ckneasel Member


  • been training fasted for several months now, and have had no ill affects... people that think they are getting fuel from a small meal an hour prior to working out are mistaken... that pre workout meal will actually be "fueling" you post workout, not during... increased GH production during fasted state is just one benefit,…
  • sounds like the bf is a real *kitten*, and you should drop him and not your friends...
  • if you're doing low carb, you aren't going to be eating fruits... you can eat any veggies, as the carbs are minimal and some of them are fiber which are not burned as energy...
  • that is completely normal... you always weigh less when you wake up... there's no food in your system and you're partially dehydrated... as long as you weigh yourself same time of the morning i'd go with that, as that is your actual weight... i'm always 3-4 pounds heavier before bed compared to waking...
  • copied this from another post i recently made... seems to fit here... the myth that low cal diets will slow your metabolism are unfounded... In one study, researchers found that the when they made people fast for 3 days, their metabolic rate did not change -Webber J, Macdonald IA, The cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal…
  • weight training does not = adding all kinds of muscle... yet another misinformed person...
  • frankly this whole idea of "starvation mode" is bunk if you are involved in a weight training regime... otherwise, sure i can see how people who go into hypocaloric deficiets can be causing harm to themselves over the long term... why anyone would try to lose weight by diet alone is beyond me, unless for some reason you…
  • sounds like something that happens to female athletes training for endurance endeavors... glad to hear you are now better and back on track... if you are running as much as you are, then yeah you need those calories for proper body functions... it doesn't seem like you have a goal of "weight loss", like alot of others…
  • the myth that low cal diets will slow your metabolism are unfounded... In one study, researchers found that the when they made people fast for 3 days, their metabolic rate did not change -Webber J, Macdonald IA, The cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal changes accompanying acute starvation in men and women. British…
  • it's not TMI, it's actually good info to have... i assume you are on the smaller side...? Did you lose a bunch of weight at once that caused this...?
  • if you're not hungry, you don't need to eat... if your main goal is fat loss, there's NOTHING wrong with not eating...
  • i don't mean to burst your bubble, but you didn't gain 10 pounds of muscle in 3 months... have you had a body composition done...? this would give you a better idea of what kind of weight you have gained... just lower your cals by 100 a week until you see you are maintaining, then you'll know your baseline, and you can go…
  • eat less or exercise more... or BOTH... day to day really doesn't matter in the big can make it up over the next couple of days...
    in Help !!! Comment by ckneasel April 2012
  • you make assumptions to things you are not aware of... do you know what her dinner consists of...? no you do not, so you are making snap assumptions based off what you think you know, but are misinformed... losing 70 pounds over 6 months is not "unhealthy"... especially for a woman coming off a pregnancy...
  • way too much misinformation in here to wade through it all... long story short... eat less than your expend and you lose weight... eat more than you expend and you gain weight... if you added 6 pounds you're obviously taking in more than you are burning... it's a little more complicated for women and water rentention and…
  • wow i feel some people really have no clue what weight loss is all about... at the end of the day if your calorie expenditure is greater than your calorie intake you will lose weight... the eating patterns described by the original poster are not bad by any means... i'm not sure what you don't understand about her diet…
  • BMI means nothing to me... and shouldn't mean much to anyone involved in a fitness / weight lifting program...
  • this is false, AS LONG AS you are doing a weight reisitance traning program...
    in confused Comment by ckneasel April 2012
  • all calorie calculators are innacurate... ideally find one, get a BMR that will allow you to maintain your weight... use that number for a few weeks, if you gain, your number was too high, if you lose then you know where you need to be... it's not a hardcore equation here... everyone is different...
    in Calories Comment by ckneasel April 2012
  • Definitely shows that you have lost weight... you can't target areas though... just keep up the hard work and the fat will come off...
  • protien goals can range from .7 - 1.0g per pound of bodyweight, assuming you are involved in a weight reistance traning program...
  • absolutely no difference... one school of thought though says your body will more readily uptake nutrients after your workout... but calories make no difference when they are consumed if you are going for a caloric deficiet...
  • they're all pretty much crap...
  • great work, you look GREAT...!
  • cheat days are integral to success during a sustained weight loss effort...
  • raises hand...
  • i'd just like to point out that you never "lose fat cells" they simply shrink when fat is not being stored in them... and you are NOT adding muscle on a caloric deficiet either... although i do agree with you that how your clothes are fitting and how you look in the mirror are great indicators of progress...
  • yes... but i think they are saying that MFP automatically calculates the number that you should be taking in to meet whatever weight loss goal you have set in MFP... so if you exercise and record those calories (most times over estimated by ALOT), you could "ideally" consume those calories and still meet those weight loss…
  • lots of "myths" floating around in this thread... if you want to know what's what go to alan aragorns page and he'll set you straight... at the end of the day calories out > calories in you will lose weight... having said that, everyone on a weight loss plan should also be involved in a weight resistance traning program…
  • my main cardio exercise is walking on an incline, BUT you cannot beat the benefits of a resistance training program coupled WITH walking... if you are not participating in a resistance traning program, you will likely lose some lean body mass along with fat during your weight loss journey... Studies have shown that…