Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I gained weight because of working 60 to70 hours a week for 10 years then got laid off... The depression was so great that I gave up... That along with my left side going to atrophy because of my neck. I had the surgery to stop the damage in my neck... And now I'm rebuilding my life with a new job and a desire to get back what I lost.. I can almost hold a pen in my left hand again.... But I'm starting to lose weight....
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    I grew up always being a chunky little nugget, growing up with just my mother - we didn't have a lot of money so we ate what we could, I actually remember a few meals being eating a teaspoon of I don't think I ever had a stable or reliable diet. When I would visit my father, he would love to spoil me, obviously his way to try make up for not seeing me as often as we'd all like, so often I'd return home from dad's even bigger each time. In primary school from the ages of 9 - 12 I was getting really fit, riding my push bike about 15km a day just too and from school, then I hit high school - I still saw myself as the fat kid so I didn't join in any school sports except for the few mandatory sports classes that I'd normally just do half assed anyways. So I slowly started to put weight on then, by the end of high school I would have been about 120kg. Then I hit the real world and had no idea about nutrition or anything, I was working full time so quick and easy meals normally take out - was what I'd have, I slowly put on weight with that, I eventually (about 4 years later) had put on so much weight I was so depressed/embarrassed/anxious about even going to work I ended up just not going and got fired. I then sat at home eating **** and doing nothing, my first long term girlfriend and I then broke up which sent me even further into the kfc bucket. I got to my heaviest about 1-2 years ago now, I hit 180kg (396pounds) I was probably heavier before then so we'll round it about 400lbs. A lifetime of bad eating, way too much negativity, putting myself down and no idea about nutrition and exercise lead me to that point....
  • abbby27
    abbby27 Posts: 2 Member
    Eating only junk food while i was pregnant :( gained so much weight and never lost pregnant again and did exactly the same..junk food..after that I never watched what i ate..drank to much sodas also..I quit soda 26 months ago and lost 20 pounds while pregnant for the third ( and last time ) so..i saw that even pregnant I LOST WEIGHT! I did not eat junk food..started at 202lbs my pregnancy and ended with 184lbs believe it or said I need to lose 30-40lbs more to be here i am :)
  • 3nchantress
    No one to blame but myself, but just wish it didn't take me until the age of 36 to realize that I have no grasp on what a portion size should look like. Sure, I always read the boxes, but totally blew off the suggested serving size because it just didn't seem like enough food. Growing up in a family where I didn't have control over my portions and being told I had to eat it all probably didn't help with my perception on what a proper amount of food is. I've never been much of a junk food eater and have managed to maintain pretty good health for someone my age and weight because I choose healthier options, but too much of a good thing is still too much - and there's no way weight-related health issues weren't going to start cropping up if I didn't do something about it. The biggest help on this journey has been the incredible shrinking stomach, as it's now attuned to normal portions and I find it uncomfortable to overeat.
  • UnicornRides
    First off, I have a number of conditions.. two heart problems, right off (both parents had heart conditions, joy.) Extra bone in both feet that was suppose to be surgically removed as a child.. and wasn't. I blew my knees out from basketball (feels like air pockets in them, sometimes.) And I have a spine issue.

    First off: I was SUPER active as a child.. I chased cows (yes, I lived in the deep south..), rode bike, and was out everyday. This was when I lived with my grandmother and my mom was away and my dad was separated. I had TONS of freedom (you know grandmas.)

    When both parents got back together, they moved and I lived with them when I hit my teens. They both worked so I was confined to indoors.. still was pretty in shape. When I did have freedom, I rode my bike like crazy. We also had PE in middle school.

    When I hit high school.. eh, I think I started getting tubby from no PE and not being taught to eat healthy. My parents were on the overweight side and we ate A LOT of take out. They didn't care much for healthy.

    College.. Cafeteria food was delicious. I lived on a private campus where classes were close to walk to.I started working at Domino's pizza (5 years and I ate pizza.. nearly every day?) Enter 40lbs in no time.

    Lately.. I moved to Florida almost a year ago and for the first 6 months, I was so newborn like to this city that I woke up, went to work, went home, computer, then slept. No motivation. Some fear. Still ate a lot.

    So.. the reason I'm fat, I think, is: I just ate a lot of crap, didn't exercise, and didn't care.

    What's funny is that I was always hit on, popular, told I was beautiful, etc when I was at my heaviest (by nice looking guys, even.) It didn't make me blink an eye at my weight but now I look back and realize it was probably personality that drew them to me.

