I need motivation

So, I've been doing more strength training including body bump in order to get some lean muscle and to look toned. I also upped my calories because I was in deficit, and I wasn't healthy AT ALL. Since then I've gained almost 10 lbs!!! I like to think that some of it is muscle since this has been since about December.

So, I have seen before and after pictures of women who gain muscle and look better in their after pictures but WEIGH more. I would love to hear your story if you are one of those women!!

I know it's just a number but it's freaking me out.


  • ckneasel
    ckneasel Posts: 34 Member
    i don't mean to burst your bubble, but you didn't gain 10 pounds of muscle in 3 months... have you had a body composition done...? this would give you a better idea of what kind of weight you have gained... just lower your cals by 100 a week until you see you are maintaining, then you'll know your baseline, and you can go from there...
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    well at first gaining weight was okay because I had amenorrhea ( sorry if thats TMI) so my DR. said that gaining 3-5 lbs to have my body function properly again.

    That being said, I guess I'm wondering if it's a mixture of gaining muscle and my body getting back to healthy? I know I am a messed up case here.
  • ckneasel
    ckneasel Posts: 34 Member
    it's not TMI, it's actually good info to have...

    i assume you are on the smaller side...? Did you lose a bunch of weight at once that caused this...?
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    Yea, I was running a lot, training for a half marathon and got down to my lowest at 113 at 5'3'' which is technically not that bad for someone 5'3'' but obviously it wasn't healthy for me since I stopped functioning properly. I didn't loose a lot of weight at once, I just upped my workouts without really supplementing what I ate.

    The only benefit is that I got to see a nutritionist covered by health insurance. She has been having me upping my calories since I still continue to run 20-25 miles a week- but she's not even done upping them, she wants to add more. At first, a leveled out at 118 for a month or two, but just recently I've been hitting the 120 mark and today I was over and I panicked.
  • ckneasel
    ckneasel Posts: 34 Member
    sounds like something that happens to female athletes training for endurance endeavors...

    glad to hear you are now better and back on track... if you are running as much as you are, then yeah you need those calories for proper body functions... it doesn't seem like you have a goal of "weight loss", like alot of others here... but if you feel you are adding too much weight, just cut back a bit on the calories, and see when you hit your maintanence level... ;-)
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I am not here for weight loss per say, just for healthy living and trying to look good. thanks for your advice!