CampbellTony Member


  • 100g raspberries, 100g blackberries, 82g peeled banana chopped covered with a flavoured low cal yogurt. It was like a big bowl of dessert yumminess. was only a couuple of hundered calories and I was full for ages.
  • Find exercise you enjoy. This is probably the most important thing. If you are looking forward to each and every session, you've got it right.
  • How about a nice big chicken breast chooped up and stir fried with bean sprouts mushrooms, peppers and some greens. Chuck in some black bean sauce and you have a 10 minute meal thats delicious and very healthy. Adjust the amount of chicken to suit your required protein.
  • Me too, sounds great!!
  • I started going bald when I was 18, Now I'm 50, I'm blad apart from round the sides. I just get it trimmed to a No.1 length, and have no worries about it. If its good enough for Captain Picard, its good enough for me!!! Oh, and I'm totally silver (well, whats left anyway) :drinker:
  • I have the same predicament in August, My wife, daughter and myself are going to the Constance Moofushi resort in the Maldives. How will we survive :ohwell: I'l tell you how we'll survive. REALLY WELL!!! Lots of opportunities to be active outdoors, lots of fresh fish and fruit (not forgetting the odd drink or six). We wont…
  • If you are saying that there is no nutrition info in your college, go ask!!! They have a certain duty of care towards all students and will give you as much info as they can. Even if they give you the raw food weights etc, you'd be able to work it out. It only takes a bit of effort and time. And by the way, after looking…
  • Firstly, before changing your diet, get a new thyroid check done. Then, when you know its all fine, do your TDEE again and start measuring everything that goes past your teeth. NOT in cups, do it accurately weighing in grams on a digital scale. When you are at that point, and have not lost weight for three to four weeks,…
  • Eat calorie dense foods. Eat some good natural fats. Use some olive oil. Put butter on your toast. The list goes on.......
  • I use a fitbit too. I usually eat back at least some of them, because I earned them, so I'll enjoy them. I set MFP and FitBit to the same sedentary level and allow the fitbit to add calories if I've exercised enough.
  • It takes about 10 minutes out of my day to weigh mine, my wife and my daughters food for the whole 24 hrs. Even if you don't have 10 minutes, just get up 10 minutes earlier!! Theres one thing with weightloss and healthy eating, you either do it 100% or you end up asking, "why aren't I losing"............
  • What a load of bull !!! Green tea may have some good antioxidants in it, but it does not aid weightloss in any way. Also, any foods can be eaten, as long as they are within your calorie allowance. Obviously eating healthy lean meat, fruit, veg and carbs will be much better for your body. Forget the magic solutions, they…
  • The simple and most accepted answer is yes, but theory does not always follow practice. Everyone is different so will get differing results. The average person will loss roughly 1 lb of weight if using a 500 cal per day deficit. Some people will disagree and enjoy over complicating the issue, but I think you will find…
  • From what I understand, You should have MFP set to sedentary. All your calorie adjustments for all of your activity comes from Fitbit. I personally dont set for negative adjustments, that way my intake never falls below that of my sedentary level.
  • How in hells name do people regain all the weight if they lose more than 1 lb per week?? It hasn't got anything to do with how quick they lost it, it has to do with whether they then went and stuffed their faces with food. And, breakfast, apart from giving you some fuel to start the day, wont make you fat if you miss it.…
  • The best fat burning food is an oiled up pig. You have to catch it before you can eat a bit of it. Eating an excess of any food, even the mythical fat burning ones will cause weight gain. If there was a fat burning food or tablet, we'd all be on it and the world wouldn't be fat.
  • Can't understand the cup crap, I measure in weight only. If i can get it to the nearest gram I'm happy. A cup is a volume, not a weight. Calories are more easily determined by weight. Your logging is innacurate.
  • If you want to get fit, yes
  • Deffo get the scales. Be OCD about weighing and logging. You can either eat back your exercise cals, or not. Its up to you. If you don't, at least stay above your BMR. If you are working out, make sure you get plenty of protein. Stick to a calorie deficit, give your body time to adjust to any changes you make and you WILL…
  • Old saying........"you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family" Well done on the weightloss, you are doing great. Grab some friends on MFP and as well as getting support, you can be supportive to others. Its a win, win situation!!
  • Why are you doing it anyway? You dont mention anything about a structured eating plan or a healthy controlled intake? I can't imagine why anyone would want to go hungry. Its not needed if you are trying to lose weight or eat healthy.
  • My dead grandmother will be really peed off! She ate really fatty cuts of meat due to that being all they could afford back then. That and full fat milk, cheese, butter and fried stuff in lard. She died when she was 97. She might have lived to 170 if she had just eaten less of that crap. Oh wait.........she wasn't fat,…
  • 20 % less than TDEE is a good start. Some people like to set their TDEE with exercise included, some dont. They set their TDEE as sedentary and then eat back some or all of their exercise calories. I do the latter because my exercise days and amounts vary. As has been said by someone else, weigh everything that goes in…
  • Bananas, apples, tomatoes etc etc, all have sugar. Currently bananas are my sweet thing. I use them in oatmeal instead of sugar. Yummy and filling. I haven't eaten chocolate in about 2 months. I was given 2 squares of choc from a bar yesterday. It made me feel a bit queesy. Strange how quick your body changes for the…
  • Heres an idea and meant in the kindest way. If everyone on here that has offered calorie intake advice doesn't match with what you've read on the internet, why not ask one of the nutritionists at your work? Perhaps you'd trust the advice of a professional? There may be an underlying medical reason that your body is vastly…
  • Youve lost weight!!! Yeah, its a revolutionary diet system. I can eat anything I like and as much as I like, but I have to liquidize it and eat it from a colander using chopsticks. I'm not allowed to eat anything that runs through............
  • Dry egg noodles. Calorie info is for weight cooked and drained!!! How the *&^% do I know how much to put in the pot dry? Just tell me how many calories are in one of the pressed dry portions, honestly, I can handle the info!!!! And the water isn't going to add any extra calories.
  • I would say, if you have input your stats properly into the HRM, that it is more accurate than the machine readouts.
  • Love this thought.......brilliant :laugh: