Can I do this?

charliw8 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to all out there.

I am 26 and I am one of those people who is always trying the latest diet. I join and end up re-joining places like weightwatchers, getting frustrated and never being able to find something I can stick to.

I always hope my wanting to lose weight will be enough but it never is.

It would be nice to know of people out there who have had success using my fitness pal. I love the idea of this site but without guidance on healthy foods, I am worried thats where I will have difficulty.

I really hope this is something I can put my mind to and achieve. I am going on holiday in August and I would really like to be at a couple of stone lighter.

To all out there, I wish you all success and lets hope I can start to see of that success myself.



  • crystal10584
    crystal10584 Posts: 334
    I've lost 21.4 lbs so far on MFP.

    It's awesome :D
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Read labels! You CAN do this. I have failed at weightloss with other "diets" and also with weightloss pills. Bad, bad bad!

    I didn't NEED those things. I needed to find fun, low calorie foods, plan out my meals, and EXERCISE! I have been doing so well, I can't believe it. So, Y E S you can :)

    oh and welcome!
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I've lost 21lbs in 5 weeks
  • gladysrutter
    gladysrutter Posts: 39 Member
    I have only just joined the day before yesterday so unfortunately I haven't been a success as yet! However, I have completed two days on my diet with the help and motivation from my friends on here and the forums are great if youever need guidance on what to eat or anything regarding health.

    YOU can do this! And there is no better place than myfitnesspal, I have only been here 3 days and it has made such an impact on my diet!

    Believe in yourself!!!! :)
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    Good Luck! I too have tried it all it seems.. But I have had more success and have stuck to my exercising more since I've started MFP. I do not deprive myself of anything but try to stay in my calories that MFP gives me. If I go over a day I try to go alittle under the next or I work out alittle more to burn it off. I like to see the results as MFP shows me. Just remember if you mess up keep going. Don't wait for the next week or month.. just start again right then!!
  • cassieday
    cassieday Posts: 55 Member
    you can SOOOO do this! i was a yo yo dieter forever and neve rhad success until i used this sight. Now i live a healthy lifestyla as opposed to being on a diet and for the first time feel really good about myself! It is so great because not only does it give you the tools to see what you are putting into your body AND log you exercise, there is a whole database of people here who are trying to achieve the same lifestyle change which means you have a TON of support! Having people to hold me up and keep me accountable has been whats kept me going! Feel free to add me if you need someone because without accountability buddies it is so much harder. Good luck!!!
  • Welcome =)

    You can do anything you set your mind to girlfriend! Good luck!!!! We are ALL here to encourage and support each other. Don't be afraid to reach out or post in our faces your successes! We want to be proud of you too =) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    My Fitness Pal has really helped me to understand every single thing that I stick into my mouth. I track it and at the end of the day, if I'm over on my calories or don't workout...then I understand WHY I'm not losing the weight and you will ultimately make healthier choices when eating. It's taken me a long time to get used to tracking everything that I eat. I have 2 small kids and I started to notice that I would eat the little bites that they didn't and in reality that all catches up to gaining more and more weight.

    I also think that by having friends (add me!) it's helpful and encouraging! You workout and everyone gives you a "Go Girl!' or when you weigh in, everyone congratulates you on even 1 oz. lost. So, give it a shot and I know that everyone here is supportive and we all keep eachother on track.

    Good luck!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Lost 82 in just under 7 months. It is all about know what and how of much we are putting into our bodies. Cutting back each week or so til we get down to about 1200 calories per day (women, men is about 1500) and uping that exercise every week.

    Increasing your protein and fiber to feel fuller longer and reduce sodium by cutting down on processed and fast foods.

    Make sure you get in your 64oz (8 cups) of water every day and I know you will see a difference.
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    While I have only lost 11 pounds since joining in middle of January, I also battled with migraines and cluster headaches which didn't help the exercise and eating situation!

    Anyways, I constantly quick diets and exercise programs all too quick because I don't see any weight loss in the beginning. Being able to see how many calories I'm really putting in my body was such an eye opener and has changed many of my eating habits! Also, seeing your friends on here exercising and posting their food diaries helps give you the motivation to do it as well and their encouragement is great! We are all in the same battle and can all understand each other!

    You can definitely do this if I can! Good luck and welcome! :)
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    this site is great...once I started logging my calories I started dropping the weight!! You dont have to be a health nut or know about 'healthy' any thing, once you start seeing what you are putting in your body on your food log it will click!

    Start looking at other plp diaries and finding better foods to eat. We are all here to give advice :smile:
  • Ljc3
    Ljc3 Posts: 46
    You seriously can! Toss your junk food- and stock up on good choices..use smaller plates..find a fun eay to be active..and hobestly lig everyday. I started taking mfp seriously not even a whole month ago and ive lost 17lbs already. That may seem like I starved or did something unhealthy but I didnt! I think it was just a shock of one extreme way of living and eating to another! Good luck!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    You can do this!
    Let us help you - and you'll be rockin and rollin in no time!!!
  • cranmuffin
    cranmuffin Posts: 25 Member
    You can totally do this! I've been on the heavy side of the "recommended" weight range for my height my whole life. In the last few years I've gained a few more pound than I expected (or realized). I found MFP earlier this year and since the beginning of February I've managed to lose 20 pounds just by counting calories. MFP makes it very easy. I have the app loaded on my iPod and I bring it with me every where I go.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • MFP has helped me lose 7 lbs in the 9 weeks that I have been using it. There really is no trick to losing weight it is really just as simple as cutting back on calories and exercising. However, you can't just cut back on the junk you are eating and expect to change your body. With exercise you need to fuel your body with lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Now, does that mean you can never eat something that you enjoy like a slice of pizza or a cheeseburger? Absolutely not! In fact, many people on here pick one day a week to have a meal that they enjoy after they had a good week of eating healthy. The key is to watch your portions and not over indulge and you will be fine. MFP is a great tool to help you develop a lifestyle change instead of just putting you on a diet to help you lose weight. Just ask yourself how bad do you want it, b/c if you want to go on that vacation in August looking great then here is your chance to go for it! Plus, you don't want August to come around and you are still in the same spot you are in now. YOU CAN DO IT!

    If you want any help or any advice feel free to add me as a friend :) Good luck!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I've only lost 3lbs in the 3 and a half weeks I've been here but I'm certainly feeling a lot healthier.
  • charliw8
    charliw8 Posts: 2
    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for commenting on my post.:happy: I am so grateful to you all for taking the time to reply. It was a very warm welcome and I now have the confidence to work hard and lose the weight.

    I have already recorded my food and exercise for the day. I have booked to attend a Zumba class tomorrow night and no doubt I will be on here tomorrow looking up tips for healthy meals.

    Thanks again.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I only wanted to lose about 5 lbs and ended up losing 6 lbs in just over 30 days. It's great. You can eat what you want.. but it makes you make smarter choices.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    This is actually my 3rd weight loss community website and I love it the best. Everyone on here is so nice and supportive. I have only recently really began to use this site to it's full advantage but I can tell it is going to really help me out. I lost about 50 pounds in 7 months and want to lose another 50. If you need some support and motivation, add me as a friend! We all need a great support system to help us along. Good luck on your journey! :happy:
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    this website is great because there is TONS of information on diet and exercise on the community forums (do a quick search and check it out!) and it breaks down the basics of losing weight= net calories. Figure out your NET calories and try to stick around there (do a quick forum search for eating your exercise calories too.. very useful info).

    Everyone here is super supportive too! Make sure you add a lot of people so you have friends to keep you accountable!
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