

  • I think I may have figured it out! Hope this works!!! Before P90X and 1 1/2 months into P90X. AND yes that is my arm!
  • C-section here with 2nd child and the pouch! I would love to post my photos. I am not at my GW or where I want to be athletically but, I have before and during comparison I can share but, don't know how to post photos on here. Can someone help me?
  • I needed to check-in to say that I completed Day 2 last night! WOW! Really feeling it. But, it means I was workin' it =) Feeling great again.....other than the fact I'm having a hard time taking my bra off(sorry guys) or lifting my arms to put my deodorant on OUCH!!!!!!!!....LOL! I hope that logging here will keep me…
  • I have a confession..........I fell off the wagon a long time ago =\ I have been following you all on here. Everyone is doing GREAT! I am glad I have been checking in from time to time because it made me get my butt back into gear! Last night marks day 1(again) for me =) I was really starting to tell that I was letting…
  • I smoked 1 ½-2 packs a day for 8 years. I quit smoking "cold turkey" Nov 3, 2000. I haven't picked up a cigarette since. I still have the craving and if I smell a menthol, the cravings hit harder. I have chewed A LOT of gum and sucked on A LOT of peppermints over the years. When I get a coffee from Starbucks, I will have…
  • First I must say that I am proud of ALL of you for bringing it last week!! I am also proud of myself for the workouts completed last week and the effort I put forth! Ready to "bring it" harder this week =) I wanted to share my NSV with the group!!! I successfully pulled off the "crane pose" for the first time since I have…
  • I am living WW style! I lost a total of 82lbs the first time and kept it off until a became pregnant with my second child. I tried to lose weight after on my own but, was up and down. So, I joined WW to be accountable and following plans work better for me than just winging it. "I need all the education I can get." This…
  • I have an HRM. However, I am not sure if it is giving me accurate readings. The stats seem really low =\ I have replaced the batteries. I bought it on clearance. I think that was a mistake. Mine does have the strap which was a must for me when I was deciding on one. Once it is on, I don't even pay attention to it. I think…
  • I think we are going to get to the point of turning the sound off too. My boyfriend and I are at the point now that we talk back to Tony....LOL =) He is funny but, hearing the same thing over and over is getting old. However, sometimes the reminders of how certain exercises/stretches need to be done is helpful.
  • I don't know if you have seen my post about my HRM BUT, my stats are not where I want them to be. I was thinking there was something wrong with the HRM. Now I am thinking it's me and I am just not pushing hard enough =\ I am doing "lean" so my last workout was Cardio X , I checked my stats afterwards and I only burned…
  • Welcome!! I'm sending you a friend request. HW214, CW145, GW135 I am also looking for supporters and to support! Add me if you would like =)
  • I was referred to this post/group from my post! I have hit the restart button this week. I am on day4 of week1 P90X “lean”! I was half way through and had to stop due to a flood. Now I am back at it and would like to find people that are P90X crazy like me. I LOVE IT! I appreciate all of my MFP friends for their support. I…
  • I have hit the restart button as well after not being able to do it for almost a month =( I thought I would never say this about P90X BUT, I have missed having it in my life....LOL! I was half way through and our basement flooded =\ Carpet and padding destroyed. Finally got everything cleaned up, repaired and ITS ON BABY!…
  • I am doing the "lean" version. Maybe I'm just not pushing myself hard enough. Although, some days I feel as if I'm going to pass out. That's why I feel that I am pushing myself further than "comfortable". Last workout-Cardio X: I'm just confused because my workout parter burned over 600cals vs. my 191cals =\ I completed…
  • Yes, it does have the chest strap.
  • I have had family/friends/co-workers tell me that I am losing too much weight. I am 5'2" and currently 145lbs. So I am still at the low end of overweight too. I don't know if people are talking behind my back about it but, some have made comments to me personally. However, I don't think that it is all jealousy. I think…
  • With doing P90X, the most accurate way to document calories burned for "myself" was to buy a HRM, create my own cardio exercise on MFP and log the minutes/calories burned per HRM.
    in P90x? Comment by bootlebop1979 June 2011
  • Cold-Caramel Frappuccino Light or Hot-Caramel Macchiato is what makes me happy!
  • I WI twice a week. My WI day for WW is on Monday evenings. I WI again on Fridays(but don't log the weight on MFP) just to give me a heads up for the weekend =)
  • You can add me as part of your support team =)
  • Feel free to add me as a friend! CW-143 and GW-135 =)
  • You look fantastic! Awesome work and accomplishment =) Wow is all I have left to say!
  • I am 5'2". At my HW I measured 54" hips(was a size 20-22 Old navy & Lane Bryant). I haven't taken my measurements for over a month now however, I believe I am under 40" now. I am in mainly size 6-8 pants. I can fit in some size 4. The sizes vary depending on name brand/cut. I believe you and I have the same build. It is…
  • Hello! I am 5'2". Last weeks WI put me at 148. I would like to at least get to 135 and see if that's where I really want to be. I have curves too(big booty & breasts) which makes me set my GW on the high end of the "healthy" weight range. I am building muscle which weighs more than fat as well. It is different for…
  • That's what we are all here for. I have had something similar happen to me within the past week. We have to keep going for ourselves and not let others bring us down. We have to keep saying................ "I am doing this for myself! How I do things to get the best healthy results is my decision. If I'm not hurting myself…
  • Welcome =) You can do anything you set your mind to girlfriend! Good luck!!!! We are ALL here to encourage and support each other. Don't be afraid to reach out or post in our faces your successes! We want to be proud of you too =) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • I am in need of suggestions too!
  • Btw- for all you P90X pros-you ROCK and I will be just like you!
  • Thank you everyone! It looks like HRM is on my "to get" list =) I will log as 400 per day as suggested until I get my HRM. Thanks again!!
  • I am trying Kashi for the first time today. They were on sale so it's worth giving it a try! I am having the Spicy Black Bean Enchilada which is 260 cals,7 fat,1 sat fat,0 cholesterol,600 sodium,45 carbs,8 fiber,3 sugars and 8 protein. I will let you know how it is =) Eating them in moderation is acceptable! Tony even says…