TracyV125 Member


  • Wishing you the best of luck! We're the same height (I'm almost 47 y/o) and started my journey in May of 2014. I started at a few lbs more than you and my goal weight was/is a muscular 135 lbs. It took my 9 months to hit my goal but I've kept it off for 3 1/2 years so far. My advice to you is to get a digital food scale…
  • I'd buy tops that fit you now as that size probably won't change even with a few more lbs. When I was losing, every 10 lbs I dropped a pant size. I bought 2 pairs of dress pants for work and 1 pair of jeans each time. I shopped sales and used coupons so I didn't lose much. When I entered maintenance I did lose a few more…
  • I would suggest checking with your doctor as we don't know your medical history. All this journey takes is commitment and belief in yourself. Everyone here will help you along the way if you need encouragement. Eat at the calorie deficit that your doctor tells you and if your dr thinks you can exercise a bit, just take a…
  • Congrats on your weight loss! I found that the closer I got to my goal weight, the slower it came off. Don't get discouraged. Keep eating properly and my only other advice is to mix up your exercise routine. That worked for me. Add something new to the mix. Best wishes to you!
  • @fatty2sixpack as others have told you....yes, you will lose weight. If you can walk around a bit that would be great too. If it's too hard for you right now it will get easier as you lose weight. Make an appointment with your doctor to help you figure out what you can do safely. Wishing you the best of luck!!!! I found…
  • I'm 5'4" and a semi muscular medium build. I fluctuate between 135-140 (currently 137). Currently wear a size 6-8 pants depending on brand because I was born with hips :p and a size small shirt. I'm 45 years old.
  • That's amazing! Congratulations on becoming healthy and off all those meds! Well done!
  • Congratulations on becoming a Mommy and your weight loss success! You look fantastic! I really like your haircut too! Best wishes to you!
  • 5'4" ~ 135 lbs ~ 44 years old I've been maintaining my 47 lb weight loss for 1 yr 9 months. When trying to lose I eat at 1200 calories. When I'm back on track I eat between 1200-1500 depending on if it's an active day. I've found for myself that trying to keep my sodium level down works wonders. I also drink a ton of…
  • I may have posted in this thread awhile back...... Began my journey 05/12/14 ~ hit my goal of 135 lbs 02/05/15 ~ Maintaining (+/- 3 lbs) for almost 1 yr 9 months. 5'4" SW: 181.5 lbs CW: 136 lbs
  • I've recently discovered Special K Flatbread breakfast sandwiches. I've only tried one type so far but it's tasty and surprisingly filling for the size. It's the Egg w/vegetables & pepper jack cheese. 150 calories with 10 grams of protein. (7g fat)
  • Running helped me reach my goal weight and has been helping me maintain my goal weight since. I was never a runner until one day (July 2104) I made the decision to do it. I downloaded the C25K app and away I went. I highly recommend it if you've never run before (like me). It doesn't tell you what speeds to run or walk.…
  • @Cerakoala you look AMAZING!!!!!! Well done!!!!
  • Great job! That's a lot of hard work and true dedication! Fantastic :)
  • Congrats! Best wishes to you on your continued journey!
  • Great work! You look amazing! My advice to find some new motivation would be what worked for me....find a new exercise. I find being excited about exercise makes me want to do it and helps me want to keep eating healthy. At this time last year I was about 15-20 lbs from my goal. I searched for new places to go hiking with…
  • You look great! Congrats on your success and best wishes for your continued journey! I absolutely love your hair color!
  • You look amazing!!!! Congrats on all your hard work paying off, especially getting off your medication.
  • It's hard after eating at a deficit for so long to wrap your brain around things. I was where you are now in February. I decided to just trust it and stayed on the right path with healthier eating and continued my exercise while adding the calories. I would feel like I wasn't hungry but what I found worked for me was just…
  • I have my Fitbit Flex linked to my MFP acct. I log my food on MFP not Fitbit. I go by MFP as it shows my Fitbit calorie adjustment and gives me a new total for the day.
  • I save calories for my nightly snack. I love my coffee after a long day and tend to have a healthy snack with it.
  • 1) I lost 48 lbs (May 2014-Jan 2015) and have been successfully maintaining since Feb 2015 - 5 months 2) Just continued what I was doing while losing (healthier choices, smaller portions and exercising). When I changed my MFP goal from lose to maintain I went from 1200 calories to 1570. I've continued to log daily and have…
  • Seeing results was enough to keep me motivated. The first 2 weeks were really difficult but since then it's just become a habit. I'm goal orientated. I bought myself a fitbit last summer and I "needed" to hit my daily step goal daily. I found new interests to help me hit my daily goal. Hiking and exploring with my son and…
  • Sounds to me like you're planning your day out right. I'd add in a workout today before the party if you could. Enjoy the party, sample the foods that interest you and then get right back at it tomorrow. I've found drinking extra water and another workout the following day helps me. But the scale will go up due to the…
  • A determined mind can do anything! Believe in yourself! You look beautiful in your profile pic. Start by going for walks. I found walking with my music playing was therapeutic and very relaxing. I'm so sorry for the bullying.
  • Congrats to you!!! Job well done! Best wishes on your continued journey. I can relate to what you said about being a more positive person. Feeling better about yourself does wonders in all aspects of your life.
  • For the first time in my life I felt determined. I discovered that going for a long walk with my favorite music was therapeutic. Once I was losing the weight I had more energy. I started asking my 12 year old son to go on adventures with me. We found new places to go walking/hiking and I realized that I fell in love with…
  • Happy 1 year of logging anniversary!!!!! Congrats to you on your amazing weight loss and to your family as well! Best wishes to you in your continued journey!
  • Congrats!!!! Working hard and seeing results! Great job! You got this!
  • Congratulations!!!! Saying no to new meds, changing your lifestyle and being able to get off your old meds! Amazing job! Just awesome!