1 degree, -11 windchill and I'm about to go run in it.
Sure would :)
#2 is just too stinking cute for words!
A newborn giraffe.
It worked for me. BUT, it's not just about calories, I wasn't eating pizza everyday, I'm a clean eater and watch what I put in my body. I lost a lot with healthy eating but working out stepped up my game. As you can see from the ticker, I'm doing okay.
I'm diagnosed celiac and have bee GF since 2010.
I plan on living out my life with proper fitness and eating. Period. I know how I screwed up my body, won't happen again.
griff, your last one :)
It's damn good. Gluten free (I have celiac) and I think the texture is better than normal yogurt. I used it for baking as someone mentioned above as well. I have a chicken recipe that will melt in your mouth.
A boy band from the mid 90's. Backstreet Boy sounded better than a New Kid On The Block. Just implying I lost the weight of a whole other person. Thanks! Now I get to tone up and build muscle. :-D
I hate my glasses. I look like a librarian. They're in my pics.
I was jogging on the treadmill and a lady a few machines down for me, was walking, pulled out and ate two packs of Reese's Cups.
I love this quote and yes it is.
Sonny...definitely the mystery...hiding behind the camera ;)
smile! @merry (you're beautiful, btw)
One thing that I quickly learned...I could not look at this as a "diet," this is a lifestyle change. I didn't want to diet, I wanted to change my life, how I live, how I eat, how I work out.
You know I only write about the best! I'm still sold on you being on the cover! ;)
I LOVE it! I seriously ♥ you, Z honey! Do I like Once Upon a Time? Now, you know my secrets.......what's my new series about? ;)
Health was always the number one priority for me. But, lets face it, I was for both.
Ooo, I wish I was a hair dresser! I know all of 3 ways to do my hair, lol.
I'm pretty sure USMC would be a Marine ;)
Welcome! Happy early birthday and best of luck on your journey. I really like your attitude. You can and will do this.
Horrible relationships. Abusive. I was raped. Best friend was killed. Got anxiety. Ate my feelings, drowning in pints of Ben & Jerry's, didn't work out. That's the basic run down.
I have about 40 more to go :)
I'm closing in on my 100lb mark as well. Though my clothes and photos scream out a difference, naked in the mirror reveals parts of my body that still need work. I just remind myself with photos just how far I've come to push me even closer to where I want to be. Congrats on such an incredible loss!
@SassyNovelist I'm set to private since I post photos of upcoming novels but will approve.
Very much this. I've had to do this a few times as I've hit two plateaus. I'm coming out of one myself. Just takes time hon. Best of luck.
TNT - AC/DC Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold Soldiers - Otherwise To name just a few.
It works. It takes hard work, dedication, eating healthy. Do NOT lie about what you put into your body. Log all of your food. Just stick with it and be positive.