

  • Fantastic job. You look great.
  • You look wonderful! Beautiful really brings out your lovely figure.
  • Whoa...the photo came out huge! Oh well, you get the gist!
    in NSV Comment by az1cowgirl April 2011
  • Thank you. I too am on the lookout for low sodium foods. Please keep passing this information along! :smile:
  • I'm watching it now. It's pretty motivating to use my treadmill while watching the teams work out.
  • Whoo Hoo!!! Good for you! Just think, this will give you more confidence to do it more often!!
  • Cat, I have chickens and would be happy to supply you with eggs! And no, you don't need to store them in a covered container.
  • That is awesome!!! What a wonderful feeling! I can't wait until I can start pulling some of those clothes out of the back of my closet too. Thanks for being an inspiration. :happy: And I love Mapnerds idea of buying "incentive" jeans...very smart!!
  • I too was addicted to diet coke and drank it instead of water. I cut it out completely about a month ago, suffered through the headaches, and flushed out my system with lots of water and the occasional ice tea. This weekend, I drank 8oz of diet coke as a treat and suffered terribly the rest of the day from bloating, gas,…
  • A very noticeable look fantastic!
  • I'm with Dalzinho...enjoy your holiday. Make the best food choices you can while you're there, try to get some sort of work out in when you can, but relax and enjoy yourself.
  • Ibuprofen!
  • I read your profile and it says that you are a wife and a mother of 3 very young children. When you have these days when you look at yourself and can't find anything that you like, try to look through the eyes of your husband and children. Children see their parents as perfect, infallible leaders. They adore you and want…
  • Great video and I think your point about not feeling a difference until you ate badly that one day which made you realize how much it was affecting you for the better...that part was powerful in it's truth! Thanks and I look forward to more. Linda :glasses:
  • :smile: Congratulations! :smile:
  • Thank you! :happy:
  • Just stick to your guns and pretty soon they'll get tired of fighting it. They will start to see your changes and understand that what you are doing is working.
  • I'm doing my best to drink my 8 glasses a day. But, a just diagnosed kidney infection is going to up that water intake quite a bit! And boy do I hear ya on the wearing a path to the restroom!!! LOL
  • Does it require anything equipment: weights, kettle balls, resistance bands, stability ball, etc?
  • WTG!!! Those little victories feel so good!!
  • I would wake up well rested and motivate my hind end to get on the elliptical, work myself into a good sweat, and then shower and get to work feeling pretty darn good!
  • Blocked at my work too. :(
  • Amen sister!!! I love that you are listing your NSV's to give you that motivation. Isn't it amazing how often we rely on the scale to give us the reassurance that we should be finding in all the "little" things that when you add them up, they aren't so little!! Thanks for this reminder! Linda
    in NSVs Comment by az1cowgirl March 2011
  • The way I see this is it's a matter of Grace. Give grace to those you encounter in your life whether they are MFP friends or real life friends. In this busy world of ours sometimes things slip through and it may seem as though they are not really paying attention. But they are there to cheer you on and give advice when you…
  • I am prescribed water pills because I retain water like a camel. When I do have high sodium days I will see it on the scale the next day. If I then increase my water intake and limit my sodium, it exits through urine. I only take the water pills when my ankles disappear! Hope this helps!
  • Breath by breath, meal by meal, day by day, pound by pound...make the right choices and before you know it, it's as routine as what you were doing to put on the weight. The more you lose the better you will feel and it won't be so hard. Keep plugging away.
  • Walk away from what? Or are you saying that the act of walking for exercise is hard to focus on? Kind of confused.
  • Oh, I'm going to have to follow the answers to this. I too have terrible posture from sitting at a desk 90% of the time. Having a big chest doesn't help either!
  • Ok, I felt the need to weigh in (small pun) here!! For someone like myself, who is just now getting back into the swing of a healthier lifestyle, I can honestly say that house work could have been counted as a work out for me in the past. My typical M.O. was to clean in stages...vacum first, rest, dust, rest, clean one…