Need HELP!

I try and walk away, how do you stay focused? it depresses me so much!


  • az1cowgirl
    Walk away from what? Or are you saying that the act of walking for exercise is hard to focus on? Kind of confused.
  • tarawheeler
    It has really helped me to have my ipod touch with the fitness pal program on it. I put everything I eat or do into it and I have it everywhere I am. If I start getting close to going over my calories I feel a little guilty because I can see what I'm doing. I also remember that I can eat anything I want I just can't go over my 1400 calorie goal. I have already lost 5 pound in a week just from counting my calories.

    Try to focus on the end result. Do something that will help you remember. Put a picture of yourself somewhere from when you were skinnier or sign up to run a 5k and start working toward that goal. Surround yourself with good things that help you remember what you're doing. Get others to do it with you!

    And in the famous words of Dory the fish, "Just keep swimming!!!!!"
  • Naran6707
    Sorry I guess it wasn't that clear, I try to diet, get all happy about it then I just end up failing and walking away putting it down to another failiure
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    :flowerforyou: Just keep trying. I've lost 27 pounds since I started MFP and the other day I ate 16 cookies AT ONCE!!!! We all fall off every now and then. Don't give up
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Take an honest look at yourself, and ask the question: "Is this what I'm happy with" if not, set some realistic goals and make some lifestyle changes...
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet, consider it a lifestyle change. That has helped me. Diet sounds gimmicky and like you are setting yourself up for failure because eventually you come off it, celebrate, and then next thing you know you are back up in the weight.
  • misscmissc
    I hang up photos of other peoples bodies around the house.. which are my goal body! an i bought a pair of pants a couple sizes too small.. i try to get them on once a week an can't.. but i know one day soon I will..

    once i started seeing results it just pushes me harder..
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    What helps me is the iPhone app. Because I'm out and about working, I look at that whenever I want a snack or before a meal, see how many calories I've got left and then decide what to get, if anything.

    Of course I've had the app for a few months now at least and I played around with it occasionally until two weeks ago this Thursday coming when I decided that I was going to try for real this time.

    The other thing that's helped me is coming to the site and getting support from the people I've friended and who have friended me.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    What's your motivation? It didn't stick with me until I saw how much my grandparents had changed (from happy-go-lucky, full of life to miserable, always in pain, 12 pills a day, etc) because of their poor health. That and now that I'm training for a half marathon my mom has started working out and so has my brother... you need to find what motivates YOU. Every time you think about quitting, you need to remember what you're working for. You CAN do this!
  • az1cowgirl
    Breath by breath, meal by meal, day by day, pound by pound...make the right choices and before you know it, it's as routine as what you were doing to put on the weight. The more you lose the better you will feel and it won't be so hard. Keep plugging away.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    You need to do this when you are ready, or it won't work. Also, set small goals and reward yourself for reaching them. I like reaching for 1-5 pd goals.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    What has helped me is not to consider this dieting anymore...because I've changed comepleted how I eat and my dedication to working out. So instead of dieting I've made permanent lifestyle changes. I'm determined this time to reach my goal and maintain it. Good luck!
  • pmcneese
    pmcneese Posts: 1
    Variety in your food's that you eat daily is important don't eat the same things day in and day out. Go ahead eat the things you love just stay within your portions so you don't go over your calories. I was craving some fried chicken last night I had it just one breast 280 calories but with it I had 1 cup of mustard pot salad and 6 oz of fruit even had a 160 calorie buttermilk biscuit. Don't limit your self to just foods you think you should eat on a so called "diet" Eat the foods you love but within the portions you can to stay within you caloric intake. Once I took away the fact that I was not dieting and it was a life style change that's when I saw result's and stuck with it.
    I felt better about myself and now have a great energy level I did not have before. I just joined this site recently because I still have 25 lbs before I am down to my goal weight and I think this is a great site. However I suggest that you figure out what your goals are and reach for them, don't look down and get depressed reach up and be happy . After all you wanted this change that's why you joined this site just like us and you should be proud of yourself for taking that first step and now just continue to take it day by day. So what if you went over today , a lot of us go through that but tomorrow is a new day so just get back on track and continue to move forward towards your goals and again take it one day at a time.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Are you expecting it to be easy?

    Maybe shift your expectation and accept that it will be hard, then you won't be so surprised when it does get hard. The decision process is the hardest because your body doesn't want to give up on it's appetites. You've trained it to be satiated by sugar and fat.

    Make deciding a much bigger deal. Create an atmosphere of weight loss for yourself. Decide that you'll do whatever it takes no matter how hard, be prepared for anything, then start. It's like pulling the slingshot further and further back before you release it. And the momentum from losing that first bit of weight will keep you going.

    Keep logging and trying. I've been fat for 15 years and thought I could never lose weight. I've only lost 25, but I'm going all the way, on my terms, no matter what.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    It's like a forest. If you walked into a forest for however many years you've been living unhealthy, would you be able to turn around and walk out in a week? A month?

    This is a lifestyle change and you can do it and more importantly you're worth it.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    An all or nothing approach doesn't work for everyone. I started with a small step - cutting out sugar. That success led to other changes, and very small losses along the way led to more motivation and attention to my diet.

    Are you being too hard on yourself, beating yourself up when you fail? Would you be that hard on other people? It IS hard but when something goes wrong don't throw it all out the window. Stop, reassess and start again, no-one is perfect, the difference is winners keep picking themselves up and get going again.


  • ericzintx
    ericzintx Posts: 32
    Your motivation has to be stronger than your apathy. Until then, there's no larger reason to change. That's blunt, but it's true.

    I keep my eye on the prize -- just the visual of someone else with the body that I want to see in the mirror has been enough for me. It might take something stronger for you.

    It IS a lifestyle change - make NO mistake. It will change you from the inside out. It ain't easy, but it's better than the regret and the "What ifs". Especially when you get to the point where you realize you want your remaining years to be as healthy as possible, cuz as far as you know, you only get one go around on this carnival ride called life, so by gosh -- make it count! (reminder to self)
  • JMRGrant
    JMRGrant Posts: 67
    Hi there! What works best for some may not work for you. You've got to have a serious talk with yourself and decide if "YOU" want to make a change and if "YOU" are ready to make those changes in your life. If the answer is yes the best way to take this "diet/life style change/or whatever you want to call is" is you take it one day at a time and one meal at a time. You plan your meals (ie if you have plans with family to go to dinner - find out ahead of time where you're going and structure your day around that; surf the food data base and see how many calories, fat grams, etc are in your favorite foods (eye opener). Find your support group (family, MFP, etrc) and USE them. It's not hard but it definitely takes dedication and honesty with your self. I speak from experience and have a PhD in yo-yo weight gain and loss. But I can say once I made my mind up to make a change I have (need to loose about 90 lbs - 15 lbs down and approximately 75 to go - but I WILL MAKE IT! If you stumble, get back up, dust off your pants and get back to it. Good luck! If you want please keep in contact.
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