Should you really be in the normal range for BMI?



  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I'm pretty close to your situation. I'm 31, 5'7" and I'm at 162 right now (down from 216). I'm at the bottom of the "overweight category" right now according to the BMI charts. Personally I feel its crap. I'm hoping to pretty much stick where I am now, but cut down on BF%. BMI doesn't really account for larger frame people or people with a lot of extra muscle.

    Right now, I'm at 15% BF and have okay muscle definition, but I'm in no weigh over weight/

    Go with a combo of BMI and BF%. If you are in the low "overweight" range with a BF% 15% or so, then IMO, thats pretty darned good. And supposedly for men around our age, 8-19% is considered Healthy

    Keep up the good work!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I don't really care about BMI. My goal is 140lbs and that is 24.8 bmi, so the very very top of the healthy range. If I gain a lb from that I will be back to being overweight. I honestly don't care what it says. To get in the middle of the healthy range for bmi it says I should weight 120. Um not going to happen. I have no interest at all in being that small. None.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    I would recommend not going by BMI... You should be going by your waist measurement. BMI is too out dated and not an accurate way of measuring whether your in your healthy weight range or not

    This is the way most doctors here in Australia are going by now, and telling people to completely ignore BMI

    agreed. i use tape measure as a primary yardstick. weight is much too iffy. a glass of water could send you up 1-2 pounds alone
  • ckneasel
    ckneasel Posts: 34 Member
    BMI means nothing to me... and shouldn't mean much to anyone involved in a fitness / weight lifting program...
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Hey MFP peeps,

    Went to the doctor today to discuss my weight loss so far and he was psyched. I'm 5'7.5", started at 211 (rough) and now down to 185 (awesome so far).

    I told him I figured I should lost another 15 or so, that puts me roughly at the low-end of the "overweight" ranking for BMI, nearing the top of the "regular" section. He said to really push it I could aim as low as a BMI of 25, which would be 150lbs?!?!? I haven't been that light since I was in like 8th grade.

    It seems like BMI used to be the go-to thing, but I've heard enough dissent about it that I am not going to take it as 100% gospel. For my frame and general weight history, I think 160lbs or 165 would be awesome and very healthy. Pushing to 150 area seems like I'd be pretty underweight, I'd be like back to middle school weight and I'm much taller and bulkier now of course. That seems almost dangerous to push it that low.

    Hey - you're exactly like me - except that I'm 5'9", female, 49 yo, and started off with a lot more to lose. :wink:

    BMI seems to be based on data for 25-yo of average height (5'4 to 5'5 for women, 5'8 to 5'9 for men) who are Caucasions of non-Northwestern European (e.g., Scandanavian, German or Celtic) ancestry. It tends to underestimate bodyfat for middle-aged and elderly people, and for most Asians. BMI tends to overestimate body fat for African-Amercians, Northwestern Europeans, bodybuilders, people with unusually high bone or muscle density, and people with a lot of rocks in their pockets (just seeing if you're still awake there :bigsmile: ).

    Interestingly, the US gov't had the high end of the "healthy" BMI range set at 27.8 unitl 1998, when it was revised to 25.0 iin order to match World Health Organizantion standards.

    I'm taller than average, my ancestry is largely Celtic, and I also seem to have a genetic tendency towards high bone density. I'm setting my goal range at 188 to 183 lb (BMI = 27.8 to 27.0). When I get there, I'll see how things like my bodyfat %, blood sugar & lipids, and general well-being & self-image are; and then I'll decide whether to maintain or continue losing.

    For my BMI to be 25.0, I'd have to weigh 169 lb, which, I suppose, might not be completely impossible.

    But for me to fall into the middle of the normal range at BMI = 21.75, I'd have to weigh 147.5 lb - which was about what I weighed as an (admittedly about 10 to lbs overweight) 5' 6" 13-yo seventh-grader.
  • mjutan
    mjutan Posts: 23
    Thank you all for your extremely kind and helpful responses and encouragment!

    MFP is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm hiking the Inca Trail in Peru in May and really psyched for that. I should be about at my first goal weight by then - 180lbs. I'm going to get a tape measure and start measuring body fat percent as many of you suggested - that is a great call.

    Thanks to a few of you folks with very similar goals and to everyone else as well, this kind of encouragement goes a super long way!

    Keep working hard, and thanks so much for your great comments.
    Mike :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Here's probably the best example of why BMI is stupid and shouldn't be followed slavishly
