army_cobra Member


  • Nuts should only be used for there fat really. Now for a good source of protien eat chicken, fish, some beef cuts. If you are a vegan disgard everything i wrote. Protien shakes are very helpfull
  • It really depends, if you are just walking then i would eat a small meal after. When i cut i never eat before i workout. I have my protien shake then right after work out i will eat a good protien meal.
  • yes more protien would help you out alot. I looked at your food diary and it was all over the place to me anyways. Drink more water and get some more protien is all i can think of
  • How many meals are you eating a day and what do they consest of?
  • Most people i know and inform i telll them to eat nuts for the fat not protien. Peanuts are a good source of healthy fat and yes some protien. Healthy fats are good for you but only to a certian point. I see you are a almost vegan have you tried protien shakes for the protien?
  • Agree this is why i have a cheat MEAL not a cheat DAY
  • Look at it this way what is cheaper to buy water or soda? I can buy a gallon of water for 88cents and its only 25 cents to refill. lol
  • I have never been sick but i do 2 hours of cardio a day + my workout so i sweat ALOT. To much water can dehydrate you tho. That is what i have heard.
  • This is true whole grain wheat is the best for you. Sorry i should of said that. LIke i said before yo u dont want to cut it out all together just cut back on it. Sweet potatos, pasta that is whole wheat stuff like that and try to eat it in the morning so by bed time it is out of your system
  • All i drink is water i will have about 2 gals of water a day. You can buy a juicer and drink that but your best bet is water.
  • If you cut the carbs out all together you wont have the energy to run as much. I would say dont cut them out just dont eat so much and only eat healthy carbs. WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT. A good balance of protien,carbs,and fat is always needed in a diet. Will power to diet hmmm that is easy i look in the mirror everyday and get mad…
  • Dont stop eating for one lol. Like someone said up above do so wieght lifting.It will help tone your body. You night not actually lose any weight due to building muscle but you will be able to tel lthe difference. Since you can lose the last 5lbs change your diet up a little. Different foods more cardio
  • Just do the 450 cals. there is no need to pack that many cals right before bed. When i cut i only eat 2000 cals a day and thats with my workout and cardio.
  • If your going to binge eat try to do it in a healthy way. Eat veggies and some fruit. If i get hungy i eat baby carrots lol. If you keep away from junk food in time you wont even want to eat it.
  • You arent going to see results right off the bat. You are eating 1200 cals a day but are they all good cals? You need to seperate them into 6 meals. You said your matabolism is all messed up so you need to get it back on track. It is a proven fact that eating 6 meals that are small makes you lose weight. Make sure you are…
  • Put Protien in your diet and drink alot of water. You will always be full. Oh ya MAKE sure you get at least 6 small meals in a day
  • Thats why you use olive oil YUMMY eggs. I only eat boiled eggs and i never watch my cholesterol
  • I do when im bulking but when i do my cutting diet i make sure i get six meals a day so im never hungry and i drink a crap load of water.
  • Cut back on the fruit. Sugar is bad for you even if it is from fruit. Not telling you to stop eating fruit but maybe cut back
  • Use as your cheat day if all possible. It is hard to eat healthy at those places.
  • either means they dont know the answer and they BUMP it to the top of the page so it gets more reviews or they just want to keep the topic going
    in Bump Comment by army_cobra August 2011
  • I dont have a problem watching people eat. If im not hungry i dont even touch food.
  • Im not being mean or saying my way is the only way im just putting it out there that it dont matter when you log it just cause all the soda, vodka, and then junk food will kill either day on your diet. I love to go out like i said before but i drink beer so my carbs sky rocket, that is why i cut back on my time in the…
  • If you have lived a unhealthy life it is not healthy to all of a sudden jump into a hardcore diet. If you get a headace get some caffene that is if you drank alot before. You might of cut your cals to much and need to bump it up until your body is use to the new way of life
    in Day 4 Comment by army_cobra August 2011
  • Trust me i love to go out and drink with my friends. When i cut though i only go out once a month if that and i really dont even drink that much. Cheating on your diet will just lead to more cheating and it wont get you anywhere
  • Drink more water and get more protien in your diet
  • Doesnt matter when you log it in. Either way it is going to kill you on loosing weight
  • If you can catch it yourself that is the best fish. DO NOT BUY FARM RAISED
  • On my cheat day i might have a LITTLE chocolate. If you have been eating it for years then just dont cut yourself off all at once, that is never good. I guess just have a little chocolate when you crave it. Do not over do it, be careful and slowly come off of it.
  • Drink lots of water and i mean alot. If you actually have a good healthy diet then you will have a good energy source naturally