Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • sallievp
    sallievp Posts: 33 Member
    For me there is no other explanation than that I LOVE EATING! and have a HUGE appetite! and love to eat all the wrong foods :-(
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    I was never "obese" and I have always made time to exercise, but years and years of working 60 - 80 hours/week, endless travel, business lunches, business dinners, and a desk job took its toll. Remember in "Gone With the Wind" when Scarlett O'Hara grabs a plant out of the ground and tries to eat it and says "I'll never go hungry again!!!". Well when I retired my rallying cry to myself was "I'll never sit on my *kitten* again!!!" So now I exercise at least 2 hours/day, cook and eat healthy, a dinner out is a treat rather than the norm, and I feel SO GOOD and happy. It's really true that the more you exercise, the more energy you have and the better you feel. So for you desk jockeys out there, do the best you can and keep your eyes on the prize.
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    Stopped walking everywhere when I learned how to drive and did A LOT of drinking!
  • Megan7707
    Great question. I think my issue was getting older and metabolism slowing down. Never had a weight issue until my 4th child came along at age 36. All of a sudden the baby weight didn't go away as fast and I really had no clue how to lose it and keep it off. So now I am on my second round of weight loss and trying to do it the right way.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I. Love. Food.

    I also thought that I was "destined" to be the size I was because that's just how the women in my family look.

    ^^This exactly!^^
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    *Poor food choices (carboholic and sugar junkie, still to this day. *sigh*)
    *Spurts of exercise, then deserts of laziness
    *Late night TV watching companion (Ice cream, pop tarts, toaster strudels, etc)
    *Too much soda, not enough (*ahem*ANY) water
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I like to eat and I don't like to exercise. Too many calories in, not enough calories out. Simple math made me overweight. Damn you, Math!!!
  • TiffCK
    TiffCK Posts: 37
    I gained too much weight while pregnant. Went from 104lb (worked on my feet all day, too busy to eat much at all) to 160lbs after 2 kids. Stayed 160 for a year and decided it is time for a change. I didn't realize how many calories I must have consumed to maintain that frame (on a 5'2" body) until I started counting them. On 1360 calories a day I have lost 14lbs in 25 days. (was only trying to lose 1lb a week, lost almost 1lb every 2-3 days. I hated my body then realized my body is awesome. It was just giving me what I gave it. Now that I am eating healthier and much less calories, it is giving me my body back in record time. IN 5-7 more lbs I won't even be overweight anymore! (Though I want to lose quite a bit more, and tone up.) I ate crap, and ate a heck of a lot of it. Now I eat less crap (though I still eat some!) and eat a ton healthier than I used to. My diet of Krispy Kremes, buscuits, chocolate, hot tamales and potato salad wasn't doing the trick. I still eat chocolate daily though, but instead of 5 or more pieces, it is one or 2.
  • TiffCK
    TiffCK Posts: 37
    P.S: I haven't had a soda in a month! Went from 3-5 a day to nothing. So that was about 600-1000 sugar filled calories a day! To nothing but water, and the occasional (meaning once every other day or so) hot chocolate, cappachino, orange juice or milk.
  • red9812
    red9812 Posts: 85 Member
    Two words. Law school. Due to all the stress, I was at my thinnest during law school, which was 119lbs (5'8"). I was pretty good about eating when I was supposed to, but I kind of lose my appetite when I'm really worked up. Since then, I have gained weight (125lbs), but now I'm working on making sure that weight is lean muscle instead of just fat.
  • Camiladavila
    Camiladavila Posts: 2 Member
    I think it was mostly eating without thinking, and being to lazy to workout. Not anymore!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I like to eat and I don't like to exercise. Too many calories in, not enough calories out. Simple math made me overweight. Damn you, Math!!!

    OK, but the more honest and complete answer would be menopause. I was always *slightly* overweight. Always size 10 or 12, while the rest of the world was size 6 or 8. And for most of my 20s and 30s it creeped up very slowly but surely. But then the menopause threw me completely off course and I gained about 30 pounds in 6 years. And it seemed like I just could get on top of it. It spiraled out of I gave up. That didn't help!!
  • Ampedette
    Ampedette Posts: 35 Member
    I was raised on cheap food because I grew up poor. I was never hungry, but I was also never healthy. Eating mac and cheese and drinking kool aid for lunch five days a week isn't exactly good for you. Preconditioned to love sweet and salty foods, my entire lifestyle has been centered around eating. I also wasn't raised to be athletic or to enjoy sports (my parents didn't play outside with me), so I was conditioned to make and accept poor diet choices before I knew what "lifestyle" meant.

