Stupid question about 1,000 calorie deficit



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    She would probably lose more with the added exercise.

    Immediately, there would be little or no difference.

    Over time, the extra exercise would be building more muscle which burns more at rest.

    She would also be eating below her bmr at 1300 calories and while I don't buy starvation mode for a second, it would be difficult for her to get all the nutrition and energy her body truly needs eating at 1300 calories a day consistently, making it significantly harder not to overeat to begin with.

    So short term, they would probably lose about the same. Long term though, the method with exercise would lose more fat, and also result in being healthier overall.

    "So short term, they would probably lose about the same."

    That is what I am trying to prove. :happy:

    And side note: I totally agree with the 1,300 cals probably not being enough to meet nutritional needs with that amount of exercise.
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    The simple and most accepted answer is yes, but theory does not always follow practice. Everyone is different so will get differing results. The average person will loss roughly 1 lb of weight if using a 500 cal per day deficit. Some people will disagree and enjoy over complicating the issue, but I think you will find enough people on here, who are able to weigh their food and closely estimate calorific burn accurately enough to prove that 500 cals per day will result in 1LB loss per week (allowing for normal stuff such as water retention effects. I think, if measured over an extended period, the averge trend would support the 1lb/500 rule.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    These are all just hypothetical situations. I'm pretty sure I've rarely (if ever) personally burned 3,000 calories in a day!

    I wear a BodyMedia band and I burned over 3000 calories both days this weekend. Saturday I spent the day shopping, walking around in malls and such and then went on a 4 mile run when I got home. Sunday I went to the gym, 45 min on elliptical and then about an hour of weight lifting. Later in the day I cleaned house a little bit and then grocery shopped for 2 hours. I was on my feet, doing things all day, both days, until after dinner. It's very possible to burn over 3000 cals a day if you don't sit around all day.

    I also have a desk job M-F but have also gotten those burns before by running 3-4 miles in the morning and then going to Bootcamp in the evening.