What am I doing wrong??

Hi I'd like some honest feedback if anyone has the time!

I'm a classic yo-yo dieter I guess... history of eating disorders and such since my teens (I'm 26 now) so my metabolism is probably all screwed up. In the past year I have gained about 35-40 lbs due to stress and bulimia (yes you can gain with bulimia). I realize that severely restricting my intake will only make the situation worse and I want to try to lose the healthy way, but I get conflicting views on calories and such. I'm mostly afraid my metabolism is so wrecked that I am beyond repair. Right now I am hovering at around 202lbs and I'm 6' tall... yes very tall for a woman lol :)

I started my healthy lifestyle last Monday (officially) by going on a 3 day water fast. Probably that was my first mistake, but at the time I was desperate to get on track, and it seemed like a good idea at the time... I didn't weigh myself the day I started because I knew the initial loss would be water weight, but on Wed, I was about 203 lbs. I started following my fitness pal's suggestion of 1200 calories beginning on Thursday, and I've been working out everyday since Monday - gradually increasing the intensity of the exercise. The problem is that the scale is not moving AT ALL. I mean, this morning I had gained a pound (back up to 203).

It's really discouraging. And no, it's not "that time of the month". I know we shouldn't measure solely by the scale alone, so I was going to just take it in stride, but then I decided to take my measurements, and I had gained half an inch on my waist...?!? That is what really freaked me out. Does that mean I'm gaining more fat even when I'm eating healthy and working out? Is that possible?

Anyway, I've been going about 8 days now with the healthy eating and etc, so I know it's too soon to really start complaining about no results, but I just wanted to get some feedback so I could correct any mistakes I'm making right away. I want to make sure this lifestyle change is for good this time.


  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Well don't starve yourself again for starters. That just slows your metabolism down so when you do eat, it stores everything. No more "water diets". That's just ridiculous. I wish I had more answers, I've been doing this over a year and stopped seeing results a couple months ago. I don't know what I'm doing either.
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    You arent going to see results right off the bat. You are eating 1200 cals a day but are they all good cals? You need to seperate them into 6 meals. You said your matabolism is all messed up so you need to get it back on track. It is a proven fact that eating 6 meals that are small makes you lose weight. Make sure you are eating all good foods. It is hard to do i understand but if you want the weight to be gone its what has to be done.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    MFP suggested you eat 1,200 Cals a day? Really? REALLY?

    Better double check that.
  • Lelafin
    Lelafin Posts: 29 Member
    I know, I'm really kicking myself for the water fast thing... you know at the time, I was thinking that I would just do water indefinitely lol. VERY dumb idea. But I start getting irrational when it comes to losing weight sometimes. Thank you for replying :)

    And yes, I'm doing 5-6 smallish meals and trying to do all clean, low GI foods. I opened up my food diary in case anyone wants to get really nit-picky :-p

    Well, they suggested I do 1200 if I want to lose the 2lbs a week... it seemed low to me too since my basal metabolic rate should be around 1700, I think...
  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    Honestly? See your doctor. With your history, you need proper guidance, and your Primary Care is a great place to start. You know how all those videos say "consult your doc before starting this program'? They aren't saying it to keep off the lawsuites. You should call him/her up and set up an appointment to be seen to get his/her opinion. Starving yourself is a bad plan. <3 Weightloss takes time and it's only been a week. Just keep up what your doing and don't forget to rest, ok? <3
  • wrightstephie
    Having a similar problem. I'm 50, 5'7" and weigh 131. I've been on this plan faithfully for 2 1/2 weeks and the scale hasn't budged. Stayed w/in the calories (1210) and ran or exercised 5 times a week at least. The scale hasn't moved. So much for the 5 week prediction they give you.
  • Ajessie
    Ajessie Posts: 54
    I would be very careful about who you take advise from on MFP. I'm sure people have good intentions, but truthfully every individual is different and needs to approach weight loss in different ways. Given your history I would say the best person to get advice from would be a doctor or nutritionist. Someone who specializes in eating disorders and getting to a healthy weight without re-triggering anything. Feel free to friend me if you want, I wish you the best of luck in your journey!!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    MFP suggested you eat 1,200 Cals a day? Really? REALLY?

