.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Try popping "the strap" in a wide mouth cool drink bottle with scalding hot water & a little liquid soap/laundry soap - & give it the severe shake of it's life. Rinse thoroughly & dry.

    Here is all the ins & outs of what I learned as I was also at the throw it out the window stage - but after learning a few tips I haven't had a problem since.

    Thanks a lot, I'm going to try these tips tomorrow!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Oh and I forgot to ask--do you wash it that way before/after EACH use?
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    No - I do the hot machine wash or now more preferably the scalding hot water bottle shake once a week to 2 weeks.

    After each use I just use hot water ie. you can handle it on your hands but it is hot - and a drop of liquid handwash soap on the mesh material pickups - make sure you rinse it thoroughly and then squeeze out and then towel dry. I'd say I probably use a drop of soap 2 or 3 our of 4 times I use it now.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    I have the FT40 and had the same problem after a few months. I sent it back and got a new one and so far so good. So many people have problems with these that I firmly believe there is a flaw in the construction on the strap.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Well I tried cleaning the strap as suggested but it's still showing my resting heart rate as 00. I'll have to send it back for service/exchange for a new one.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i have a polar ft4 so i'm just posting so this will stick under my topics
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Oh boy! I JUST bought one of these 1 hour ago! It cost a pretty penny (Canada always charges way more). I'll be pretty cranky if I have these issues!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    ...have had a zero in the middle of big deal yet......bump in case
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    Also curious....
  • M12e31g
    I had these problems with mine and was so upset since it was brand new. Since we are overseas, the website was saying I wasn't covered under warranty. I replaced the battery in the chest strap and all seems good now. Hopefully this continues! Otherwise, they are getting a very angry phone call.