im at a weight loss plateau !! i need help.

okay so for the past few months.. ive been messing around trying everything to lose these pounds. at first when i started i weighed in at like 240. then i got this app when i was like 220, and weight was melting off. now that im 184.. which took me weeeekss just to lose that pound, its taking so much longer to lose the weight.

im 5'11'' 184, and i think like 20 percent body fat, but last time i checked that i was 195. i run 3 miles every other day at a pace of 8 to 7:30. and i hit the weights hard. only weekends off. monday chest arms with cardio. tuesday legs and abs, wednesday just cardio. thursday shoulders and back and traps, with abs. friday legs with cardio. and usually weekends off unless i wanna hit abs or cardio a little more.

i do have a thyroid condition, so that could very well make things nearly impossible for me to lose weight, but its controlled by meds and i had no problem losing that first 40 pounds.

this site tells me to eat right now like 1990 calories.. but ive been doing that for a week or two and havent lost a thing. i dropped it to 1800 and lost a pound, thats where the 184 comes to play. it took about a week, but im afraid i maybe "starving myself" i guess if it works theres no need to change it, i just find it funny that id be using the same caloric deficit as i did when i first started out on this site when i weighd in over 220.

so i have no clue what to do. i used a calculator and its telling me 2000 something calories but if i cant lose weight on 1900, theres no way 2000 will do anything. idk what do you guys think? please help. its been months like almost 4 since ive lost more than a few pounds.


  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Your TDEE is an estimate. The only way to find what works is trial and error. If you are losing weight at 1900 and not at 2200...then stick to 1900. If you can lose at 2200, then why not lose and eat more? Find what works best for you.

    You should be very happy with your weight loss. 40lbs is a lot! You should focus on losing .5lbs a week. At your height you aren't too far from your goal weight.
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    Firstly, before changing your diet, get a new thyroid check done. Then, when you know its all fine, do your TDEE again and start measuring everything that goes past your teeth. NOT in cups, do it accurately weighing in grams on a digital scale. When you are at that point, and have not lost weight for three to four weeks, you can then review. It would be better to let people see your diary and perhaps then, they can give you some accurate nutritional advice. Good luck with your weightloss.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    5'11 and 184lb male.. ya its gonna be a slow road from here on out just so you know... Get a food scale (don't think your using one) and then you will really see how much your eating... The calories are right although you could probably eat more.. and trying something for 2 weeks isn't nearly long enough.