    Better double check that.
    Is that too high or too low? MFP recommends EVERYONE eat 1200 calories a day. It's the absolute minimum in the system.
  • Lelafin
    Lelafin Posts: 29 Member
    lol, I know, right!? Well I would go to the doctor if I had money to throw around. I'm not sure what they'd be inspired to tell me anyway. Every time I see one, they just look me over for about 5 minutes and tell me everything's hunky/dory. I'm in nursing school so I'm allowed to say that lol... we can rag on doctors on occasion. I dunno, I"m going to keep it up, and maybe try cutting out certain foods or upping calories and see what happens.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    First of all, no more fasting. I looked at your food log and you are not eating to the calorie goal that MFP gives you. If you set up MFP right in the beginning than the daily calorie goal MFP gives you already has a calories deficit built in to lose weight. That said, you should be eating close to the calorie goal MFP gives you each day including eating back most of your exercise calories. If you eat too far under the calorie goal you are likely to cause your body to hang onto fat slowing down or even stopping fat loss. It may sound counter-intuitive but that's just the way it is.

    1200 calories sounds pretty low considering where you are starting and the fact that you are 6 feet tall. Did you give MFP good information and that is the number it gave you or did you tweak it to give you 1200? If you tweaked it you should go back and put in real information and use what you are given.

    None of us got fat quickly and none of us get slim quickly. Although you can set MFP to lose 2 pounds a week the suggested rate is 1 pound not only here but by most health care providers. I would recomend switching to 1 pound per week.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Hi there, and congrats on making a choice to get yourself healthy. Pat yourself on the back for that.

    Realize that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    I started 10 weeks ago. Yes, I've lost 25 pounds in those 10 weeks, and it is easier for me because I am 6'4" and male.

    My first two weeks were my lightest losses. The body has to get used to the change, and that takes time. The water fast likely tricked your body into thinking there was a food shortage, so now it is holding on to stuff for later use.

    My advice (take it or leave it) is to eat sensibly according to MFP, work out according to your fitness level about 3 times a week, and not weigh yourself for two weeks. Give your body a chance to adapt to the lifestyle change. It is going to fluctuate while it tries to figure things out, so looking at the numbers will mean nothing. DON'T PEEK!. But over that two weeks, if you eat well and exercise, you'll likely see the scale tick downwards. It might not be a huge loss, but I bet it will be in the right direction.

    After that, try to resist the urge to weigh yourself more than once a week. Weigh at the same time and try to wear the same clothes (or lack thereof if your scale is at home).

    If, after four weeks of eating right, exercising reasonably, and logging you aren't seeing any downward movement, then you might want to talk to a doctor or nutritionist. But you've got to give your body a chance to adjust and regulate as you make this change to your lifestyle.

    Feel free to friend me - best of luck to you and remember: you can do this.

  • carlobuff
    waht Ajesse said.
  • pieknota
    You should give it 3-4 weeks before you look for weight loss. If you didn't really exercise prior to starting the program then what you could be initially gaining is some muscle mass which weighs more than fat. Have you considered taking your measurements (arms, legs, waist) to compare week to week?
  • Lelafin
    Lelafin Posts: 29 Member
    I would be very careful about who you take advise from on MFP. I'm sure people have good intentions, but truthfully every individual is different and needs to approach weight loss in different ways. Given your history I would say the best person to get advice from would be a doctor or nutritionist. Someone who specializes in eating disorders and getting to a healthy weight without re-triggering anything. Feel free to friend me if you want, I wish you the best of luck in your journey!!
    'Thank you, you're definitely right about that. :) I just thought maybe people might have had a similar experience in the past and had gotten through it with a tip/trick of some sort. I just want to lose it normally and be healthy!!! I'm sick of dealing with food like it is an illness.
  • CaliSweden
    MFP suggested you eat 1,200 Cals a day? Really? REALLY?

    Better double check that.
    Is that too high or too low? MFP recommends EVERYONE eat 1200 calories a day. It's the absolute minimum in the system.

