Relationship problem?



  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    i understand that you dont dig chicks.. im not trying to say otherwise...

    its just that when guys see chicks digging his chick then he starts to worry..

    sure we got parts that girl;s can only pretend to have...


    if he is lucky he gets to watch... if not then he gets to "watch" his girl run off somewhere and have "times" with someone else...

    either way he is not included in the actual physical interaction...

    he is left out... not saying that he shouldnt be sometimes... just saying that he is...
    Did you forget to evolve?

    why dont you get that another girl is a challenge to his man stuff?

    you dont hang out with other guys do you?
    why would you hang out with another girl that likes you then?

    whats so wrong with a guy having a problem with that?

    drop him if you thinks its a problem that he cares who is interested in his lady but not because its just a woman...
    I hang out with other guys. So what? That doesn't mean they are attracted to me, I'm attracted to them, and/or either of us would cheat on the person we are with. I've been married almost 19 years. 9 years ago my husband was sent to Iraq for 14 months. His best friend came over all the time to help me out, to chat, to fix things around the house that were broken, etc. Nothing ever happened between us. He's a friend. That's all. End of discussion. My husband wasn't worried because he's neither insecure nor immature.

    Seriously, should your wife be worried if you have a gay male friend? I WISH my hubby had a gay male friend. He could help him dress better. :laugh:

    To the OP:

    If your guy is so incredibly jealous that he thinks that just because someone is attracted to women that means there is a risk of you cheating to the point that he's picking fights with you and doesn't want you to see them anymore then only 1 of 2 things is possible. Either he is a controlling @$$hole who will only get worse or he's cheating on you.

    I know 1 1/2 years seems like a long time to throw away but it's really not. Every relationship you ever have will either last forever or will end eventually. Whether that means you don't make it to a second date or you get divorced after 10 years of marriage or you are together until death do you part - you need to decide what's best. I honestly don't see any relationship with someone so controlling and petty lasting that long unless he beats you down to the point that you have nothing BUT him. That's not a good situation.

    I met my first long term boyfriend when I was 16. We dated for 1 1/2 years. We were on again/off again for a total of nearly 5 years. I met my now husband when I was 19. We dated for 4 1/2 years before getting married. There were a few on again/off again times (hence the overlap with BF#1) but I couldn't be more grateful that BF1 and I broke up. If we hadn't I wouldn't have met my husband, had our 2 wonderful kids, or be living the wonderful life we have. It did hurt to finally end it for good. It hurt when we broke up after that first 11/2 yr of dating. But please don't settle for someone who is like that. No one deserves to be treated with constant suspicion.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    lesbian girlfriends of my girlfriend do scare me and yes it is because i am insecure..

    they can be burly dikes or lovely "friends"

    lesbians offer something men cant get... a womens point of views towards sex...

    we cant compete with that... i dont care how hard you try we cant.. we arent women and lesbians scare us because they have something we dont when it come to courting and pleasing a woman... nothing can change that...

    if things flow towards the girl then enjoy yourself and take lots of pics for us :)

    Really....way to take all that made sense and just crap all over it with your last sentence.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    I hang out with other guys. So what? That doesn't mean they are attracted to me, I'm attracted to them, and/or either of us would cheat on the person we are with. I've been married almost 19 years. 9 years ago my husband was sent to Iraq for 14 months. His best friend came over all the time to help me out, to chat, to fix things around the house that were broken, etc. Nothing ever happened between us. He's a friend. That's all. End of discussion. My husband wasn't worried because he's neither insecure nor immature.

    Seriously, should your wife be worried if you have a gay male friend? I WISH my hubby had a gay male friend. He could help him dress better. :laugh:

    To the OP:

    If your guy is so incredibly jealous that he thinks that just because someone is attracted to women that means there is a risk of you cheating to the point that he's picking fights with you and doesn't want you to see them anymore then only 1 of 2 things is possible. Either he is a controlling @$$hole who will only get worse or he's cheating on you.

    I know 1 1/2 years seems like a long time to throw away but it's really not. Every relationship you ever have will either last forever or will end eventually. Whether that means you don't make it to a second date or you get divorced after 10 years of marriage or you are together until death do you part - you need to decide what's best. I honestly don't see any relationship with someone so controlling and petty lasting that long unless he beats you down to the point that you have nothing BUT him. That's not a good situation.

    I met my first long term boyfriend when I was 16. We dated for 1 1/2 years. We were on again/off again for a total of nearly 5 years. I met my now husband when I was 19. We dated for 4 1/2 years before getting married. There were a few on again/off again times (hence the overlap with BF#1) but I couldn't be more grateful that BF1 and I broke up. If we hadn't I wouldn't have met my husband, had our 2 wonderful kids, or be living the wonderful life we have. It did hurt to finally end it for good. It hurt when we broke up after that first 11/2 yr of dating. But please don't settle for someone who is like that. No one deserves to be treated with constant suspicion.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You know when a guy sits next to you at a bar and is so ridiculous, obtrusive and inapporpriate that you actually have to change seats?

