Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)

So, this site is pretty anonymous as in like most people you'll never meet, so it's a safe place to share things. So I think it's something everyone needs to do at some point or another, so if you've already shared with someone else or just yourself, share it again to empower yourself. If you haven't opened up yet, then do it.
What are the REAL reasons why you are fat, or too thin, or out of shape, or whatever? What happened? (breakup, loss, plain laziness etc. etc.)


  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    Before I gained weight I had only one exercise: dancing. I went to the goth club twice a week and danced for nearly three hours straight with minor breaks to smoke a cigarette and have a quick drink (totaling to 4-5 breaks). I lost 40 pounds doing this without watching what I ate (even to this day I haven't been big on eating).

    Then I got married and became a house wife to a husband that banned me from going to the club (he doesn't trust guys or girls around me in that environment). So since I couldn't get a job (due to mental health issues, Bipolar and Dissociative Identity Disorder) my job was to do house chores. So I'd do them, then sit and what tv or Netflix. Stupidly, after the chores and a break, I didn't put on music and danced for my exercise. I just sat there. No exercise at all.

    That's how I ended up at 208 pounds (now 202).

    Wow, that felt good to write down.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    i became overweight because i treated my body carelessly (partying) and once the party was over, i used comfort food (im french, italian, catholic and jewish...the worst/best comfort food eaters, always something delicious to take your mind off your problems) to feel better.

    but not anymore...:)
  • I've always been a big girl. First I got pregnant, then I lost 75 lbs. I met and married a guy who wanted me to be lazy and fat, and gained it all back. I lost 50 lbs (and also got divorced,) but last year my mom passed away and I put every single pound back on. I am without a doubt, a stress eater. That would account for 70% of putting the weight back on, the other 30% is a combination of being lazy and having a job in which I am chained to a desk all day.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got fat from yo-yo dieting---and lack of exercise because of arthritis. I should have cut out sugar and wheat and started eating to properly nourish my body years ago. I also should have done pool exercise years ago as well. :ohwell:
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    *Deep breath* I couldn't say "no" to the extra servings of junk food my bf would order for us. We ate it ALL almost all the time.
  • rachyruu
    to be honest I dont know, I dont eat red meat and Im a fussy eater .... that could be part of it, also I dont get enough sleep at night so thats another thing I guess... trying to eat cleaner is posing a challenge as I have always been fussy and picky with my food... I have had quite an unhealthy relationship with food since I was very young.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I gained weight because I love to snack. Give me a good movie and a box of cheezits and I am in heaven. Also, going out to a movie with a tub of popcorn.... love it. I have a good life. I am usually in a good mood, I just like to snack. Don't even get me started about ice cream.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't like confrontation. I eat instead.
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    The basic reason is I like to eat. So now I'm learning to make better choices, plan ahead and place a higher value on health than taste.
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    eat when bored
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    I think that this is a great question and hope it helps people who are struggling. I statred to gain my weight after my husband passed away, he was just shy of his 41st bday and its coming up on 7yrs now...he departed leaving a new born baby of 7months behind and his passing just sadden me to the core I just gave up on life he was my life and without him I was nothing but left behind...and shortly after I mean only days his family ( mother n sister ) treated me like I was nothing so if I was nothing it didn't matter how I looked...I couldn't see myself anyway because the best part of me had died! so inbetween then on now I have lost weight and gained weight and found someone who loves me for me and he sees nothing wrong with my weight but wants me to be happy and is sharing this journey with me. Thats my story on the fat issue and soon it will no longer be!
  • furenaef
    furenaef Posts: 157 Member
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member

    I can tell you that as I got into my late 30's and then into my 40's I started to regret the stuff I did when I was younger and now I am paying for it.

    After that - Lazy.

    Then being an all or none type of person.... If I can't do it all I don't do it.

    I could go on but that is the main three reasons.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I always loved to eat. Then I got pregnant with my second child and something in my body chemistry changed. I gained a bunch of weight.

    Then I started my cycle of low-calorie diets, binges, falling off the wagon, low-calorie diets, binges, falling off the wagon. With each fall, I ended up weighing more than I had before I'd started the diet.

    Unhappy marriage. Put lots of pressure on myself. Started to get depressed. Suffered from insomnia. I ate to sooth my sorry soul and help me sleep. ;-)

    Divorced, little money, depressed, even less energy to cook. And then began the bargain fast-food "killer" diet.

    Landed a stressful, fast-paced job with uncertain hours. Grabbed meals when I could. Occasional business lunch. Lots of sitting behind a desk.

    And then I lost my job and it just spiraled out of control from there as I lost lean body mass, developed poor cardiovascular ability and spent a large time of my day in bed.

    In other words, I always had an excuse to eat, an excuse to gain, but never had the tools or motivation to do the hard work that it takes to get the weight off and keep it off. I hope that through MFP I've found the tools. The motivation comes and goes in sync with my energy.

    BTW ... don't ever think you are anonymous on the Internet, at least as long as you use your name or your photo. I came here looking forward to complete anonymity as I lose weight and learn how to keep it off. It quickly became apparent that I'd have to use an unknown screen name and generic photo as I immediately saw three people on there that I recognized. Then, recently, I found my 30-something son had joined, too. He doesn't post on the boards. Not sure if he reads them or not.

    Honey, if you've figured out it's me, go ahead and add me as a friend. But don't tell anyone I'm your mom, OK? LOL
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    "This is soo good, I'll just have another plate!"
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    I have two kids and I was thin before I had them and right after but then I met my fiancee. He swept me off my feet. With that came the food and drinks. I'm sure age, with the slowing of my metabolism, had a small role to play but mostly just feeling too comfortable In turn I let myself go. Oh and did I mention I love a glass of wine or 3?! lol My weakness is cocktails and carbs! I love comfort foods especailly breads. There it "real" reason in a nut shell.
  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    I was diagnosed with asthma 25 years ago (at age 33) and took high doses of prednisone for a year - a wonder drug but many side effects - weight gain being number one. I managed to do OK for many years. I'm a bored eater - nothing to do - eat . Lots of too big portions and fast food. Food ruled my life. Last summer I tipped the scales at 260. Now I'm doing something about it. Down 60 pounds from highest weight - all due to a life style change - FOOD IS NO LONGER MY MASTER. No drugs or diets allowed. Yep - I feel better too.
  • jsjp
    jsjp Posts: 51 Member
    Too many sweets and junk food and beer.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    First it was lazy

    then I lost a bunch of weight and was doing good

    Then deployment caused me issues which lead to.

    Regretting things can be very hard. I felt like I failed when I had to come back early.

    which caused my issues to get worse which lead to.

    Depression and medication

    I shot up from 128 to 155 in a month and 1/2

    The meds made me eat and i couldn't go any part of the day without thinking about food. It really sucks
    When i have bad days I wanna eat.