P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • josephgmartin
    josephgmartin Posts: 1 Member
    i am on week 3 right now! Lets all Bring IT! Also how can we get myfitness pal to add the p90x workouts to the exercise list?

  • youmeus
    youmeus Posts: 12
    Ohh it would be on a secure DropBox account...just a shared folder that can only be accessed by each persons email address...think of it like a central depository for files.

    You can upload your files and once every week or so I will add new pictures to one main PDF file...where everything can be captured or logged in a neat p90x class sheet.

    I don't think there is a need for a 2nd place for writing comments...this will be only for files we cant upload here kept in a neat order so that we can all review as need be.
  • youmeus
    youmeus Posts: 12
    Ok I just created a new folder on 100GB DropBox server called 'Team P90X' send me your email address and I will add to invite list...you guys can then upload pictures and info in the sub-folder called 'pics'

    I can then use the files and build our workout sheet.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    i am on week 3 right now! Lets all Bring IT! Also how can we get myfitness pal to add the p90x workouts to the exercise list?


    what i have done is use my HRM to track my calorie burnand then added my own exercise for each P90X workout. I am surprised that when someone adds a new excercise it is not availible to everyone. if you want, check out my page and you can see how much i have been burning doing the workouts, i put the time lenght on it and everything.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 3/p90x is done.....shoulders and arms has always been one of my favs.. was feeling it by the time we got to the bonus round, but hung in there and did bonus .also did ab ripper x. the back of my thighs are sore today .
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I should have real internet again tomorrow, and will be up for whatever we decide as far as pictures and stuff. Someplace external to accumulate them sounds great. Then at the end we can do group stats as far as inches lost and weight / bf% lost.
  • chadgray
    chadgray Posts: 2
    This is great. I just happened to have started P90X the same day as you guys. I love it. I have not had a workout like this since I summer circuits for football during high school. I am sore from head to toe. Looking forward to yoga today. It is hard, but hard work pays in the end. Keep it up guys! :happy:
  • youmeus
    youmeus Posts: 12
    Shoulders and Arms - Completed

    Ok this one I rocked...felt like THOR afterward...went around breaking all the cups and glasses in the house :)

    My Kryptonite was AB-Ripper X. Ohhh how I hate this routine...and its the one exercise I know I need the most. Any advice on how to get over my mental block will be appreciated.

    Looking forward to Yoga later :)
  • Tcnorman
    Tcnorman Posts: 16
    This sounds awesome. I am going to jump in with you guys (starting Monday 6/13). I've lost 60 pounds (from 260 to 200) since January and now am just too skinny. I'm looking to add some muscle and definition and P90X seems to be the logical way to do it.
    Hope everyone is enjoying week 1!
  • I was referred to this post/group from my post!

    I have hit the restart button this week. I am on day4 of week1 P90X “lean”! I was half way through and had to stop due to a flood. Now I am back at it and would like to find people that are P90X crazy like me. I LOVE IT!

    I appreciate all of my MFP friends for their support. I would like to expand a little with friends that live P90X!

    Please add me =)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I went out for an awesome run last night, then KILLED ab ripper X. I did all of the moves the full time, even some of the advanced variations. I dunno, being pumped from the run really helped me. Also weighed myself this morning, and found I'd dropped 1-2 lbs ish since last week, so that's awesome!! I

    Yoga this morning, tried to really stay low in those lunges... man, they hurt! The one where you curl your arm under your leg and grab it?? OW!!

    Great job everyone on keeping with it - and welcome to all the new people! I'm so glad we're getting so many people in on this. Everyone feel free to add me.

    By the way, as of last night, I've been working on monitoring my heart rate manually throughout the workouts. I found I averaged about 120 through the 90 minutes of yoga. Now even with a really low estimate of my VO2max, I was burning about 400 - 500 calories in the 90 minutes. That's awesome, and also much more than MFP gives me credit for. I'm going to keep checking, and possibly add custom exercises. Those of you with HRM's, how much did you burn doing yoga?
  • I don't know if you have seen my post about my HRM BUT, my stats are not where I want them to be. I was thinking there was something wrong with the HRM. Now I am thinking it's me and I am just not pushing hard enough =\

    I am doing "lean" so my last workout was Cardio X , I checked my stats afterwards and I only burned 191cals @ MXP 59%. My workout partner who is male 6'2", 225 and wearing a chest strap HRM too burned over 600cals. I felt and he said that I pushed harder than him. Should my calorie burn be that much lower than his?

    I am 5'2", 145 and wearing a chest strap HRM.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Im 5'11" and weight about 167. and my HRM just told me I burned about 383calories during yoga. even if it is giving me low numbers i would rather go off of that then the MFP stuff.

    and my least favorite move is Half Moon and Twisting Half Moon. They stink for someone who is not very flexible. lol
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 4/90 is done....yoga is not my fav, but im getting better at it.

    a little sore today, but not as bad as my first round.
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Just finished yoga. It was harder than I thought it would be - especially the beginning part. I really feel like I have no idea how much I'm burning with these workouts which is a little bit frustrating. I am thinking of picking back up with my usual cardio just to be sure I'm burning enough.

    I really liked the arms routine though. I need to go out and get some stretch bands, the weights I have are too light!

    Bootlebop79: I am not sure about that? I don't feel experienced enough with P90X to really say for sure? What if you and your partner switched HRMs to see if that changes anything? You could rule out a defective HRM that way I guess?

    Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • tremendacooke
    tremendacooke Posts: 26 Member
    Fithd day In the making But I really hate Yoga dont like it never will so I went for a 4 mile run sorry guys but Yoga is not my cup of tea
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Just finished legs & back plus ab ripper X... got my pull up situation with the bands sorted a little better, so that's something!
    I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow. And my and feel just destroyed every time I do that workout!

    Good luck to everyone today! Stick with it!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Just finished legs & back plus ab ripper X... got my pull up situation with the bands sorted a little better, so that's something!
    I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow. And my and feel just destroyed every time I do that workout!

    Good luck to everyone today! Stick with it!

    I still hate Legs and Back. I have it tonight. I dread it. Loathe it. Least favorite of all the workouts. I think I'd rather do Plyo instead....

    Bring it!
  • youmeus
    youmeus Posts: 12
    Slap me silly and call me Suzy - In my head I was thinking..." Ohhh Yoga is going to be a piece of cake, after all it's a girly routine"...BOY WAS I WORNG!!!

    Nuff respect to you girls out there...gIve me shoulders and back over "warrior 1, 2 or 10" any day..hehehehe!

    But I did it to the best of my ability.

    Bruised Ego :(

    P.S. Not going into office today...so will be doing legs and back this morning...wish me luck :)
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    So has anyone else looked at the nutrition plan and put it into MFP? it puts everyone into three catagories and has you eating either 1800, 2400, or 3000 calories a day. when i put that number into MFP it said i will gain about half a pound a week. is this correct? should i be following the calories and % from P90X or should i use them as a guideline and stick to what MFP says i will lose weight with?

    any thoughts?