    Pretty sure he's in here...
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Good thing everyone on this forum is a mental health professional and a relationship counselor.

    Experience, my friend.

    You're young and are most likely possessive yourself, which is why you find the OP's boyfriend's behavior appropriate and "flattering". Life will teach you otherwise. You cannot control other people, and any attempt to do so will push people away from you.

    Who in the blue hell said I could control anyone? Also assuming makes a you know what out of both of us

    One could deduce, based on your belief that the OP's boyfriend was "flattering", that you exhibit some of the same characteristics. It's pure logic. Your first post was dangerous, particularly to such a young, inexperienced girl. You then attempted to discredit some very sound advice made by many people based on their lack of formal training, and again, that is dangerous.

    Believe it or not, I was not attacking you personally. Most people have control issues on some level. Be that partners, children, life events, etc. and that includes myself.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    lesbian girlfriends of my girlfriend do scare me and yes it is because i am insecure..

    they can be burly dikes or lovely "friends"

    lesbians offer something men cant get... a womens point of views towards sex...

    we cant compete with that... i dont care how hard you try we cant.. we arent women and lesbians scare us because they have something we dont when it come to courting and pleasing a woman... nothing can change that...

    if things flow towards the girl then enjoy yourself and take lots of pics for us :)

    Uhhhh...please tell me this is a joke. Especially the "dike" part and photos part.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    Good thing everyone on this forum is a mental health professional and a relationship counselor.

    Experience, my friend.

    You're young and are most likely possessive yourself, which is why you find the OP's boyfriend's behavior appropriate and "flattering". Life will teach you otherwise. You cannot control other people, and any attempt to do so will push people away from you.

    Who in the blue hell said I could control anyone? Also assuming makes a you know what out of both of us

    One could deduce, based on your belief that the OP's boyfriend was "flattering", that you exhibit some of the same characteristics. It's pure logic. Your first post was dangerous, particularly to such a young, inexperienced girl. You then attempted to discredit some very sound advice made by many people based on their lack of formal training, and again, that is dangerous.

    Believe it or not, I was not attacking you personally. Most people have control issues on some level. Be that partners, children, life events, etc. and that includes myself.
    I remember when I used to try to sound intelligent on the internet
  • Emmea2729
    Emmea2729 Posts: 100 Member
    its only a year and a half.

    think about how much of your life is left.

    you really want it to be taken up by a guy that doesnt trust you?

    i've just left a 4 and a half year relationship. hardest thing ever. but it wasnt right. i wasnt happy.
    and its going to be difficult, but i know its worth it.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    if he is lucky he gets to watch... if not then he gets to "watch" his girl run off somewhere and have "times" with someone else...

    either way he is not included in the actual physical interaction...

    he is left out... not saying that he shouldnt be sometimes... just saying that he is...

    That actually made me feel a little bit sick, and I'm straight. You are aware that gay/bisexual women do not exist solely as porn for men?
  • catattack13
    catattack13 Posts: 117
    if he doesn't trust you after a year and a half, he never will. don't waste your time, energy, and emotions on a guy like that.
  • ckneasel
    ckneasel Posts: 34 Member
    sounds like the bf is a real *kitten*, and you should drop him and not your friends...
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Good thing everyone on this forum is a mental health professional and a relationship counselor.

    Experience, my friend.

    You're young and are most likely possessive yourself, which is why you find the OP's boyfriend's behavior appropriate and "flattering". Life will teach you otherwise. You cannot control other people, and any attempt to do so will push people away from you.

    Who in the blue hell said I could control anyone? Also assuming makes a you know what out of both of us

    One could deduce, based on your belief that the OP's boyfriend was "flattering", that you exhibit some of the same characteristics. It's pure logic. Your first post was dangerous, particularly to such a young, inexperienced girl. You then attempted to discredit some very sound advice made by many people based on their lack of formal training, and again, that is dangerous.

    Believe it or not, I was not attacking you personally. Most people have control issues on some level. Be that partners, children, life events, etc. and that includes myself.
    I remember when I used to try to sound intelligent on the internet

    Sorry about that; intelligence comes naturally to me. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if any of you could help me out here.
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for about a year and a half. Everything goes good but it seems like all he wants to do is fight. Last night, a friend of mine, (who is a lesbian) stayed the night. I feel like he doesn't trust me with a FRIEND for crying out loud. So what if she likes boobs? He thinks I am going to cheat on him with everyone and everything!! I have never done anything wrong to him. By the way, I am only into guys. Should I just stop being friends with her?
    Thanks xoxo

    Also, we have talked about this already. He said he just finds it "weird" that I have her staying the night. He is jealous for no reason. Because like I said, I am into men. I love him, and he loves me. I don't want things to be over with over a few arguments. It's not worth throwing a year and a half down the drain. How am I suppose to show him he can trust me?

