What to do?

Okay, so my daily intake goal is 1450cal per day. Today I felt like working out, so I did. I did some P90 (NOT P90x) and then some just dance and went for a swim. Looking at my NET calories it says 41.. I know I shouldn't have this below 1000-1200, but I do not feel hungry. I had a protein shake this morning already, and it is almost dinner time. So far today tho I've eaten 1000 calories.

So my question to you experts: Do I make myself eat about 900calories for dinner? OR do I only do the 450 left for my goal??


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    You don't ever want to go below that. If you do you'll end up having problems losing the weight in the future. You must keep your body fueled, having a malnourished body won't do you any good.
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Just do the 450 cals. there is no need to pack that many cals right before bed. When i cut i only eat 2000 cals a day and thats with my workout and cardio.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    In my opinion, I don't think you need to stress over eating 900 calories, but I would get as many in as possible. You need fuel to keep going and if you continually leave a lot of calories on the table, eventually it will catch up to you
  • heatherhicksfakih
    heatherhicksfakih Posts: 35 Member
    I would try to plan your workouts so that through out the say you can eat enough to cover the loss when you work out. I was not losing any weight because I was eating 1530 calories a day and buring 1000 per workout 5 times a week. The minute I started to eat my calories and get back to my net (as close as possible) I started to lose again. I was like you, I did not feel hungry after exercise. However, after finally figuring this out with help from everyone on here, it was the best thing for me.

    I hope you get it all figured out.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    One day is not going to put you in "starvation mode"

    Don't make a habit of chronically undereating, but don't stress if you're under 1200 every now and then. Just eat a good dinner, maybe a snack before bed if you're feelin it. Otherwise, don't worry about it.
  • heatherhicksfakih
    heatherhicksfakih Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with Kalrez, don't do it every day. Try to stay in your net zone. :)
  • Semperfione
    I understand what your all saying here, I eat under 1000 cals daily as I am sedetary at work on a computer non stop. No exercise, cannot get up an move around, only on short breaks. I have tried the eating in the mornings, nothing at night routine, but found I only gain weight back if I do eat breakfast. The added calories for me do not help. I at times eat less than 700 cals per day. I am brain dead, and physically waisted when I hit the door at 7:30 p.m.

    I hope your wrong on the calories being a high importance to lose for the future, I have to lose another 60 lbs....I am use to how I am eating now, and even somewhat cheat one day of the week. This I think helps. Great answers here to you all. I love it here.
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    Thanks all for your comments. I usually keep good track of my NET calories, but today I guess I was high on Endorphins, that I didn't pay closer attention. Tomorrow I will have peanut butter sandwich before or after my workout and triple my fruit snack, since today's doubling did nothing.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I understand what your all saying here, I eat under 1000 cals daily as I am sedetary at work on a computer non stop. No exercise, cannot get up an move around, only on short breaks. I have tried the eating in the mornings, nothing at night routine, but found I only gain weight back if I do eat breakfast. The added calories for me do not help. I at times eat less than 700 cals per day. I am brain dead, and physically waisted when I hit the door at 7:30 p.m.

    I hope your wrong on the calories being a high importance to lose for the future, I have to lose another 60 lbs....I am use to how I am eating now, and even somewhat cheat one day of the week. This I think helps. Great answers here to you all. I love it here.

    You need to eat more. Hate to break it to ya. You are chronically under eating, thus your body isn't wanting to get rid of energy (fat) stores as easily. If you're not literally chained to your desk, then you can get in a little bit of exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a brisk (power walk) around the block before and after work.

    You're brain dead and wasted because you're not eating enough food to fuel yourself.

    Take healthy snacks and keep them at your desk. If you're eating the "low-cal" versions of foods, switch back to the whole versions to bring your calorie count back up into a healthy range. 700 is just far too little to have on a regular basis.

    Also, if you're able to, I would suggest investing in a large exercise ball to use as a computer chair. I just use a 75cm ball, but they make balls that are on a chair frame. The ball will help strengthen your core muscles, which is nice. I've also found that I move around a lot more while sitting on the ball. I'll bounce around to music or mindlessly bounce on it while I'm at the computer. That might be a way to get in a little passive exercise. Take a look on Amazon. They're pretty inexpensive. http://www.amazon.com/Gaiam-Balance-Ball-Chair-Black/dp/B0007VB4NE
  • heatherhicksfakih
    heatherhicksfakih Posts: 35 Member
    I agree :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I understand what your all saying here, I eat under 1000 cals daily as I am sedetary at work on a computer non stop. No exercise, cannot get up an move around, only on short breaks. I have tried the eating in the mornings, nothing at night routine, but found I only gain weight back if I do eat breakfast. The added calories for me do not help. I at times eat less than 700 cals per day. I am brain dead, and physically waisted when I hit the door at 7:30 p.m.

    I hope your wrong on the calories being a high importance to lose for the future, I have to lose another 60 lbs....I am use to how I am eating now, and even somewhat cheat one day of the week. This I think helps. Great answers here to you all. I love it here.

    You need to eat more. Hate to break it to ya. You are chronically under eating, thus your body isn't wanting to get rid of energy (fat) stores as easily. If you're not literally chained to your desk, then you can get in a little bit of exercise. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a brisk (power walk) around the block before and after work.

    You're brain dead and wasted because you're not eating enough food to fuel yourself.

    Take healthy snacks and keep them at your desk. If you're eating the "low-cal" versions of foods, switch back to the whole versions to bring your calorie count back up into a healthy range. 700 is just far too little to have on a regular basis.

    Also, if you're able to, I would suggest investing in a large exercise ball to use as a computer chair. I just use a 75cm ball, but they make balls that are on a chair frame. The ball will help strengthen your core muscles, which is nice. I've also found that I move around a lot more while sitting on the ball. I'll bounce around to music or mindlessly bounce on it while I'm at the computer. That might be a way to get in a little passive exercise. Take a look on Amazon. They're pretty inexpensive. http://www.amazon.com/Gaiam-Balance-Ball-Chair-Black/dp/B0007VB4NE

    I understand that you are trying to help, and some of that is helpful, but as someone who also is "chained to a desk" it's not practical in all situations. I could not walk aroung the block before or after work, because my office is not on a block. Also, if it's too hot or raining it's just not practical to come back to my desk soaking wet or sweaty.

    And even though I work in health care, my business would not allow someone to sit on a ball at their desk. They would not consider that "professional" behavior.

    And even though I do Zumba 6 days a week and do light strength traininn 4-5 days a week I am often brain dead when I leave work. It has nothing to do with what I eat or how much I exercise. It has to do with using my brain all day at work.

    The best advice I can give is just to suck it up and get in a workout before or after work. Even if it's just 20 - 30 min. I know it's hard to get started and sometimes hard to maintain, but exercise is so important for good health. Or, if you have an office with a door, you might try shutting the door on your breaks or lunch and doing a few exercises that don't require jumping (noise) in there. This is how I get my strength training in. I keep resistance bands in my desk and use those plus do desk pushups, squats and lunges on my morning and afternoon break. 15 min ea so I get 30 min in per day.
  • Semperfione
    Humm, couldn't have said that better myself. Seems you must know how it is to sit at a computer all day long with little breaks in the day. Actually the breaks are also assigned as to when I can take one. And a 30 minute lunch. It is hard to walk, but I do as much as time permits. And your right, I am braindead at the end of the day thru a lot of stressful calls. Won't go into it but if you have ever worked at a call center envirnment you will understand.

    Will suck it up and do the morning and evening workout the best as I can. Wishing you the best success as well. Thanks all for your posts here.

    Semper Fi ...