Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • trainmean1
    CAUSE. I EAT TOO ****ING MUCH! <3 SRY I LOVE CURSING, **** **** **** ****!
  • kaa02c
    kaa02c Posts: 103 Member
    Hell I just like to eat. My family has always celebrated everything over food. Carbs are my fave. I even eat when I am stressed!
  • caity_cupcake
    I didn't care enough about myself to take care of myself. I didn't think I was worth it. So I did what made me happy - eat. Now I know better. :3
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Being a member of the clean plate club. We didn't always have enough to eat when I was growing up so I have a subconcious (well now conscious) fear of being hungry. I feel the need to eat everything in sight because A) it tastes good and B) I have to eat it all in addition to no exercise got me 40 pounds overweight and very unhappy
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    I just like to eat.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I love to eat! I could just eat and eat and eat and eat. It has nothing to do with hunger. Also, when I'm, bored at work, I wanna eat. And I love sweets and carbs, but I do prefer whole grain stuff. But still! I would eat too much of it if I could.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Too much of the wrong things. Having takeaways when I like. Not eating enough greenery or fruits. Being extremely sedentary. I'm not 'fat' per say, but I am definetely out of shape and working towards fixing that :smile:
  • 5hellz
    5hellz Posts: 63 Member
    Honestly, I just got lazy. Oh, and I couldn't give up my Mountain Dew. I mean, 5-6 20oz Mt. Dews per day. And then I realized that I was missing out on a lot of picture moments with my family because of the way I looked.

    So, I have replaced the Mt. Dew with water and the sitting on the couch all day every day with going to the gym for at least 1 1/2 hours every day! I'm eating healthier, feeling better, and working out.

    We are going to the beach this summer and I want to be 60 pounds lighter and whole lot healthier!
  • NeewMee
    NeewMee Posts: 26 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.

    I was diagnosed with malignant thyroid cancer in 2007 and had my thyroid removed. Went through RAI treatments while my husband was deployed. You'd be surprised what that little gland controls. Most days I couldn't even get out of bed and it took two years to finish my treatments and get my medication right. At that point, again while my husband was deployed, I was diagnosed with PCOS and uterine cancer and just gave up. I gave into my illnesses. I felt worthless and defeated by my own body. But not anymore. If I am going to be tired or ill or in pain all of the time I might as well do something to cause it! These past few months I feel better than I have in years!! :smile:
  • lilmissbamaqueen
    I was always really thin until I was about 21, ate whatever I wanted and never worried about it, and it just all caught up with me. Add in a REALLY bad marriage, a couple of emotional disorders, and some really bad relationships since then, and I went from always being about 115 lbs and fitting comfortably in a size 4/6 jean to 180 lbs and a size 16. That's pretty much the gist of it.
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    I have always been overweight my whole life but when i was a kid i was active swimming 2 hours a night 5 nights a week rollerblading 2 hours a night 5-7 nights a week. I like to eat. Always eaten pretty healthy I grew up in a good family and we ate family meals i would eat seconds and thirds before my oldest sister (who has always been skinny) would finish her first. I was always more active, always hungry but i never knew when to stop eating, i never felt full. In high school i weighed about 200-210 lbs on my 5'3 frame. I wore a size 14-16 pant, boarderline overweight. My father would always tell me i needed to lose weight which only made me eat more. As a kid i ate because i was upset or happy. i was very active and i was never the last kid to finish the mile i ran an 8 min mile while being that heavy. My family has always said i'm big boned built like a little s*** brick-house.

    When i left for college i stopped swimming and rollerblading constantly. Books took over activity and i gained weight up to about 250. I tried diets even mpf and they worked for a while but i was just too busy at college having fun studying and not paying enough attention to what i'm eating. I love icecream and cakes i can eat a quarter of a gallon of icecream in one sitting without thinking about it. I also used to eat brownie batter and cake batter by the box when i was a kid.

    Then i met the man of my dreams we are getting married in april and i let myself go skyrocketing up to 275 and a size 18-20 pant. i've gone up, i've gone down but ultimately i never have had the will power or motivation to stick with it. Counting calories works i know it does, i just gotta do it.

    Do or Do Not there is no Try. --Yoda
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
  • kyleesartwell
    I was fairly thin throughout my whole life and then my weight escalated when I was in college. I gained the "Freshman 15" plus some. I wish there was something like MFP back then but no need to dwell in the past. It's a new day and a new decade and its time to shed this weight for good!
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Short version= laziness coupled with love of (junk) food and lack of portion control.