    MFP recommends 1,200 calories a day for me too, and yes I've quadriple checked it.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    I would say that the 3 day fast is probably a good thing, for your taste senses. Not eating rich foods will make you sensitive to what most consider "bland" foods. But other than that, I am not a strong proponent of fasting unless it is medically supervised.

    As for advice on eating and nutrition. Here is a really quick summary. There are 5 macronutrients, 3 of which are most stressed: fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and water. Okay, I cheated with water, but we cannot live without it so I personally include it.

    Knowing the macronutrients, the next question is how much of each should I eat? It should not be what is the diet that will make me lose weight. Any diet will make you lose weight, and I think you are asking what is a good dietary lifestyle.

    The first question then will be what your body works best with. There are folks here that are low carb eaters (this is a very broad category) and then there are those that are low fat eaters (this is a very broad category). From these two categories, there are variations of each. The reason why diets are centered on carbs is because there carbs are associated with the problem of people being overweight and obesity. That does not mean everyone must stop eating carbs, just have to learn what your body can handle and the types of carbs you can eat.

    At this point, I can give you my experience with dieting. I follow Dr. John McDougall's starch based diet. It is no meat, no dairy products, no fish, no refined carbs, no added salt and no added sugar (you are allow a table spoon on surface food). I also exercise but most diet camps will tell you to do cardio and some level of lean muscle mass building.

    Finally, my diary is public so you can see what I do as an example of a starch based dieter. It isn't the best, but I can say I have results. I don't know if it will work for you. I can say though that potatoes with fruits and vegetables is affordable as potatoes are cheap to buy.

    Good luck!
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Ummmm....where to start?
    You may need to eat on average 2000 calories a day and exercise should be light. You need to have your body trust you. Right now it doesn't and quite frankly, it shouldn't. Many of your actions seem to be self-sabotage with the intent of destroying yourself. It seems though your body has taken over (probably for some time now) because it doesn't trust that you want yourself to survive.
    First, things first. You need to understand the root cause that is fueling your desparation to lose weight by any means necessary. Second, no low calorie goals. You will set yourself up for failure. You seem to have two modes: eating or not eating. You need to just relax for now and figure out how to eat a normal amount consistently. Don't worry about good or bad foods, just think about what fills you up and what is a better choice (1 piece of cake versus 2). If you set your standards low for calories (1200) you will reach a plateau waaaaayyyy before your reach your goal. 3rd, exercise light. Like walking. The reason is that if you do to much exercise, you will find yourself bingeing on food. You body will respond by demanding more food for a 200 lb, 6ft girl if you go all boot-camp on it. I should know, I am 5'10 1/2. Walking, recreation dancing (like salsa), and strength training 1-2 a week keeps me slimming down. In addition, walking is a stress reliever, this may balance you mentally as well. Finally, walking will keep you from setting unrealistic goals, some people think if they exercise heavily they will lose weight faster. Obviously, that is not true.
    Remember, this is a journey, how you get to your goal counts, and try to enjoy yourself. Watch out for the negative self-talk, you may need to journal your thoughts.


  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    MFP suggested you eat 1,200 Cals a day? Really? REALLY?

    Better double check that.

    I am 5'11" and MFP gave me a daily goal of 1200 calories as well.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Well, they suggested I do 1200 if I want to lose the 2lbs a week... it seemed low to me too since my basal metabolic rate should be around 1700, I think...

    Also, I would suggest going for one pound per week. Your body needs fuel to run and you aren't going to regulate well if your body thinks it is starving. I have my calories set for one pound per week myself.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    Be so careful who you take advice from anywhere on the internet! If you google nutritionists in your area, you should be cable to find someone who can help. I really hope you decide to see a doctor. Any sort of eating disorder is not something you just push through (usually). IME, it takes alot of assistance from medical professionals, a lote of group counselling and a lot of faith(in yourself or a higher power).

    I just wanted to say good luck and that if you decide not to go to the doctor or seek a nutritionist, your best bet should be taking the counter off of two pounds per week and dial it back to maintenance or at most, 1 lb per week. The main goal is to learn to eat right first, then start tweaking the plan to include loss.

    Good luck! wishing you the best!