moxette Member


  • I don't crossfit, but I have used a heart rate monitor and played with net versus gross calories... lactate threshold versus max heart rate and through it all I have found that this little chart seems to be perfectly accurate if you aren't up for buying a heart rate monitor. HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN IN YOUR WORKOUTS?…
  • I got mine from which is trigger point performance. I used to think they were really pricey until I saw the amount of info you get when you buy it. You can learn how to use it for the issues you have now and as new ones come up you can go back to them for info. Their customer service is awesome too. I also…
  • Do you wear a heart rate monitor when you work out? Take your average heart rate for each workout (done with a monitor to be most accurate) and then enter it into this equation. Then take the total calorie burn for that and…
  • Totally fine to ask, that's how we learn right? Most of the fat burners (hydroxycut and others) are "thermogenics" the idea is that they speed up your heart rate and make your body work harder. They used to have a ton of ephedra (caffeine on steroids) and they did actually work. They also killed a lot of people, caused…
  • See a nutritionist and get your metabolism tested. It could be well worth it to understand if your body is "broken" or if you need some assistance on what you need to be doing to fuel yourself.
  • My sister has lupus. She was diagnosed at 38 after the birth of her 3rd child. She was able to drop her flares from 3 weeks to 1-2 days by getting really careful with what she put in her body. She says the cleaner she eats the better she feels and the shorter her flares. She doesn't avoid any whole foods (she eats gluten,…
  • a little tip from my Italian nonna (grandmother). Add the vinegar first if it isn't mixed. Otherwise the oil coats the veggies and the vinegar just slides off. Lemon vinaigrettes are great too and I love doing a sweet balsamic with herbs and heating it up for a warm dressing over salad or veggies. Here is a good basic…
  • Brilliant! And SOOOO right!
  • I am pretty sure I recommend this book at least once a week. "A course on weightloss" by Marianne Williamson. Its a beautiful tool for knowing what to do when your old demons want to take hold. If you buy it do the word association exercises early on in the book. I thought it would be a waste of time but promised myself I…
  • How about this? You have achieved your weight loss goal. Now it is time for a fitness goal! 10k? Triathlon, Rock climbing? Find a new passion. Imagine how cool your boys would think that was. CELEBRATE the new strong able body you have! It is the fitness goals that have kept me at this size for the last 8 years. And I…
  • There is a new one out that I think is called tapout tv that looks like fun. I personally love and its FREE check it out. Lots of archived workouts that require no equipment. They do use things like sand bags and dip stations but you can easily find substitutes for most of them. I usually just avoid the ones…
  • My sister is a nutritionist and she suggested I start around maybe 60? I am always over on my sugar because it doesn't separate fruit sugars from the others. So I just double check at the end of the day and make sure if I am over it is because of the fruits and not the junk.
  • Best book EVER Mariann Williamsons "A course on weight loss" I read it years after coming to terms with emotional eating and still cried my eyes out with sadness and happiness at having found it. It helped me realize that I wasn't a bad person when I "was bad" I just didn't know how much I was screwing with myself when…
  • I actually found that not logging on the weekends worked better for me. It allowed me to feel normal and take 2 days to be refreshed on Monday. I don't allow it to be an excuse to completely blow it on the weekends. I still try to eat smart and be an adult about it.
  • Sorry, just saw this post. Did you lose it after a few days? I think it is the altitude that does it.
  • I know I am always answering questions and I hope you don't mind... I can't help it! As always, go back to that old rule. Watch your appetite, watch your energy, watch your scale. You have changed things up dramatically in the last few weeks. Listen to your body not the computer. You are in tune enough at this point that…
    in Eating ? Comment by moxette June 2012
  • My husband has had 12 surgeries below the belt. blown knees, broken legs, ankles.... multiple hardware put in and taken out over 35 years. He LOVES his minimalists. He doesn't run in them but he wears them 12-14 hours a day at work. I have zero knee, ankle or foot problems and the frees and vibrams absolutely killed me. I…
  • I agree with Jay, I hunt quite a bit (my husband and I bowhunt elk) and we backpack a lot where we live in the Bighorns of Wyoming. I probably eat 5000 calories a day compared to my usual 1800 and I have never gained a pound. You will starve if you are hiking everyday and trying to work it out to "in town" numbers. Bring…
  • There are also lots of ways to lift. I have a friend doing it right now and she WANTS her arms. If you don't want the results of the program then I would suggest trying something else that will get you working toward the results you want., HIIT training with weights or KBs, TRX. These are all forms of non…
  • Well done! Addiction is hard cycle to break, there are cravings and habits to deal with giving up. I was a compulsive eater 10 years ago and I still occasionally have set backs. The good part is that one set back doesn't completely derail me like it used to. It isn't just about tomorrow being another day, but more "60…
  • training for a half ironman... never thought I would ever get to a point where that would seem remotely doable and yet here I am!
  • maybe you are asking to much of yourself on the diet you are on? Undereating causes overeating, and sometimes if you sacrifice too much your brain goes into rebel mode in the opposite direction. Be sure to allow yourself a few treats that fall within your diet boundaries. This is about a life you can sustain forever, not…
  • I am only posting this because I am done with bingeing but it took 8 years of hard work and blundering around trying to figure my brain out. I wish I had read this book in 1998 and would have saved myself a lot of heartache. I always thought it was about self control... I learned it was more about compulsion and addiction.…
  • The best thing about trying P90X at home is that if you need a break nobody else knows so don't be afraid! For pure results I know P90X is awesome but grueling. I think if you could do his workouts 2-3 times a week and then something a little less time consuming another 2-3 you would be set. and Zuzana Light…
  • YOUR BODY IS NOT BROKEN... log your food and follow the program. We have all been there and you know what? Sometimes it sucks and sometimes your body doesn't seem to want to lose as much as your mind wants to. But if you stick to it you will succeed. If it was easy we would all look like supermodels.
  • For those of you that think she is wanting to be too skinny... alot of it depends on age and also lean body mass. If she has never been heavy it could be a perfectly healthy number. I am 35 and 5'4 and I weigh between 125 and 130... I can't get much below 125 without starving but I also have a fairly high lean body mass…
  • I agree with being tired. Be sure to get some stuff that is convenience food but still healthy. Subway or a Starbucks smoothie are good choices when you are too busy to eat at home. I like veggie burgers, turkey burgers, canned soups, we had eggs tonight cuz we were starving and worn out. Even sandwiches or pita sandwiches…
  • I haven't really ever had one I didn't like, but the one I wear now is a polar and I constantly forget to take it off because it fits so well. I find myself getting ready to shower and realizing, whoops! They have a good name in the industry and seem to last longer than my garmin, acumen and ironman ones ever did.