    Long version= I was carless, walking to work which definitely burned calories. I was also pretty poor which meant not being able to afford overeating. Then I got a better job and a car... no more walking, more money for junk food, and less time to cook because I started college. Oh yeah, I did have an alcoholic boyfriend for a while, and I started drinking beer with him... all that beer didn't help either.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    Growing up I was the one singled out by the other girls in my school, on my street and in my church. I tried soooo hard to get them to like me. I used to follow them everywhere, even buy them gifts, which for a broke elementary student was a big deal. There must have been something wrong with me that made them hate me so much and I wish I would have known what it was. Because of this I have pretty much always had very low self esteem and was painfully shy. I hated myself. I even tried to kill myself once. That was in 9th grade.
    About 6th grade was when I started putting on weight. My family was pretty sedentary and my mom and dad's cooking was rich, creamy and delicious and we often went back for second helpings.
    My high school year I decided "Screw those girls who ruined my life!" and decided that no one was going to feel unloved and unwanted as long as they knew me. I was very popular in high school, though not with the "popular" kids. I was friends with all the "rejects", the nerds, anime freaks, goths, druggies. They were my friends and I loved them all. I don't think any of them noticed the mask I was wearing. I tried so hard to look happy and smile and go out of my way to say hi, but I was dying on the inside. I still hated myself, still wanted to die and considered it a few times, but didn't want to take the cowardly way out...
    That's pretty much it, sorry it's so long and such a downer. It's funny how I'm 24 now and even writing it as I am now is still painful and brings a lot of emotion with it. I am still pretty sedentary, but at least I exercise in the morning and am trying harder to eat better. I'm determined to become a me I can be proud of, one that I'll like looking at in the mirror, and maybe one that I can love.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Overeating from being depressed because I got treated badly in a relationship (was constantly getting cheated on, chose to stay, very foolish) and then doing the same because I was fat surrounded by a bunch of skinny friends who always got chased by guys while I got left behind.
  • jenniferswooten
    jenniferswooten Posts: 137 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little. Got fat Got depressed about being fat. Ate more. Moved less. Got fatter. Repeat ad nauseum.

    Yep me too
  • vblair77
    vblair77 Posts: 180 Member
    To sum it up: Denial. I've always been on the thicker side (5'6" tall, size 11/12, weighed approx 150 lbs) but after I had kids and my pants went to a 14...then a 16...and now an 18...I was just in denial that it was really a big deal. And because I carry my weight really well it was easier to deny it. And quite honestly if my stomach wasnt so disgusting, I'd probably still be just a happy little clam living my life of denial. But this tummy's gotta GO! LOL
  • 4brats2angels
    4brats2angels Posts: 25 Member
    Well start off...I was always so thin I used to get made fun of for being that way growing up all through school even in high school! Shortly after graduating I got married had two kids got fat...I lost the weight a year after having my second and felt great about myself! Got a divorce lost even more weight...then found the Love of my life we had been trying to have a baby starting in 2004 and in 2006 it finally happened! But I lost her, my baby Rain. I ate out of depression and put on quite a bit! In 2007 we got pregnant again but unfortunately I lost him, our baby Silas. So needless to say I packed on 60lbs by this point! In 2008 we got pregnant again and this time I gave birth to a precious little girl, Zella Paz! I stayed the same weight for a while then I had to have surgery in 2009, I had a blood clot on my ovary that was excrusiatingly painful...I died on the operating table and was resucitated. Fell into a deep depression and gained another 70lbs. I was up to 287!!! I needed something active to do so I started doing Roller Derby in the first year I lost 60lbs I was over the moon! But after a concusion, whiplash and a broken tailbone at one point my husband wanted me to quit! I was heart broken this was my new love and I felt like I just broke up with my awesome lover lol So my weight stayed the same I started mfp because my 4 year old thought I was having a baby because in her words my tummy was fat! A friend of my husbands looked at wedding pictures of us and said wow whos that girl and I just looked at him holding back tears and said thats me! I had to do something so I started here and so far in 3 weeks I've lost 5 pounds and couldn't be happier!:wink:
  • Lilyyy7
    I am 5'6 currently weighing in at 136.

    I reached the weight of 163 TWICE in my life.

    1st - I was depressed. My relationship was a failure, my home life was falling apart. Going out every weekend and trying to take the pain away with alcohol.

    2nd - I was in another failure of a relationship, probably worse than the last one. It pretty much took over my whole life, flipped it and made it something it wasn't.

    Today... I am FREE. Love YOURSELF above all else! Never let ANYONE take away the things that you love the most.
    I will never put myself through that again. I am in the best shape I have been since 2009. Good luck guys! :)