    ((((((((((((TL;DR - FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.))))))))))))))
  • voodoovette
    voodoovette Posts: 5 Member
    Mostly just living life. I love food, I love cooking, I love experimenting, I love love love rich foods. I live for reading. rich foods plus a book equals weight gain. I tend to do burst activities: weekend woodworking, horseback riding on an infrequent basis, and gardening that is mostly set-up and then harvesting. Not enough steady cardio.

    And no one to be active with on a regular basis - walking, etc.
  • classyb0nes
    I stopped working out because i moved and then started a really heard online school and i swear i don't have time for anything anymore. Not even piano but i really wanna start working out again. And i really love chocolate okay~
  • keepingm0tivated
    I'm fat because Nutella is a god send.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Food addiction.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    The reasons why I gained some weight in first place were hormonal.
    Reason why it spiralled out of control to 120kg (260 lbs) was my weakness.
    Why it lasted 3 years of being fat and miserable - lazyness and said weakness.
    Lack of any knowledge about nutrition or just body and how it works in general didnt help.

    Now am all happy and in control. With healthier body (hormones in check cptn!) and healthier mind.
    I like to be in control and disciplined. NO MOAR WEAKNESS *roars*

    *cough* I have special morning coffee me time now. SHE-HULK TIME.

  • Rachshuv
    Rachshuv Posts: 21 Member
    Plus whenever I went on a fitness kick I got obsessed and was afraid of becoming bulimic, not achieving my goals but still having an eating disorder... Then my best friend told me earlier this year ' it's all right to be obsessed for a while, to be good at anything we have to obsess! You are just going to healthily obsess about being healthy!'
    14lbs and only 15 more to go....
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    Horrible relationships. Abusive. I was raped. Best friend was killed. Got anxiety. Ate my feelings, drowning in pints of Ben & Jerry's, didn't work out. That's the basic run down.
  • cowgurl1
    cowgurl1 Posts: 8 Member
    I got fat because I really really really love good, gourmet, Epicurean food and eat out A LOT ( I write reviews in my spare time, never trust a skinny food reviewer right?) . I also love really really awesome wine. And I (used to) drink at least 3 beers a night. Also truth be told I used to be Vego ( for 10 years) , and then 3 years ago went back to the dark side. Since then Ive put on about 8kg. Probably also because Bacon. MMMM bacon.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    A month and a half of high dose steroides jump started my weight gain.
    After this I got really depressed for more than a year and started to play computer games to run from reality. My new lifestyle was all about take out food and sitting all day in front of the computer(I also have a desk job). My wake up call was when i tried on some old pants and couldn't get them up above my knees.
    Now I'm much better and very close to my highschool skinny weight :)
  • Rosie040522
    Rosie040522 Posts: 14 Member
    For me-it started when my husband was deployed to iraq and other countries..depression and eating lots of food at work that were not the greatest choices and not exercising like i should have been.. After he came back and got out of active duty from the marine corps we decided to nip the weight thing in the butt and it was working, then i became pregnant, and gained more weight than i should have during my daughter will be five years old in april of this year, some people accepted me and told me it was okay because i just had a baby, or i am taking care of my daughter full-time all day every day.even my hubby would tell me this..and i am so greatful for his understanding and acceptance no matter what i look like....but that reason started to become unreasonable to me and now it has no standing in my mind. It is unacceptable to me that I am currently as unhealthy and overweight as i am.. I have been trying my best to keep myself motivated and fell on and off the wagon quite a few times, but my grip is tight and i am ready for this change, i have lost 16 pounds since 12/01/12 and will stay as dedicated as i am now for the rest of my life to be happy with myself and become the person i know i was meant to be.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I'm not overweight and never have been. But as soon as I turned 30 I put on about 20lb just from over eating and not taking care of myself.

    I want to look good in a bikini!

    7 down, 13 to go...
  • CuddlyIrish
    CuddlyIrish Posts: 149
    I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and it makes it sooooo hard to lose weight. I am not putting all the blame of that though as I do make bad food choices like some of us here and hardly exercise. I will say though that when I was diagnosed a doctor told me I'd always be big and never lose weight and I guess I gave up after that. But now....I want to try at least. I hate the person staring back at me in the mirror and that needs to change right now
  • jmcveigh12345
    I was always a big girl, but like many people was in a relationship with someone who wanted a house wife and treated me like rubbish. So i comfort home sick..ate more...but now i am in a relation a loving relationship with someone who loves me for me, and supports me all the way. I moved back home and vowed to put a stop to my bad eating habbits!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I'm not overweight now but trying to maintain. The reason I was too fat was I ate too much, too often and didn't exercise. Quite regularly I would binge eat as well out of boredom or being stressed. The latter is still a battle to overcome but most days I am winning now.