MichaelRobinson1994 Member


  • Just rest up and recover - if you're not well enough to have eaten much, you probably won't have the energy to workout properly - a decent paced walk somewhere would probably do you no harm though if you want to keep moving
  • You've got a decent range of veg there that you can work with! Potato is perfectly healthy, and they have a decent fibre content if you don't peel the skins off, i'd try sweet potato too. You can buy bags of frozen mixed veg from supermarkets that you pop in the microwave for 2 mins and they taste great and go great with a…
  • If i use say, 1tbsp of oil, I just log the whole amount, it's better to over estimate if you're working on a deficit
  • I know how you feel, and i've dealt with sleep deprivation - I have insomnia bouts when i'm exceptionally stressed! For me, the best thing is to, at say 8-9pm, clean the house, or move the furniture around - not enough to call it a workout, but enough to get a little puffy and warm - then bed at 11pm, and I have a hypnosis…
  • Rice and beans, with plenty of water
  • i'm not a vegan, however my friend has recently became Vegan and i've agreed to go vegan for a week to help support her. Carbs are probably going to always be a huge part of your diet - that's just how Veganism is as far as I can see. For your Sugar, I wouldn't worry if it's mostly from fruits and veg - if it's from sweets…
  • I'm assuming you mean all added/processed sugars? Can't be cutting out fruit/veg totally until then! Best of luck to you!
  • What do you eat to achieve 80/10/10? I can't have loads of fruit as a single meal, just cause of buying/storing at my parents house, unless I wan't to ripen dozens of banana's for example in my bedroom!
  • Think about how much fun your dog is having! He/She will appreciate the longer walks, no doubt! You could also take a friend/family member if you need somebody to talk to on them? My girlfriend used to get her butt kicked out of bed and come walking with the dog and me for 3-4 miles most mornings back when he was a younger…
  • between 0-1 for me most days, i've never been a big meat eater
  • Thanks :) That seems to be the consensus with everyone else, too! I'll give it a few weeks and see how I feel
  • Thank you :) I am not a vegan, but I am doing my best to keep fats down for now, protein i'm still keeping up (70-100g a day) I did consider a shift to veganism for the ease of getting less fat, but chicken stopped that from happening!
  • I struggled at Uni with energy, although i'll put that down to the fact that I was eating too many takeaway and drinking too much alcohol. All i'd say is try sticking some fruit into your diet when you feel a dip - 100 calories from a banana, or 70 from an apple aren't going to busy your calorie limit (or go too far over…
  • As someone who would identify as somebody with a 'salt-tooth' as opposed to sweet, I know how tough cravings can be! For me, I kicked crisps, replaced my lunchtime bag of them with an apple, and then removed all table salt from the house! You can get all the sodium you need from your food without adding more and without…
  • Ignore the sugar goal if it's from fruits. I eat 4-5 portions of fruit (and the sugary ones likes dates, bananas) plus veg every day and regularly go over the goal set my mfp. So long as your sugar isn't from processed foods and sugary-treats like chocolate, for example, then you're good!
  • I've followed it before, but very quickly began to miss fruits, bread, pizza, pasta, rice and beans! It does work (I lost 15lbs) if you're willing to stick with it (Although my girlfriend wasn't keen on the bad breath it gave me). Good luck with it!
  • I'm eating around 2000 calories a day at the minute, 100g of protein, 33g of fat, and the rest I put into carbs, so 325g. Seems to be working for me, and means I get to eat plenty of rice, pasta, bread, fruits and veg :) So all my favorite foods get to stay :)
  • Breakfast: 800-1000. Lunch: 300-500 usually. Dinner: Anywhere between 500-1500. Snacks: 50-200. Total Calories 2228 today. Anywhere between 1800-2500 depending on the day/how I feel.
  • Soda is on my no list, diet or regular are absolutely not worth drinking, but i've never been a big soda drinker anyway. Pizza is on my no list for now, as I believe I have a slight addiction to them, and can't stop myself when I start one, approaching 2 weeks without one now :)
  • For your lifting, head over to Stronglifts.com it's got a great program for beginners and can be used for a long time to get some awesome strength and good muscle gains from. What is your diet currently liked, I'll have a look at your diary after I post this, but it would be helpful if you could post an 'average day' for…
  • I don't know about the rest of continental europe, but being in the UK, and having had several holidays to southern spain and portugal, I can assure you that there are many, many overweight people! - infact I believe 30% of brits are overweight or obese! As do we use pesticides etc also! Although my family buys organic…
  • Your body does need Carbs to function properly, but only a tiny amount, it requires Glucose, which it is easiest to get from Carbs as they break down from digestion, however you can function of incredibly low levels of carbs pretty much permanently. If the rest of your diet is in check. I've began to follow a Ketogenic…
  • Thick cut back bacon, and eggs, all fried in olive oil!
  • I don't personally see how that much sugar can be healthy, from fruit or not, with fiber or not, it seems like a boat load to process! - Can't be good for your teeth either! I'll admit she looks healthy and is very lean, but she has very little muscle tone, and only looks as she does down to the very low levels of fat. I'd…
  • I get a lot of the same from some people on the same course as me at Uni! I eat a lot of quality food, bring it to lectures in tupperware boxes and have that for lunch, when everyone else goes to the pub and orders burgers and hotdogs - and im the 'weird' one who eats properly and isn't skinny-fat or just plain fat. It…
  • Don't worry about sugar intake from fruits and veg, it's not going to cause any problems, plus you need fruit and veg, and plenty of it! Keep your refined, processed sugar down, but don't sweat the natural stuff! I have a banana or two most days! Along with apples and dates
  • Somewhere between 220-300g most days
  • Im going to a small local italian restaurant called 'La Torre' The potato skins will be plain, with bbq sauce to dip! i haven't looked into mfp database yet for anything though! Thank you too! It was a good year :)