    YES! This!!!
  • Momm22boys
    Laziness and overeating caused me to become fat. I gained weight when I quit smoking and became a stay at home mom. I started smoking cigarettes at 15, quit during both of my pregnancies, but started smoking again within months after they were born. I didn't have trouble losing the baby weight. I was back down to a size 6 in less than a year. In April 2009 I decided to quit smoking, become a stay at home mom, and homeschool. So in stead of smoking I started snacking all the time. I also became lazy after sitting for hours at a time while homeschooling. I gained about 40 pounds in 3.5 years. I got to a point where I hardly recognized myself. I felt like Humpty Dumpty because I carry my weight in my midsection. Since January 1st I've been making time for exercise and trying to eat better. I've lost 13 pounds and I'm starting to feel like myself again.
  • goldie980
    If there is such a thing as being in the middle of above thin and definitely below fat. Then that's me. However my mom and sister are both obese. I don't fear being fat, I just don't want to get to a point where it's even harder than it is to lose weight. My metabolism is pretty much gone so even with all the exercise I'm still hovering below 150 lbs. So here I am trying to lose 20 lbs to give myself enough distance from 150 to maintain a desire able weight. Goodluck to us all. Oh did I mention I also want to lower my cholesterol and be an example to my husband who struggles with his weight.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am generally a mostly healthy eater so it takes a lot to make me gain. In this case it was 3 things. Three surgeries in 3 years each one added a little weight. Otherwise I'm a pretty healthy eater so I find it relatively easy to stay thin once thin.
  • goldie980
    Didn't realize turning 50 that I couldn't eat like I was prior to 50. But I continued to eat with zero metabolism and the weight ensued. Now I'm backtracking and realized unless I change and become more accountable about what I eat my weight will continue to rise.. So cataloging my food daily is really opening my eyes. For instanc who knew a marie calendar pot pie has 630 calories.
  • CJLS_5
    CJLS_5 Posts: 24 Member
    Chubby from a young age. Never seemed to know when to stop eating, couldn't turn down food. Stayed active, played sports but could never get my eating under control. In elementary school I was teased and bullied everyday about my weight, this led to more overeating, which led to weight gain which led to even more bullying and extremely low self esteem. Highschool was way better, no teasing, awesome friends, and I was popular, I was finally gaining some confidence! But old habits die hard, my eating was still out of control. I would try and tell myself I was gonna lose the weight but after a day or 2 of dieting I would give up. My self esteem was building for everything in my life except my weight and how I looked. Even though I was never called fat in highschool, everytime I heard that word I would and still sometimes do get uncomfortable, adjust my clothes, and have a voice in the back of my head saying "they are talking about you", those old wounds from childhood are still healing now at 21. I still have body image issues even though after losing 25lbs (and almost halfway to my goal!) I know I look the best I ever have and am the healthiest I've ever been. Being in University, living in my own place and buying my own food has made a huge difference...lots of booze and partying doesn't help but I can be good 80% of the time and have my fun on the weekends:)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I recognize myself in many of these answers, but the REAL reason I'm overweight is that I struggle with food addiction.

    Have you ever been going about your day, when suddenly you're interrupted by a voice inside your head that says "CAAAAKE!!" You try fill up on something healthy, distract yourself, take a walk, or just say no, but the voice persists? Eventually you just have to eat the damn cake so the voice shuts up and you can go on with your day? But the trouble is, two hours later, the voice says,"COOKIES!!!" and it starts all over again. By the end of the day, you're demoralized, depressed and feel hopeless and maddeningly helpless. If that never happens to you, consider yourself blessed.

    If I'm able to stay on my diet for a number of days, the "voice" loses it's intensity. If I'm able to stay clean for a month, I feel like a giant burden has been lifted because my mind isn't constantly being invaded by thoughts of food.

    Eating the wrong kinds of foods literally makes me enslaved to the whims of the naughty child that likes to yell "cake" at me. This naughty child has lived with me on and off since I can remember. I wish I could just send her away somewhere - like a very dark, scary closet, or even the bottom of a swimming pool, but I think she's here with me for the duration.

    Eating clean consistently is the only way for me, but consistency isn't my strong suit....yet.