P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • fatKisses
    fatKisses Posts: 11
    I just started today... count me in would luv to join yall :)
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    hey everyone, just wanted to check in, I started on Memorial Day and Im on day 4 today. I was just wanting to know if any of us have done, finished, or attempted P90X before?
    I have gone through phase 1 twice, but i alway find some way to hurt myself playing sports during the cardio recovery week.

    So has anyone from the group gone through P90X before?
  • youmeus
    youmeus Posts: 12
    Hey DeadZip2010,

    I tried it a couple times...always got to 2nd week and then dropped out. It was difficult to stay motivated and focused....and as you well know the thing is damn hard! This time around I'm hoping to stay on track and get my drive and motivation from you guys...we'll see how that goes...hehehehhe!

    Life has a way of coming in and distracting you...if its not home or work...there is always that excuse...and you kinda just talk yourself out of doing something you know in your heart to be good for you.
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    I know my husband has the P90X, but I wonder -

    I dont exactly have the best stamina and I am not ion the best of shape, .... will I be able to do this?
  • aathom11
    aathom11 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in I just my husband and I ust started on tuesday!! add me!!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I finish the first 90 days on June 18th. I will be starting again on the 20th. I would be more than happy to tag along to offer advice, motivation, answer questions, etc. The program is awesome. I also have a link and information for converting the P90X diet plan over to calories and grams to be more easily tracked via MFP. Friend me if you like. I have years of trial and error and real world experience.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I am starting my 4th round of a P90X hybrid on June 6th, so I will join you.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I am planning to start on June 6 so I would love to join you! :) I'm a little fearful but also excited! Pics is a great idea although not looking forward to the "before" pics. LOL!
  • cnacnac126
    how long did it take you to lose about 50 lbs from 207 lbs?? we're about the same weight 200 lbs and I would love to be back to the 125-140 lbs range by next year!
  • cnacnac126
    I'm in!! I need all the motivation I can get to get to my weight loss goal :happy:
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Woo, I'm so happy about all the momentum we have going in this thread! I was so stoked to get going, I did YogaX today just for something different! I'm pretty sure it was really great for me to get all the stretching in, but it wasn't as much of a workout as I thought it would be.

    cnacnac I'm assuming you are asking me? I started all of this in January. The first few months I just dieted, next few months dieted and ran, and then over the last month really only, I've been working out. Did the 30 day shred, and am just finishing this week.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I'm on Day 32 right now... Can I tag a long in spirit? heehee
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'll join! I am on week two of my first round of Classic, so I'm not all the far ahead of everyone.

    Right now I weigh 210 lbs and use a bodymedia fit..it says I burn upwards of 2700-3000 cals per day, so I try to eat around 2200 a day. I've had months since January where I've eaten perfectly and worked out perfectly according to MFP and haven't been able to lose weight. Its super discouraging. Of course I flub up every now and again too. I am hoping that this program and my eating habits (more cals than what MFP tells me to eat) will be the thing that finally helps me lose weight, lose inches, etc. etc.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Monday almost here, doing my pics and measurements tomorrow.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Getting everything ready today, pics, measurements, worksheets. Yay, we can do this people!!
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Wow it looks like a big group! I plan on weighing in and measuring first thing tomorrow morning before I do the first workout. I can't wait! See you all tomorrow :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Bout to tuck into bed, getting ready for my 5 am P90X wake-up!
    See you all tomorrow, let's hit the first day hard people!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Alright, P90X day 1 done! Had some snafu's getting set up with the stretch bands and keeping up, but overall, not as bad as I feared!Amy (ps, photos and measurements to come when I have internet on my computer)
  • tremendacooke
    tremendacooke Posts: 26 Member
    I started today BRING IT XXXXXX
  • fathomblue
    fathomblue Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in too :)