    Ok, 1) I haven't read everyone elses replies, but I'll go back to the thread shortly :)

    2) I can tell you, from experience, that if all he wants to do is argue, one day, sooner or later, this isn't going to work out. I was where you are. I didn't want to throw a year away, then two then 5... after 9 years I finally was ready to make the break, but it was a relationship of ups and downs from the beginning. I thought that arguing was "normal" and "showed passion" and "gave you a reason to make up" and "it was ok because of our love". All wrong. It sounds like he has issues, and if they're anything like the issues my ex had, you'll be saving yourself a LOT of heartache getting out sooner rather than later. Because I HAVE been there however I know that unless you're actually ready to take that decision for yourself, me saying you'd be better off out of it won't make a blind bit of difference. It's one of those things that we have to do in our own time. For me it wasn't "enough" when he'd broken up with me, and then changed his mind several times (over the course of the years). It wasn't "enough" when he beat the living cr@p out of me. It wasn't "enough" when he tried to kill himself in front of me, leaving me to get him to hospital and deal with his family. For me, I just changed one day and was able to move on. This was over 2 years ago now, and every day I look back thinking how wonderful hindsight is. The only thing I'm thankful for is that it made me the stronger person that I am today.

    3) You will never be alone, whatever you decide.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    What would everyone say is the OP came on here saying her boyfriend had a female friend staying overnight?
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    He sounds really uptight church, insecure, or he is cheating on you. Most guys I know love girl on girl and would push for it. Usually people who are like your boyfriend are usually cheating, have been cheated on alot, or you have cheated before so it makes them insecure and have trust issues. I hope it works out for you, just know, he has to change, you cant live like this forever. Men or women, trust has to be there and no controlling. If he doesnt change, he will lose someone great, great people are so hard to come by.Your friends will always be there for you, dont ever give them up for anyone.
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    He sounds really uptight church or hipster guy or he is cheating on you. People who are like that are usually cheating, have been cheated on alot, or you have cheated before.

    not that I would ordinarily rush to the defense of hipsters...but, say *what* ?!?!?! WTH does being a hipster have to do with anything?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if any of you could help me out here.
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for about a year and a half. Everything goes good but it seems like all he wants to do is fight. Last night, a friend of mine, (who is a lesbian) stayed the night. I feel like he doesn't trust me with a FRIEND for crying out loud. So what if she likes boobs? He thinks I am going to cheat on him with everyone and everything!! I have never done anything wrong to him. By the way, I am only into guys. Should I just stop being friends with her?
    Thanks xoxo

    Also, we have talked about this already. He said he just finds it "weird" that I have her staying the night. He is jealous for no reason. Because like I said, I am into men. I love him, and he loves me. I don't want things to be over with over a few arguments. It's not worth throwing a year and a half down the drain. How am I suppose to show him he can trust me?

    You fight frequently, if so what about?

    If he's constantly worried about you cheating I'd say he's highly insecure. No, you should not give up good friends for no good reason. I mean if you had a friend that was truly trying to mess around with you despite being involved then yeah, maybe, but if it's just a legit friendship then no way. If he loves you, he'll understand and get over it. Otherwise, get rid of HIM.
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member

    Contol is about isolation and alienation. Do some research. It only gets worse.
    Don't ever give up your friends or family for a guy/girl.
    Just my own opinion/experience speaking..... :)
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    OP, I've seen friends in this situation, two of them with the same guy, who stopped them seeing friends, stopped them going out, had to know where they were if they were out. It made them both miserable. I actually dated the same guy, who told me that if I lost weight he'd dump me (chubby chaser). I told him to get tae. And I'm glad I got out of it then, seeing what my friends went through after.

    Basically, it shouldn't matter, you should trust each other, especially after such a long time.
    My boyfriend and I trust each other completely, we maybe get irrationally jealous sometimes but we acknowledge it is irrational. It doesn't matter even if your friend likes you, that doesn't mean you'd do anything with them!
    Besides, not every gay person wants to shag everyone of the same sex.
    I know my boyfriend has female and gay friends that both fancy him, but do I tell him he can't see them? No, because I trust he won't cheat. I may mention my suspicions to him, but I'd never tell him who he can and can't see.

    I've stayed at male friends houses since we've been dating, he is going to London with a female friend (and her mum) soon, and we both know that it is not an issue.

    It doesn't matter if I like guys or girls, or who us attracted to me, because we love each other and wouldn't wanna sleep with anyone else (:

    if he doesn't trust you that's his deal, and if he can't get over it break up with him. He's either controlling (possibly abusive in future) or he's doing that guy thing where he acts like a *kitten* to get you to dump him!
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